I'm not sure when this is, or even what I was thinking when I wrote this. Obviously, I do not own KOTOR. Or else all the jedi knights would be penguins with trench coats running around with juma. Its best if you read this when you are hyper. ;) Read and review!

"Greetings mortal." I said, shaking my friend Carth's hand.

He looked confused, but said nothing of my behavior.

"Please, be seated." I said, motioning to a nearby chair.

He sat down slowly, watching my every move.

"So, whats up with the mortals thing?" Carth asked after a moment of awkward silence.

"I never said anything about mortals." I replied immediately.

"Yes you did."


"Just a moment ago when I came in."

"Oh my!" I shouted, jumping to my feet. I paced back and forth for several minutes, whilst Carth watched me silently. I sat down abruptly, staring at the floor.

Carth tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Are you alright dude?" he asked.

I looked up at him, jumping to my feet once again. "Alright! I am fine! Just peachy! Brilliant! Why should you think otherwise!" I shouted, much to my dismay later on as my lungs ached.

Carth pushed himself against the back of his chair in effort to get away from me.
"Okay.." he said in a small voice.

"Carth, I have something serious and important to tell you." I said firmly, sitting back down.

"Um, alright..." he said slowly, still in shock.

"I have been to the doctor lately!" I shouted, starting to cross and uncross my legs, not knowing which I preferred.

"Any good news?" Carth said trying to remain calm, obviously now scarred of what I would do.

"No! None at all! He says that I should go the mental hospital since my recent speeder-" I started to say but stopped within a second. "I smell something.."

Carth lifted his head, sniffing the air. "I don't smell anything." he said, looking back over at me.

I crawled out of my chair, creeping along the floor I sniffed the floor panels until I came to the door. "I smell cheese..." I whispered, starting to open the door.

Carth ran over to me, pulling me back to the chair. "Alright, you were talking about your crash." he said, sitting down.

"Oh yes, my speeder crash supposedly made me 'crazy' the doc says. You don't think there's anything wrong with me do you?" I asked,
while I was talking I turned upside down in my chair after feeling the need to act like a owl.

Carth smiled, shaking his head, now getting used to my craziness and being amused by my peculiar activities.

"What are you so happy about!" I demanded, starting to feel left out.

"I'm just happy to be here, having this conversation with you." Carth said, grinning.

I shrugged, not really knowing what he was talking about, probably some tap dancing penguins, those are always funny right?
"Well I'm glad you liked them." I said, folding my hands behind my back.

"Liked what?" Carth asked, his smile fading.

"The tap dancing penguins I sent you." I simply stated, still smiling.
Carth frowned, standing up. "When did you send them?" he asked.

"A few days ago, they should be at your apartment by now." I said, but I never received his thanks for he was already making a mad dash for his apartment.

Carth does seem to get over excited sometimes.