The Death God
Chapter 1: Genius is born
Naruto was crying as the fourth was holding him. He was standing on top of the frog boss.
"Arashi; you sure you want to do this?"
"I do. My son will be the last of my clan as well as his mother's. I have to insure his safety and wealth. Forgive me my son for the burden I will give you." The fourth whispered as he prepared for Konoha's newest hero.
"Kyubbi. I do not know why you attack our peaceful village, but I will defeat you and protect my village. As the Yondaime Hokage I will see to it that you will fall." Arashi shouted.
Kyuubi only gave out a huge roar. Then spoke in its deep voice.
"Foolish mortal. I am the King of Demon; ruler of the tail beast. No mortal or demon as ever defeated me. I shall pity your words when I kill you." The Kyuubi cried out.
The Yondaime started to make hands seals.
"Kyuubi, this is your end. I have called the Death God. Now your soul is trap and strip from your body." The Fourth shouted.
"Nooooo. I cannot be defeated by a mortal. This is impossible. I hate you Kazama…" Kyuubi yelled as he was being pulled into the fourth's son.
The Great Kyuubi, Nine-tail fox, fell to the ground.
The people, seeing the monster Nine-tails fall to the ground dead gave a huge wave of cheers. Then silence when they saw the Fourth Hokage being carried by ANBU. One ANBU Captain was holding a baby.
The Sandaime Hokage step forward.
"Hokage-Sama. I'm sorry to inform you but the Fourth Hokage; the Yondaime is dead." The ANBU Captain told them. Trying to hold back the sadness in his voice.
"What of the child you have in your arms."
"A letter was address to you from the fourth." The ANBU handed him a letter.
The third read the letter. The people were also eager to know of the mystery child.
"So the Fourth couldn't kill the Nine Tail fox. So he sealed it into the boy. The Fourth also tells me…"
"Let's kill the boy then. It's only the nine tails disguise as a small boy." A person in the crowd shouted.
Soon crowd try to get the child out of the ANBU's arm.
The third step foreword. He quickly took the small boy and jump to the roof. The ANBU was trying to get the crowd under control.
The Third final could make himself heard after several loud minutes.
"People of Konoha, please listen to me." The Third yelled.
Silence fell.
"I have orders from the fourth." The third shouted.
"So you're going to kill it?" A villager shouted.
"No. The fourth wants me to tell you all that this boy, Naruto is to be treated as a hero. He is not the Nine Tail fox and no harm is to come to him." The third shouted.
"What? I say kill the monster."
"Silence. Sense I see you all are going to make this tough I am going to issue some new laws regarding Naruto; Rule one. You cannot tell your children about what Naruto and the Nine Tail Fox. Rule two; if anyone tries or even attempts to kill or harm Naruto, that is an act of treason and that person/s will be executed without trail or expectations." The third yelled.
The crowd shut up after that. They clearly knew this was no joking matter. They all left to their homes and many shinobi; mostly ANBU; ANBU were picking up the dead shinobi everywhere. The Third knew this was going to be a problem for Naruto. He couldn't tell the people this was the fourth own son.
Five years later Naruto Kazama came back to the Hokage tower to show the Third his headband. For only five years old he was far smarter then most people twice his age.
"Old man look I'm a Genin." Naruto shouted as he burst into the old man's office.
The old man was busy making teams when Naruto burst in. The boy had so much energy it was impossible to know where it came from.
"That's good Naruto. Anything else?"
"Yea. I'm rookie of the year." Naruto was jumping up and down like a little boy who got a very big birthday present.
"That's great Naruto. Now I have to arrange the teams. I'll train with you soon." The third told the youngster.
The third laugh as Naruto ran out into his favorite training grounds.
The 64 Division ANBU was always to keep an eye on him in case of the villagers had any ideas of revenge.
The old man decided to teach Naruto some Jounin jutsu. His achievement is far greater then his father. If Naruto kept his dreams, he would no doubt be a Hokage.
7 years later Naruto was standing on top of his fathers face on the Hokage Monument. His ANBU uniform was hidden in a black cloak. Naruto had a special black fox mask.
"I thought you might be here Death God."
Naruto turn around to see an ANBU Dog mask looking at him.
"Kakashi-niisan. What are you doing here?" Naruto asked to someone who has been a big brother to him.
"Did the third tell you what he was going to do?"
"Yes. I'm off the ANBU force. I'm going to be training a group of Genins. Sigh. The boring missions are going to haunt me."
"Well, the third as ask me for me to coach you threw it. Since you have no real experience with Genins I thought I could lend you a hand."
"Did the Third say that or did you beg for that position?"
Kakashi look shock.
"Ok so you got me. You're going to be training people who are your age Naruto."
"I know."
"Well let's go for the team selection meeting. We don't want to keep the third waiting."
Naruto only smiled behind his mask. The meeting was going to start at 11. No doubt the third told him it was going to start at 9. Naruto tried to hold himself from laughing.
Kakashi and Naruto went into a room full of Jounin's. Mostly the elites to the rookies.
"Naruto, Kakashi. Nice of you to join us."
Naruto and Kakashi walk up to the Hokage. The Third handed Naruto a file of his three students.
"Hinata Hyuuga?"
"Yes. The heiress of the Hyuuga's. She lacks a lot of things. I hope you can make her powerful."
Naruto nodded and look back at the folder.
"Sasuke Uchiha?"
"Isn't he the sole survivor of the Uchiha clan?" Kurenai, the rookie Jounin asks.
"Yes indeed."
Naruto look at his last student.
"Rai Arashamaru."
Silence fell.
"So he is the survivor of the fourth star massacre."
"Yes. The only person of the compound to have survived Kyuubi's first wave attack."
"Hokage-Sama. Do you think it's wise to put him in my squad? If he finds out I house Kyuubi he might try to kill me."
"Naruto you know that you can change a person destiny. You have proven that before. Now what do we have here."
Rai and Sasuke were locking eyes with each other. They seem to be given off killer intent as everyone in the room look at them.
Shikamaru who was known as the lazy genius accidentally bump into Rai causing both Sasuke and Rai to kiss.
Naruto grew a sweat drop as many girl started to pound Rai for 'stealing their first kiss'.
"Alright class. Settle down. Today you are all Genin of the Hidden Leaf village. 'No you're not. Your real test is about to begin.' So you have all earn the name and title. (Again, the Jounin's aren't going easy with this one.) Now for the teams." He called out each team and their team's sensei.
When he got to team seven he pause before talking again.
"Team 7 is really lucky this time. Rai Arashamaru; Hinata Hyuuga; and Sasuke Uchiha. You're Jounin sensei is the Death God."
"Who?" Rai yelled out.
"The Death God. Also known as Konoha very own Naruto Kazama." Iruka replied.
"Death God? How is he a death god?" Some one yelled.
Naruto knew Iruka wouldn't be able to explain. So he teleported straight to Iruka's classroom door.