Disclaimer:Don't own .hack yadayada you people know the routine. Anyways as it said in the description this is part two another fanfiction I wrote, meaning if you want plot summary thing and what not you have to look at the end of Purify. Okay with that out of the way the first few chapters are kinda short, but later they're longer so no worries. Enjoy.
"Oh yeah the post about the ghost girl?"a twinblade was saying in a squeaky voice, as they walked around in Water Capital Mac Anu.
"Yeah I hear she has two swords but she doesn't use them. The BBS says that she usually warps away in a flash of light when someone comes by,"the wavemaster responded, his voice slightly raspy.
"She's been seen in random dungeons. Oh, hi Skyld! Thank you for helping beat that dungeon last week!"the twinblade said as he passed by another player.
The player was wearing black metal armor, with a kind of spherical look at the joints. His hair was brown and in between what one consider short and long. He had a black cape, and wore sunglasses that covered his eyes completely. The player waved back in response. His eyes became wide under the sunglasses and he jumped up.
"It couldn't be, could it?"he said. He logged and went to check the BBS.
"I can't wait for it finally get here! This afternoon it arrives!"Ryo Kuinichi, a 15 year old boy, was saying as he spun around in his chair out of the excitement.
His had dirty blond hair was half combed since he skipped half of his morning routine,but usually it was combed down and just short of getting in front of his eyes, which were a deep blue. Everyone says he's tall for his age but everyone else is taller he says. He's about 5' 6 and although skinny he his stronger then most kids would think.
The chair fell over as he began to spin faster and faster. He rubbed his head getting up, one of his eyes closed in pain. He looked over at the clock. It was 7:45 he had to hurry to school before he was late. He ran over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of socks, he kicked the drawer back in and put on the socks on. He already had on a large black shirt and slightly baggy blue jeans which made up pretty much his entire wardrobe. He looked around his room but couldn't find his shoes. He looked back up at the clock 7:50. He had to be at school by 8:10 and the walk there took 10 minutes at least. He ran out of his room jumping down the stairs.
"Hey brother,"Ryo's little brother said standing in the way.
His name was Hiro Kuinichi. He was only four years old but was smart, he already had quite a large vocabulary and spoke clearly. He had brown curly hair and was plump, unlike Ryo.
"I don't have time, have you seen my shoes?"Ryo asked looking around, in a rush.
Hiro pointed over in the living room to the left of the door. Ryo ran in there and grabbed his shoes. He picked up his backpack from the side of the couch, and began to look through making sure he had everything he needed. He looked at the clock, it was 8:00. His eyes got wide and he ran out the door saying bye to everyone.
His house was a few blocks away from the school, then you had to go around some woods and the school was on the other side. Ryo ran down the blocks and came up to the woods. He began to look around. He couldn't be late, so he ran back then jumped on the fence it was about eight feet high, so he had to climb the rest of the way over. He landed on the other side and began to run through the trees. It was fall so the floor was littered with dead leaves, and the trees themselves weren't so numerous, so Ryo could see the school has he approached it. He got up to the end of the hill that was behind the school, and stopped for a second catching his breath. He looked at his watch, it was now 8:08.
"Aww dammit, gotta hurry,"Ryo said between panting.
He began to run down the hill but tripped a few steps down and ended up rolling down the rest of the way. After getting up from the 20 yard or so roll. He checked the watch again. It was now 8:10 and the last bell began to ring, he darted into the school and inside the halls. Keep ringing, keep ringing he thought to himself. The bell ended and he was half way from his class, he kept running figuring he could sneak in. He tried to stop, but the floors were waxed and he just slid the rest of the way into the lockers. There was a loud thud following and Ryo picked himself up. The locker behind him now had a dent from Ryo's head.
Ryo's teacher then looked out the door and looked at him with a stern face. Her name was Mrs.Lavendeur. She had chestnut brown hair, which she wore in a ponytail, it fell to her mid back. She wore a white button up dress shirt with a long blue skirt, which is what all the female teachers were required to wear. She lowered her glasses, which were just for looks, and stared at him.
"Hello, Mrs.Lavendeur,"Ryo said getting up with a nervous smile. She rolled her eyes.
in before someone else comes out,"she said with a sigh.
walked in and took his seat in the back corner of the classroom.
