A/N: Well when I started this I never planned for Kitsune to tag along but it sounded good at the time…so I did it…then I didn't think about a pairing between her and Keitaro until chapter two, then I was like "oh crap".
Though there aren't enough of them, I just don't feel like doing a Kei x Kit story but that doesn't mean things still can't happen between them and if you don't like that I'm sorry but I just don't have the skill, yet, to pull off a GOOD Kei x Kit story right now.
Also, this story takes place ALONG SIDE Halo 2's
story and isn't just a rehash. I link together game events with my own
to keep it familiar.
As always, remember,
don't expect a novel here, OOC-ness happens, and so does bad
language. I'm pretty sure this will stay at a 'T' rating.
Halo: Hinata Evolved
A Day
At The Beach
In the confined alleyways of Old Mombassa…
Kitsune dodged another sniper shot by ducking behind a conveniently placed old trash dumpster. She turned her Battle Rifle around the corner of the dumpster and blindly fired. The sound of a Grunt screaming in pain was nice but it was the low screech of a Jackal that she needed to hear.
Cursing herself again for getting separated from the group Kitsune decided to try and find another way around to get the enemy sniper. If she could flank it and kill it she would have her very own Covenant Beam Rifle. Kitsune always had a thing for sniping and the thought of tearing the Covenant a new one with their own weapon seemed highly appealing to her.
"Now if I could just…ah ha" Kitsune spotted a grenade on the ground and thought up a quick plan. She dove out from behind her cover and grabbed the grenade and then quickly she dove back behind the dumpster just barely, again, missing getting shot by the Jackal.
"Now all I gotta do is toss it near it and hope it gets distracted with the explosion"
Kitsune pulled the pin out of the grenade and took a deep breath. She lobbed the grenade down the alley and as hit the ground she did a quick counting down.
"Two…One" The grenade blew up with a loud bang and sent smoke and dirt into the air. Kitsune took this opportunity to jump into the open and run behind a building on the other side.
When the smoke cleared the Jackal searched around for its target. So focused on finding the human the Jackal didn't hear something come up behind it.
"Owned bitch" Kitsune said just before she pulled the trigger. The jackal, having no time to move, merely growled as its life was ended in a spray of purple blood. Kitsune looked down at her kill and pulled out a little handheld electronic device she had found in her backpack earlier. She turned it on and a little list popped up on the screen. She marked a few things down on it the smiled.
"Twelve Grunts, six Jackals, eight Drones, and last but not least three Elites. I swear if Keitaro has more kills then me I'll be upset" Kitsune turned off the device and put it in her pocket. She looked down at the Beam Rifle and couldn't help but feel like a little kid at Christmas time.
She strapped her Battle rifle over her shoulder and picked up the Beam Rifle. She looked through its digital scope and then bounced it in her hands. "Other then being lighter it doesn't seem different then our standard issue Sniper Rifle" She held it proudly in both of her hands as she continued walking through the maze like alleyways.
Inside the 'Hotel Zanzibar'…
Keitaro was in a state of panic. "We're surrounded Sir" He said while looking outside. There were two Grunts positioned on turrets, Three Grunts up high inside of a hole in a blown out building, and finally a white armored Elite commanding the group. Not only were they out front but they were also in the back of the building currently in a firefight with a few marines.
"Son, I need you to calm down and focus" Sergeant Stacker said as he put a reassuring hand on Keitaro's shoulder. Keitaro took a deep breath and it seemed to calm his nerves…a little.
"Okay, so what should we do to take those guys out"? Keitaro asked.
"Well let me think a little" Stacker stood there for only a second before he turned around and yelled to a marine "Perez, get your ass over here now"
"Sir?" the marine known as Corporal Perez responded.
"I want you to pop around that corner and start firing on the Elite standing outside. You can't miss him; he's big, white, butt ugly, and probably smells bad too. While you do that Keitaro and I will sit back, watch the fireworks, and eat some popcorn."
"…" Was both Keitaro's and Perez's response.
