-1"And bend, and flex," The curly haired man on the TV yelled, in a nasal and slightly irritating manner, "Come on girls, lets keep it moving."

"I think I will," Robotnik said, picking up his remote. With a click the image changed to that of a car chase, then again to a boxing match, and again to one that you wouldn't be able to describe on a story of this rating, but lets just say it caught Robotnik's attention.

For several minutes Robotnik sat and watched attentively. Then there was a sudden knock on the door, and Robotnik hastily changed the channel away from what he was watching, turned the television off. Pulling his underwear and trousers back up, he wiped his hand on his sofa. Robotnik quietly cursed the door as another knock was heard.

Unhooking the gold metal chain, Robotnik slowly opened the door, to the sight of a three foot tall bat wearing an outfit remarkably similar to one he had seen on the television a few moments ago. "Rouge? What are you doing here?" Robotnik asked nervously.

"I was just in the neighbourhood," Rouge lied, "and I wondered if you wanted to do something."

Robotnik was a bit taken aback by this. He didn't normally get people visit his house, especially not at nearly two in the morning. When Robotnik eventually said this, Rouge didn't seem at all fussed by the time.

"It's still early in the evening for me. Us bats like to stay up late," she said, letting herself in. Robotnik's mind traced back over the conversation, and looked for the moment he'd decided she could visit. He watched Rouge carefully as she walked into his living room, her hips swaying as she did. Robotnik had to close his eyes and shake his head to distract himself, and allow him a chance to recollect his thoughts.

"What can I do for you then Rouge?" Robotnik eventually asked.

"I need some company," she sighed, as she placed herself on his sofa. She looked at Robotnik and stared intently at the sofa, hoping the human would take the hint and join her. Luck was on her side, as Robotnik also sat down on the sofa, though further away from Rouge than she would've liked. She decided she'd move slowly closer.

"Where's Sonic then?" Robotnik mused, still wondering why Rouge would be in his neighbourhood when it was on the other side of town. He looked at the bat, and believed he'd figured out the answer by the way she glanced nervously at him, yet still he needed further confirmation that he was correct.

"He's on set. They're filming a scene about a worn wolf while it's dark or something. I don't know why, but it doesn't matter. All I know is he's left me alone and I need to be with someone." The bat said leaning forwards, towards Robotnik. She watched as his eyes stopped looking at hers, and slowly slid downwards towards her chest. This wouldn't be the first time natures blessings would have gotten her what she wanted, and she decided to milk it for all it was worth.

Robotnik gulped as quietly as he could, and darted his eyes to the television, turning it on with the remote. "Afraid to say there's not much to do at this hour, could watch TV though I doubt there's a lot on." He flicked through the channels, trying his best to avoid what he was so keen to watch while alone. That was not appropriate viewing material for company, he thought, even if he wasn't sure what exactly his companion had meant by 'something to do'.

The TV flicked through more channels. A golf tournament came up and was skipped without thought, as was a seventeenth century period drama, and a trashy soap opera about the love lives of the cast. Robotnik hesitated for a moment when he saw the words 'The Adventures Of Silver The Hedgehog', flash up on screen, wondering when someone he considered a second rate actor in the series got his own TV show, until he realised this was actually nothing to do with the Silver the Hedgehog, from the game, and actually referred to a terrible kids show, that Robotnik wouldn't even believe to be popular at any point, to anyone in any reality.

Rouge yawned and stretched herself a little closer to Robotnik. Her hand landed on Robotnik's thigh, and she looked at him, "I guess I must need to be in bed after all," she muttered suggestively, to him. Robotnik looked at her hand, and had no idea what to do, eventually settling on ignoring it. She rubbed his thigh slightly, and looked at him as he focused on the TV, trying to control himself. She slid herself slightly closer again, and placed an arm around him. The size difference between the two of them suddenly became apparent as she could couldn't quit reach her arm fully around his back.

Robotnik looked down at the bat, and watched her snuggle into him. He smiled at her. "I can do this," he thought to himself, as he tried to psyche himself up. The fact that Rouge was spoken for had now slipped Robotnik's mind, and he'd made his decision that Rouge clearly wanted what he wanted, and he was going to see what he could actually do.

Rouge looked up at the human, and looked at him. Her eyes transfixed on his glasses, and she reached forwards. "What do you look like without these specs?" she asked, as she took them off. Robotnik blinked slightly as his eyes re-adjusted to the increase in brightness, but he found himself still looking at Rouge's much larger eyes.

Rouge starred back at Robotnik's crimson eyes. She gazed deeply into them, and found herself slowly moving forwards. Robotnik noticed this too, and inexplicably to himself, he found he'd also been drawing towards her. They got within a foot of one another, and Robotnik noticed how fast his heart was pumping. Another three inches closer, and he noticed just how heavily Rouge was breathing. They got to six inches apart, and the only thing Robotnik could think was what was about to happen, and how long he'd waited for it to occur. With just three inches left, the pair of them closed their eyes, and waited for the inevitable.

There was a loud thud. "Ivo for the last time you're wanted on set," one of the producers yelled angrily.

Robotnik sat bolt upright. Back in his trailer he sighed. This always happened at the best parts of his dream. He got up and as quickly as he could he made his way on set where after a bit of a lecture about getting to where he was supposed to be on time, he got back into his normal routine.

"There's been a script alteration," the director said, "We now have to film a scene where Rouge kisses Eggman."

Another loud thud properly woke Robotnik. He looked around in his bed, and cursed himself, "I've gotta take a cold shower," he said, as he tried to erase thoughts of Sonic's girlfriend from his mind.