Disclaimer: I am not Neil Gaiman or Terry Pratchett, nor am I affiliated with them in any way; I didn't write one of the most mind-blowing books ever; slash isn't canon; I'm making no money with this fic, although I did get ten bucks for babysitting today. ButI digress. Everybody loves reviewers; flames will cook my shish kabobs (which is not dirty slang, thatnk you very much, but a dish of skewered meat and vegetables) .
Summary: It's Good Omens slash non-rhyming angsty poetry. Kill me now before I do it myself.
"This Cannot Go On"
Against the cold
Frostbitten bars
Of a Hellish prison
A black haired child weeps.
The crystal tears
Freeze on his pale cheeks.
Nobody asks who he is
Or what he's done.
Everybody knows.
Surrounded by light
A golden boy
Stares vacantly, not realizing
He is locked away
From darkness and himself
In holiness, purity, and marble.
Nobody asks about him
Or why he is alone.
Everybody knows.
Cloaked in fiery majesty
Satan on his throne
Knows that This
Cannot go on.
Veiled in radiant glory
God in his Heaven
Knows that This
Cannot be allowed.
Turn back the clock, but
The emptiness remains.
Close your eyes, but
Love will stay the same.
Angels and demons
Fight in the burning sky.
In the gray spaces
Between Black and White
Two lovers hold each other;
Two pairs of wings,
Each around the other,
Black and white,
In ecstasy entwining.
They cry, who can say "Fallen"?
Who can claim Right or Wrong?
Why is love now forbidden?
They ask, why can This not go on?
Turn back the page;
A black-haired child weeps.
A golden boy is put away
In storage. Why do They
Hide away the evidence?
Why can This not go on?