"That's the best I can come up with right now. Look, we have limited options and even less space to do it in. I hate to say it but we're up shit creek without a paddle at the moment. I can only hope the first squad can get here in time".
Keitaro's hope of ever seeing his friends again was fading fast. Luckily for him the sound of gunfire was heard in the courtyard out front. The group peered outside to see four marines and the Master Chief mowing down the Covenant from behind. They took out all but the single Elite.
The white Elite looked at its fallen comrades and let out a large growl. It threw down its Plasma Rifle and pulled out its Energy Sword. The enraged Elite charged at the Chief, the whole time getting shot by seven marines and the Chief himself. Being an Ultra class Elite it had extremely resilient shields that could take a lot of damage…that being said even its shields were no match for the barrage of bullets pummeling it at the moment and soon the shields failed and it was Keitaro who was able to shoot it in the back of the head making it collapse into a pile in front of the Chief.
"Nice shot Urashima" Stacker smacked Keitaro's back hard. Keitaro winced a little but didn't yelp. Living in an all girls dorm for three years tends to either toughen you up or make you have a psychotic episode and Keitaro's had both.
Keitaro looked around at the first squad and noticed Kitsune's absence. He walked up to one of the first squads marines and asked him "Do you know where a marine named Mitsune Konno is" The marine looked at him for a second till he figured out who Keitaro was talking about.
"Well she was with us after the Pelican was shot down but we got separated in the alleyways" The marine noticed Keitaro's mood darken, so he added "But I'm sure she's fine. She was pretty good with a BR".
Keitaro knew that Kitsune was a good shot but he was still worried. He just hoped she would be all right on her own.
Sergeant Stacker walked forward as the first squad came into the building and stopped in front of the Master Chief.
"Chief! Glad you could make it. Crash sites on the other side of this hotel Chief. The Covenant are crawling all over it" He turned around and started walking down a dark hallway "Follow me".
As the group of moved towards the back of the hotel they seen one of the guards stationed there being shot in the face by an enemy Plasma Rifle.
"Quick, stay out of sight" Stacker ordered his group. They all stopped and hid in the doorways indented into the walls.
Two Elites and three Grunts came running into the dark corridor. Seeing that the halls were clear the group of five aliens dumbly marched forward. They were oblivious to the marines right next to them as they move passed the darkened doorways.
The Master Chief hand signaled Stacker a plan to take the aliens out and he silently nodded his head in agreement. Stacker gestured to Keitaro and Perez and pointed to the three Grunts. He then made a slit throat gesture and the two nodded.
Stacker and the Chief silently rose from their positions and crept behind the dimwitted Elites. They raised the butts of their guns and in synch with each other slammed the weapons hard onto both of the Elites' vertebrae, instantly assassinating the two 'powerful' aliens. The Grunts turned around when they heard the two thumps and were all instantly shot in the faces.
"Good work marines. Lets move forward," The group continued walking through the darkened halls until they reached the back where the sun was shining in. Stacker looked down at the marine who was shot in the face earlier and just sighed. He knew he was dead. He crouched down and grabbed the deceased marines dog tags and they then continued on outside.
There were a few Grunts stationed around but there were no signs of any other covenant. After the Grunts were dealt with the marines figured they would have to move down the beach to meet up with their allies.
Keitaro looked into the distance and seen the explosions coming from Mombassa. He also noticed something coming towards them.
"Hey Sir, what's that" Keitaro pointed towards the object. Stacker took a good hard look into the distance and instantly recognized what was coming.
"Oh Shit," He cursed, "We got a Phantom inbound, marines get into position," Stacker ordered.
All of the marines crouched into an ambushing position and stayed hidden as the alien drop ship swooped in right above them. It hovered there for about thirty seconds before it released its cargo. Two Elites and a few Grunts were lowered down onto the ground. The drop ship flew off and the group of aliens walked towards the building where they were told they had taken over a human infested building.
The problem is that the Elites who, unknown to them, were just killed by a small group of humans had sent the transmission they received. So as they are walking towards the human made building they have no clue that they are about to be ambushed.