"You got lucky,"said the student sitting next to him.
It was his one of his best friends, Suichi Mohi. He was 5'10 and had black hair, which came down to about half way down his ear and was about the same length all around his head. He usually wore a black long sleeve shirt and fingerless gloves. His pants were usually the baggy chain kind, and of course black sneakers. He usually wears a pair of sunglasses with yellow reflective material on the outside. The inside was still like any pair of sunglasses. The class rules don't allow you to wear them over your eyes so he usually wears them on his forehead. Like Ryo he was also very skinny, but was a bit more pale. He also has a school wide famous 'death glare' which was pretty much him looking at you from over the the top of his sunglasses.
Ryo laughed nervously then rested is head on his fist while his elbow was on the armrest. He couldn't focus on the class at all today. He was finally getting "The World", and he kept daydreaming about it. Suichi already had it and said it was the best, he also heard about it from everyone else. It had already been out for a while but only recently caught on around his area.
Ryo began reading into it when he wasn't doing anything else since he ordered it. It was already planned out in his head, he was going to make a heavy blade to go with Suichi's wavemaster. Suichi had already been playing for awhile now and was going to be at a higher level, but Ryo wasn't going to let that stop him.
"Ryo? Ryo Coinchii!"The teacher yelled.
Ryo looked up from his day dreaming.
"It's Kuinichi, not Coinchii, you always get it wrong,"Ryo replied.
The class began laughing. Mrs.Lavendeur pushed her glasses back closer to her face.
"I'll call you by your correct name when you begin to pay attention, now come up here and solve the problem,"she scolded.
Ryo rolled his eyes. It was Geometry and Ryo's best subject was math, even though he never pays attention, math came so natural to him, he gets perfect scores anyways. It was a basic, find the degree of the measure of angle 1-3. He solved it in about a minute which left the class annoyed from his cockiness as usual. He walked back over to his seat and sat back down.
"I can't figure it out, a student who never pays attention can be so good at these things,"Mrs.Lavendeur said aloud by mistake.
Ryo grinned and was rubbing the back of his head. The teacher blushed realizing what she did.
"He only pays attention when you don't want him to,"Suichi followed, getting more laughs from the classroom.
The rest of the day was like the typical routine, she would have the lessons from each subject as the bell rings she would switch. Despite how the class looked it was actually for gifted students, the school was in a shortage of teachers so the few they had taught all the basic subjects.
The bell rang for lunch after the english lesson so Ryo and Suichi went to their usual spot was in the school campus, the school was like a circle with two floors and in the middle you had an outside lunch area, access to the office, the main entrance, and cafeteria. It was mostly stone though in the outside area except for a few areas. Ryo and Suichi went to the spot by the main entrance which was a grassy hill type area. They had a maple tree although it was 'kind of dead' as they often called it, but it still provided some shade. Suichi had put his sunglasses down to his eyes now, and pulled out his lunch and began to eat his sandwich until he looked over at Ryo digging through his backpack.
"Umm, Ryo? Half of your papers are flying away,"Suichi said getting wide eyed now.
Ryo's body was almost half way in his backpack. He came back out, getting teary eyed.
"I forgot my lunch when I ran out of the house this morning,"Ryo said his face returning to normal,"A skinny boy needs his food."
Suichi had a sweat drop going down his head. Then another kid came over holding Ryo's lost papers.
"Oh hey, Dylan thanks,"Ryo said putting the papers back into his backpack, which was organized a moment ago, but was a mess now.
Dylan was the other person that was in their group, he has long hair that falls a bit past his shoulders, he has blue eyes similar to Ryo's. Dylan's full name Dylan Demion. He was 5'8 in between Ryo and Suichi. He was like the other two and mostly wore similar, black cloths. He wore a red shirt with a black button up shirt, which was left unbuttoned, he usually wore what looked dress pants from first glance but was more like a cross between dress pants and black jeans. He wore black shoes to keep to his style. Dylan was the most attractive boy in the school with a bunch of girls usually following him. Ryo usually called them the fan girls. Dylan is the most quiet of the three, and also played "The World" and was a twinblade. He started at about the same time as Suichi.
