Gabriella and Ryan broke apart to a silent auditorium, which suddenly broke out into thunderous applause of approval. Gabriella blushed and looked out at the crowd while Ryan rubbed the back of his head nervously and gave a small wave to the cheering students.
The whole cast stepped back and watched the curtain go down; staying completely silent until they were sure they were out of site. They then started jumping about, whooping, celebrating and in a certain couple's case, kissing.
Ryan and Sharpay held they're usual after-opening-night party that everyone promptly departed to. At the party Ryan and Gabriella pretty much spent the whole night entwined together. Well, that is, until someone shoved a microphone into Ryan's hand and pulled him up onto a table.
Then, someone lifted Gabriella up and placed her gently next to him. Sharpay grinned wickedly and pressed play on the CD player.
The familiar melody of "I Should Tell You," filled the room and Ryan turned away from Gabriella, running a hand through his unruly hair, rolling his eyes at his sister's love of RENT.
"I should tell you I'm disaster; I forget how to begin it…" He sang, turning back to Gabriella and arching his eyebrow.
She took the microphone from him and brushed a hand down his cheek, "Let's just make this part go faster, I have yet to be in it, I should tell you…"
"I should tell you…"
"I should tell you…" They sang, continuing to be sickly sweet towards one another.
Finally finishing softly, in they're own world, "Here goes, here goes, here goes…" They murmured, kissing yet again to finish it off. Everyone applauded and clapped but Troy, who had been fighting an eternal battle within himself for the last few months.
Gritting his teeth he plucked up his courage and cleared his throat. "There's something I need to tell you! Sharpay, I'm in love with you!" He exclaimed, turning around to see a very surprised Martha Cox standing behind him, clutching a hand over her mouth.
Troy jumped. "Shit! Sorry! Wrong person! Um, you're very pretty?" He offered awkwardly before rushing through the crowd of applauding teens, until he found Sharpay standing with her hands on her hips and a proud smirk on her face.
He gripped her shoulders, spun her around and kissed her. Everyone in the crowd gasped then started clapping, except Martha Cox, who was crying.
Ryan leaned down and took Sharpay's hand, pulling her up next to him, while she turned around, grabbing Troy's hand so they all ended up on the table.
They all looked around at each other, and then chanted, "Viva! La Vie! Boheme!"
Well I suppose this is it, it's been real guys! I really loved writing this story and receiving all of the feedback from you! This story is pretty much as Lucas says, "Cheese whiz up the wazoo!" Especially this chapter. I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I did and as always please send the final reviews ): and I will catch you all later! Byee!