Epilogue/preview/outtakes- you know I couldn't leave you with nothing.



She whimpered as his grip on her wrist tightened, 'w-what do you want from me'

'oh my dear child' he touched her cheek softly, not caring that she flinched.

'He needs nothing but your devotion.' He sweetly, his finger following the trails her tears left.

'Thank you father.' The girl whispered, cowering beneath him.

His twisted her hand over, ignoring her whimper of pain, etched in her skin in black ink was the pyramid with the sun risingn.

'Don't thank me child. Thank your savior. For he will judge us worthy, he will bring down the Apocalypse.'


Preview: this is likely to be tweaked, but this is a scene from the sequel…er…once I get to writing it.

Nick fury watched as the guards brought the prisoner into the small dingy room. The simple room contained a metal table and two chairs. A simple lamp hung over the table, illuminating only the smallest portion of the table.

His back straight, his legs only so many inches apart, not even the shadows in this place could corrupt what was embedded into his DNA.

The guards unhooked the chains.

Setting her down in the metal chair across from him, he observed her for several minutes.

Her stringy hair framed her gaunt face. Her lips chapped, her eyes a dull green, she simply stared at him as she set her chained hands on the table.

'Hello Rogue'

No reaction.

Nick smirked as he rested his hands flat on the table.

'Your real name is Marie D'Acanto. You make for quite an interesting read.'

'Really, you should get to know the voices in my head. Now they have interesting stories to tell you.' her voice croaked.

Fury set her file on the table and opened it up. 'Oh I don't doubt about that. You have Logan aka the Wolverine, an Eric Lenshner aka Magneto, Charles Xavier, Katherine Pryde, Robert Drake, of course Carol Danvers, so on and so forth.' He flipped page after page. The sound of rustling papers grating to her ears.

'Your…ability…is quite fascinating. To obtain anybody's powers, memories, identity. A veritable pool of talent.'

Rogue smirked. Her chains scraped the table as she leaned closer. 'You want it, you can have it.' She glanced at his patch, 'So what happened to your eye.'

Fury clenched his teeth, 'I won a bet.'

Rogue looked confused, 'what kind of bet was that? poke your own eye out?'

He chuckled, 'the kind where I lived, he didn't.'

Fury rested his elbows on the table, watching as Rogue leaned back in her chair, drawing her hands into her laps, and looking around the room.

'Tell me about this virus.'

At that Rogue's eyes snapped to Fury. Staying silent, she waited.

Fury turned the page again, 'it says here that you and your team…X-men' at that he smirked, 'managed to destroy the compound in which the virus was held. A very thorough job indeed, for you had managed to destroy every sample of the virus in existence.' Rogue tilted her head slightly noting a moment of admiration.

'So where's my purple heart' she demanded.

Fury chuckled at that, 'not quite, you've also crossed international laws too numerous to count. How did you know where the virus was held?'

Leaning back, she looked uninterested, 'I don't remember.'

Fury chuckled, admiring her tenacity, 'right, just to let you know'; Fury held up a sheet of paper, 'Dr. Essex left behind sever letters about what he was working on. He wrote that this…virus was his legacy to the world. A legacy virus is what they will be calling it.'

Rogue stayed silent, 'You're joking.'

Fury stared at her, 'Do I look like a make jokes?'

Fury clasped his hands in front of him, 'You're an 80 million dollar political tool in the senate and house right now.'

Rogue snorted, 'and here I thought it was my southern charm people liked.'

Fury chuckled, 'More so by what you can do for us.'

Opening a file, he tossed a photo across the table, only to be abruptly stopped by her hands.

Staring at the photo for several seconds, she looked up.

'Rogue, we have Intel that the virus was not completely destroyed. Several major organizations around the world have been contacted about a mysterious substance. We're talking several billion dollar criminals getting their hands on it. We think you can go into places we obviously can't.'

Rogue narrowed her eyes, 'like?'

Fury tossed another photo to her, 'like a little known club called the Hellfire club. I hear its an exclusive club.' Rogue's eyes widened in surprise, before she put on a blank face.

Rogue sighed 'I hear the caviar is overrated.' pushing the photos back at him.

Fury had to suppress a chuckle, he liked this girl. 'If you find us what we want, you can disappear, go back to the mansion, I hear they need an English teacher. Of course we will keep our eyes on you, but hey as long as you make no messes, there's nothing for us to clean up. However...should you fail or get caught; we have deniability and we send a wreath to the mansion with our condolences.'

Rogue bit her lip, ' I'm worth 80 million dollars!'

Nick chuckled, 'We believe if we can't have you, no one should.'

Rogue stared at the photo for a few more seconds, her mind debating over what to do 'alright, I'll do it, but I have conditions.'

Fury raised an eyebrow, 'you are in no position to negotiate.'

Rogue chuckled at that, 'I'm sorry, I was under the impression you needed a mutant. Who else do you have here?' giving him a cheeky smile.

Fury chuckled, 'very well. Give us your requests in writing and I'll see what I can do.'

Rogue's eyes followed him as he stood up to his full 6'2 height. Smiling crookedly, 'Down south, we make deals with a handshake.'

Rogue held up her bare hand, raising an eyebrow.

Fury tilted his head, 'we're in the North, we're cold people.'

With that he left the room. The heavy metal doors groaning before clanging shut.

Rogue stared at the photos, 'What have you done Emma'.



Outtake 1: I couldn't help writing this. My mind was acting funny. I knew I wasn't going to put it in any part of this story. At least at this point, but I still had to laugh.

Rogue's eyes snapped open.

She was not in her room, and she was not in her bed.


Feeling the warm body next to her, she looked to her right.

Suppressing her scream, she put her fingers to her forehead. 'What have I done?'

Scrambling out of bed, she paused, making sure he was still asleep.

In a flash she put her pants on and buttoned up her shirt. Finding her boots, she grabbed her jacket and opened the door.

Closing it softly, she breathed deeply and leaned against the door.

'You've got to be kidding me.'

She put her hand on Bobby's mouth. 'Shut up' she hissed.

She wanted to scream at the irony, and she dropped her boot.

Bobby smiled and shook his head, 'seriously? 'bout time eh?'

Rogue picked it up and sent him a glare. 'Really, your comments are not necessary.' She started walking away from him.

'Him? I can't wait till Kitty hears about this.' Rogue turned around and threw her boot at him.


Rogue turned and smiled.

'He'll want a souvenir!' He called after her.

Rogue rolled her eyes, but she continued walking away.


Outtake 2: I tried so hard to get this in here somewhere, but alas this was not possible. And it's a bit ooc.

Magneto glanced at Scott, 'not quite the southern bell is she?'

Wolverine glared at Magneto, 'Bitch is hardcore.'


Outtake 3: Again, had no idea how the story was going so I had this.

'Let's see what these kids have' Logan said with satisfaction.

Rogue and Kitty sat on one of the benches lining the danger room today, rolling their eyes at each other.

Logan's sadistic side was coming out.

Shadowcat, Rogue, Iceman, and Wolverine watched the kids in their first day of the danger room.

Logan cracked his knuckles.

'Logan, you're scaring the kids.' Rogue pointed out.


that's it, that's the end. shoo! shoo I say!