Suichi and Dylan were eating their lunch which caused a silence. Ryo's mouth began to water but he decided it was better not to take food off his friends. He laid down on the grass and began reading a book, which he had to finish and write a report on for class. A few minutes passed and Suichi began to pull out out his chips. He could see something from the reflection on the side of his sunglasses.
"The fan girls are coming,"Suichi said without looking away from the chips he was now eating.
Dylan sighed and stood up waving to the two. He began to walk away. Ryo looked over as Dylan began to walk away, and as the stampede of girls ran past them Ryo was now sitting up. After he was sure they were gone he took Dylan's lunch and began to eat it, while laughing. Dylan came back when there was 5 minutes left of lunch only to find Ryo had eaten his entire lunch. He glared over at Ryo who was patting his stomach.
"I left you the drink,"Ryo said, actually sounding serious. Dylan remained silent and sat back down. After taking out his drink he threw the black lunch box at Ryo and hit him in the head. Ryo began to rub the bump on his head.
"That thing hurts you know,"Ryo replied. The bell rang shortly afterwards and they threw out their trash. Suichi and Ryo returned to Mrs.Lavendeur's class while Dylan went to his next class. The rest of the day followed with the usual. Ryo would zone out then get yelled by the teacher.
After the last bell had finished Ryo and Suichi walked outside the school.
"So you're getting "The World" today right?"Suichi asked once in the front.
"Yep, it's supposed to be here today,"Ryo said adding a thumbs up.
Dylan was walking over now as he usually did every day. The meeting is usually cut short everyday at this time also because of all the girls screaming and waving at him. The three now stood there until they got overly annoyed from the screaming and just waved to each other and walked away.
Ryo ran inside dropping his backpack off where he always had, next to the couch. Both of his parents worked and his little brother went to a daycare so the house was empty now except for him. He walked back outside and picked the relatively large package sitting outside by the pathway, which he passed by. He brought it inside placing it on the floor in the hallway. He closed the door and began to open the box. He pulled off all the foam protecting and pulled out another box. He walked over placing it on the coffee table in the living room table. He stood for a second and began jump around excited.
On the box was large letters reading "The World". It had a few screen shots of players fighting, walking around town, or other things. He brought it up to the room and began to open it. Inside was a helmet which he knew was for the virtual reality. He also pulled out various CDs and manuals which began to pile up on the bed now. He found the cords needed to hook the helmet up and place it on the bed along with the VR helmet. He started by putting in the first CD which had the installation.
"30 minutes waiting time?"Ryo said in shock. There was never anything he was interested on so he decided to get his homework done. His parents came home shortly afterwards and got on him about how he shouldn't leave the packaging and box from the delivery right in front of the door. He apologized and continued to work on the homework.
After finishing he looked over at the download. It was about to finish in a few seconds. After it finished the CD popped out and it asked for the next one. He put away the first CD and brought out the second one. It was account creation, agreement terms, and more of the 'boring stuff that no one ever bothers to read' Ryo called it. He finished putting in and out all the various CDs it asked for and finally came onto the last one. Everything was away so now he was able to work on his character.
He started by choosing the class, Heavyblade. The next question was gender, he put male. After 15 minutes of answering questions he then got a message asking to type in a description of the character, and they would bring up the closest thing they could. His character had a black button up shirt which was left unbuttoned, showing his stomach, blue pants which became more loose at the bottom, his shoes were black, short, and made of a cloth substance. His hair he wanted to be like in real life so he set that up also. His character also had a black headband which had two ends left falling about 2 feet down. His character was set to be tall. On his face he had a blue streak coming from above his eyes down through the eye lids and onto his cheeks. He looked over the character and was satisfied so he clicked accept. The final question was asking for a name. Ryo typed in his actual name to make it easier. He clicked accept it again but a message popped up. "Name taken, please try another one."
"What do I want for a name?"Ryo asked looking at the roof.
The chair fell back after he tipped over. He began rubbing his head and picking the chair back up. This happened to him a lot when he got excited. He got back onto the keyboard and typed in another name after clicking accept another message popped up. "Congratulations on your new character, Coinchii!". Ryo laughed surprised he'd make of use of that. He took out the disc, and put in the one he would actually play "The World" with. After hooking up the VR helmet, he began to log on.
Comments, reviews, and whatever else welcome.