Eight humans jumped from their hiding spots and open fire on the helpless Covenant. The five aliens were quickly eliminated like they were nothing. If you were to talk to the now dead aliens they would probably tell you something like "Miscommunications a bitch".
In the distance the marines heard the all too familiar engine noise of a certain vehicle. A machine gun Warthog rolled up to their position honking its horn like it was in a monster truck rally. The three-passenger war vehicle stopped next to the marines.
"Special delivery from Commander Keyes, Chief" The driver said as he got out and jumped onto the back of the vehicle where the machine gun was mounted. The Chief wordlessly got into the drivers seat.
"I got shotgun," A marine yelled as he jumped into the passengers seat. The Chief peeled out and was instantly driving down the beach like a bat out of hell.
"So I guess we get to go on foot," Keitaro said with the enthusiasm of a really depressed person.
"Oh come on" Perez tried to cheer him up "You know you could use the exercise"
Keitaro just sighed as he figured his already long day would now get even longer. The group of six marines jogged down the sandy beach. As they were moving down the beach Keitaro spotted the crash site of the Pelican they were flying in.
"Hey Perez, can you come with me real quick. I left something in the Pelican earlier" Keitaro asked the Corporal. Perez looked unsure as he thought about it.
"I don't know…oh…let's make this quick".
The two marines walked towards the downed drop ship and went inside. As they walked inside they couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. Keitaro looked around until he found the cargo drawer he had left his backpack in.
"Su would probably get upset if I lost this," he laughed. As he got up he noticed the pilots chair move just a little bit.
"Keitaro, get down now" Perez yelled. Keitaro has learned that when somebody says get down, you do it. So he quickly fell to the ground as Perez opened fire on the pilots seat. Keitaro looked up to see purple blood forming out of thin air.
The invisibility cloaked Elite collapsed onto the ground and its cloak disabled.
Keitaro quickly got up, grabbed his Battle Rifle and pointed it at the alien as it began to speak.
"Your time in the light…" the Elite coughed out "will soon be over…" It spat out some blood "and you will be denied when The Great Journey is started" The Elite started to laugh. Perez had had enough and shot the Elite in the head, stopping its laugh and ending its life.
"You got what you needed Keitaro. Now lets get out of here," Keitaro agreed and the two of them exited the Pelican. As they got out they noticed that the other marines had already gone on without them "Well, now what do we do" Perez asked Keitaro.
"Like you said earlier 'you know you could use the exercise'" Perez flipped Keitaro the finger as the Japanese marine laughed. So busy with each other the two didn't notice a Warthog pull up next to them until it honked its horn. Keitaro freaked out at the sudden honk and he turned around to see who the rude driver was and as soon as he seen that driver he instantly felt relief.
"You miss me stud" was the drivers greeting. Keitaro quickly ran up to the driver and gave her a hug.
"Oh thank god you're alright Kitsune" Keitaro was so relieved his friend was safe that he almost shed some tears."Am I…interrupting something?" Perez asked as he walked up to the Warthog.
"Oh…ahh…no…were just ahh friends" Keitaro stuttered.
"We've lived together for more then three years and I'm still just a friend to you" Kitsune faked a pout while Keitaro got even more embarrassed.
Perez just watched and laughed as he seen the two interacting with each other. Keitaro finally calmed down after a couple minutes of stuttering.
"Hey Kitsune, we need to catch up to our squads" Keitaro informed the silver haired marine "They went down the beach so I figure we should try and catch up to them".
"Sure" Kitsune told him "Just hop on board and we'll get this party moving" Keitaro hopped into the passenger seat while Perez jumped onto the machine gun mounted on the back. "Hold on to your butts" Kitsune yelled as she floored the accelerator. The massive vehicle took off at an amazing speed down the beach.
A/N: Well, after I restarted this chapter it seemed to write itself. Also I took out the Omake cause it really did suck and ruined the chapter. Also if anybody out there has a XBOX Live account and plays Halo 2 let me know. My Gamer Tag is Neferius.
Review if you'd
like to and I'll see you next chapter.
Read ya Later©