This is not another chapter, somehow the last chapter got deleted and I had to return it, because you new readers must know how it end!

Fred was looking around "I have an announcement to make" He said loudly everyone looked at him.

He knelt down on one knee; Angelina looked down at him as he pulled a small black box out of his pocket.

"Angelina Johnson" He said clearly "Will you marry me?"

Angelina screamed with joy "Yes, yes oh Fred YES"

Fred smiled "Sounds like last night" Angelina rolled her eyes.

"Don't ruin the moment" she said laughing. Fred slipped the golden ring on her finger.

Everyone rushed over to congratulate her and Fred. Thirty minutes had gone by and everyone except Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron were on the dance floor.

"I'm very happy for Fred and Angelina" Hermione said watching them dance.

"Yeah, it's about time, I mean they've shagged enough" Ron said with a grin to Hermione.

"Don't even think it Bon bon" Hermione said smiling and shaking her head.

"First of all, I don't want to shag you Hermione" Ron said shaking his head.

Hermione smiled proud of him, Harry then heard him say something under his breath.

'I want to do more then that' Ron tried to whisper to Harry. Ginny of course overheard and began to laugh hysterically.

"Secondly, it is not Bon bon, it was Won won" Ron said matter-of-factly.

Hermione had to hold on to Ginny as she began to laugh. "That makes it all the better"

Ron rolled his eyes and said to Harry "It's a good thing she's hot"

Harry rolled his eyes and smiled. "You're pretty thick in the head you know that"

Ron nodded "That's why everyone loves me" He said with a huge grin.

"I doubt it" Harry said looking around. Harry thought he was hallucinating when he seen someone in a black cloak appear in the bush.

"Did you see that?" Ginny asked, apparently he wasn't. Harry nodded.

"What do you think it was?" Ginny asked patting Hermione on the shoulder to grab her attention.

Moments later the person appeared in front of everyone it was Draco Malfoy.

"Hello mudblood" He yelled "I'm here to kill you're precious Granger and Weasly"

Harry heart sunk as a he put a hand on Ginny's arm, He watched Ron wrapped his arms around Hermione.

"Avada Kedavra" Bellowed Draco. Ron pushed Hermione to the ground along with himself.

Everyone was in a panic and was frozen on the dance floor except Remus, who was walking over now, but Draco tried again. "Avada Kedavra"

This time aiming at Ginny; Harry pushed her aside about to take death for her.

Remus had already pushed Harry down along with himself.

The shot of green light bounced off the mirror and hit.

Draco? He killed himself?

Everyone walked over.

"Ironic" Angelina said looking down at Draco's life less body.

George shrugged.

"Unbelievable" Hermione said looking at Ron "You saved me" She said kissing him on the cheek.

Harry did not care that Draco had just killed himself all he could say was "He tried to kill Ginny and Hermione"

Ginny stood up "But he didn't you saved me and Ron saved Hermione"

"Doesn't matter" Harry said sternly. "It's time"

Many in the crowd asked 'time for what?' but Ginny knew what Harry had meant, so did Hermione and Ron.

"I love you Ginny," Harry said kissing her swiftly "Bill Fleur I wish you all the luck in the world, Same to you Fred and Angelina, Mr. and Mrs. Weasly I love you too" He said stepping over Draco's body.

Ron sighed and hugged his mother and his sisters. Hermione bit her lip and waved.

Harry was now marching away from the burrow, Hermione and Ron waved at everyone.

"You two still coming" He called back at them.

"Yeah" Ron yelled trying to catch up; Hermione took off her heels and began to jog to Harry.

They had finally caught up now walking in a line together, Ron's arm around Hermione, and Hermione's around Harry.

"Harry mate, we might have to make a pit stop" Ron said looking around.

"We already attended the wedding what else is there to do" Harry asked with a small sigh.

"I have to use the loo" Ron said biting his lip Harry and Hermione burst with laughter.

"Ron" They said in unison. Hermione kissed Ron on the cheek, and Harry smiled.

"We'll make a stop at the three broomsticks" Harry said rolling his eyes.

"Thanks mate" Ron said happy to know he would be relieved.


Ginny smiled and sighed "It's time" She said to herself as she watched her brother, her boyfriend, and her best friend walk off into the sunset to fight evil and save the wizarding world.



Ha ha okay blah blah sad for me, yada yada this is teh end sequel coming soon I'm working on it!