Notes: For the imformation of gaining my interenst in Digimon for a year, I decided to make a crossover. I couldn't do a crossover due to my writers block I hate that! This is the creation of my two pure interest's: Danny Phantom and Digimon! I hope you like it, because I worked too hard to quit on it. This takes place after Digimon 02 and Season 2 Danny Phantom! I hope you like it, drum role please! (drum role plays) and now onto this epic- digital and ghost adventure: Digi-Phantom!
Title Caption: Phantom Digivolve to...
Screen Title Card: Three digivices showing; Danny, Sam and Tucker being held by a black, clawed hand of the mysterious Digimon.
Summary: Five years ago, when the trio was young the encountered their first Digimon fight then mysteriously disappeared. Five years later, after a mysterious accident they reappeared in the digital world. Now as the new Digi-destined, their goal is stop all evil in the digital world and hopefully return home safe. For how long will they save the new world and their own? Find out on Digi-Phantom!
Di Di Di...
Di Di Di...
Di Di Di...
Digital Monsters!
Digimon are the champions!
Digital Monsters!
Digimon are the champions!
Change into Digital Champions to save the Digital World!
Digital Monsters!
Digimon are the champions!
Digital Monsters!
Digimon are the champions!
Digivolve into champions!
Armor Digivolve!
Digimon! Digital Monsters! Digimon are the champions!
Digital Monsters!
Digimon are the champions!
Digimon! Digital Monsters...
Ch. 1 "5 years ago"
It was quiet in the 'past' of Amity Park; this was way before ghost activity and the creation of Danny Phantom. It was a quiet morning in the park as a young 10 year old Danny Fenton came along to play. He was about 4 feet tall, with messy black hair and blue eyes, he was pretty naïve, and he had good grades about B average. Along with him were his two best friends Sam Manson and Tucker Foley.
Sam, technically a Goth hated bright and cheery colors, she is unique and likes to be an individual, plus she is a vegetarian. Tucker Foley, is technically a techno-geek even in the past, he always carried his PDA with him everywhere.
"Hey guys" said 'young' Danny to his friends, and they looked at him. "Well it is fun to be here, instead of with my parents" she said to the guys. "Let me guess their trying to get you to wear another pink dress again" Tucker giggled at this, "Yes they are no matter how many times I told them!" she exclaimed.
They started to laugh when Danny suddenly stopped and began to look around. "Danny is there something wrong?" said Tucker to his friend. "I thought I heard someone calling and it's nearby" he replied still searching, "Danny its not that we believe you its-ouch!" Tucker was cut-off when Sam hit him. "Someone help me please" said a voice, Danny heard it and went to a nearby bush and stared in awe at what he had found.
"Danny what is it?" she asked when she saw what he was staring at; it was pale and tan, it had no legs, but a tail, it had a small tan frill around its head and tiny cat ears. Danny was about to get closer when he heard a voice behind, "Danny wait, you don't know what it is anyway!" Tucker shouted. He was about to step back, when he saw a small wound on its forehead. "Wait guys, it's injured" he replied back at his friends and slowly reached an open hand and carefully stroke its forehead. It groaned a bit before opening its eyes and they group stared at it in awe. "W-What happened?" it cried in a small voice, which surprised them.
"Who are you are what are you?" Danny asked to the strange creature who blinked its eyes and came closer "I'm Friimon, a Digimon known as a Digital Monster" the called Friimon replied. "What are you doing here Friimon?" Sam asked the weird creature. "I don't know, I can't remember what had happen?" Friimon said with confusion in his voice.
The trio looked the little Digimon before exchanging glances at each other. Then suddenly Friimon began to slightly move from his place. "Hold on there, we don't know if you're fully recovered yet" Danny said as he picked the little Digimon up. "What are we going to do?" said Tucker glancing at his friends with answers.
"I don't know if we can take it home, because I don't know how my parents would react" Sam replied and Danny started to speak up "Guys, I think their something wrong with Friimon," he replied as he saw the Digimon in his arms starting to glow and jumped out of his arms.
"Friimon come back!" he shouted "come on guys lets hurry!" and they followed it down town. The glowing faded and to his surprise the little creature he once knew was about the size of a bike; it looked like a medium-sized lion with a collar on.
"Friimon?" he asked timidly at the giant lion and it noticed him, but it wasn't an innocent look in the eye he previously expected it was a vicious glare. Without warning the lion lunged itself at the tiny Danny, he dodged out of the way still barely escaping with a scratch. Sam managed to catch up and found Danny with a small scratch on his cheek "Danny are you alright?" she asked her friend and he nodded silently, when they heard a scream.
They ran over to see what they had found their friend, but he was being held by a large green creature; he had huge fangs, skull bones painted on his body and carrying a large club. "I thought after traveling I would settle for a snack, but I didn't expect to get three for the price of one" he said deviously at the trio. Sam ran up to him and kicked him in the leg to no avail had effect.
"Good dessert for the road" he laughed as lifted Sam into the air and was close to his mouth. Danny was standing by not knowing what to do 'My friends are in trouble, I have to save them but how I can't do anything' he thought with no hope.
Then he heard a shout "Fist of the Beast King!" and a blast hit the monster making him topple over and released the kids from his grasp. He looked behind seeing a lion standing on two feet and had a knife with it 'Is that Friimon, he grew into that other lion and now he is a giant' he thought with amazement.
"You kids better get out of here!" the lion replied and without warning they left all except Danny who wanted to stay. "Danny what are you doing?" shouted Tucker who was surprised at this. The lion looked back at seeing the kid wasn't running away "There is nothing you can do get away from here!" he shouted, while distracted the ogre whacked him with his club.
"Danny lets go!" Sam shouted as she saw Danny didn't budge, he was thinking about how was he gonna stop that thing. He noticed a rock past his knee, he got an idea hopefully he can do it in time. He lifted it up with all his might and carried it towards the fight, "Danny your gonna get yourself killed!" Tucker shouted from a distance.
What seemed to an eternity he managed to get close in the battle, with all of his strength he managed to throw the rock to throw the rock at the ogre. He cried out in pain giving the lion the chance to attack, all of sudden a flashing light appeared and the two monsters vanished without a trace.
"What had happend?" Danny asked in confusion at this, meanwhile Sam and Tucker were at this and they looked back Danny. Then Tucker began to talk "That was so ... cool!" he said excitedly. Then Sam looked at her friend with a smile on her face "That was so brave Danny!" she said as she hugged him.
"Thanks Sam, but I have a feeling that we might meet those things someday" he replied as he gazed at some of the destroyed area, unknowingly waiting for their future that will change their lives forever.
Next time on Digi-Phantom:
"Danny you alright?" said Jazz as she looked at her brother who just shrugged at this "I don't know, but I feel something is going to happen soon" he said as he saw the look on his sister's face. "Danny I-" she was cut off when they felt the ground move and felt a strong breeze coming at them.
He ran to find his friends despite his sisters warning, then streams of bright lights shot out from the sky.
"What is happening?" he asked to no one in particular as the lights headed towards the ground and he went over to get a better look at one of them 'Oh my god!' he thought at this.
Author's Note: I don't own Danny Phantom and Digimon, the reason I made this is my first crossover and I want it too be good. I put alot of effort in making this and months of writers block. Don't blame me ok!
P.S.- Thanks for supporting Danny Phantom! Nick may reconsider and keep the show. Next scene shows five years later in the human world, Danny has a strange dream, weird things happening, and a giant portal to another universe. I've been giving too much out and see you next time on this. And don't forget no flames; just reviews.
I hope you enjoy this.