Kankuro gets pants-ed

Darkkinkachu: before you beat me to a bloody pulp with blunt objects for Gaara's MAJOR OOCness and the fact that this fic has no point what-so-ever, I want you to know there is a method to my madness. I do a comic called 'The World Would Be A Scary Place If Gaara Had A Sense Of Humor' (sucky title ne:P) and I really enjoy it. I mean, think about it: twisted psycho + the ability to control sand + a sense of humor chaos. If I could control sand they would have to jettison me into space to stop the mayhem! You might ask why I'm writing this instead of drawing it….well quite frankly I can't draw. I'm a writer, not a…just about anything else….

Lawyer Lemur: Darkkinkachu does not own Nauto.


It had started out as such a nice, normal day. Temari hadn't made him eat any of her cooking (yet), he had just finished a new puppet, Sakura was visiting for a couple days, and, best of all, he hadn't seen Gaara all day. Yes, Kankuro was definitely having a good day.

It wasn't until late afternoon that things began to go down hill. The puppet master had decided he wanted a snack before dinner and wandered down to the kitchen. He smiled and gave a quick wave to the two girls sitting at the table talking about girly things before turning his attentions to the counter. Kankuro suppressed a shudder when he saw the plate of blackened, semi-disc shaped things (They didn't deserve to be called cookies) on the table and instead grabbed an orange. He turned swiftly, intending to make his escape before Temari decided to play force-feed-Kankuro-nasty-poison-food. But something made him stop.

Looking down, the middle sand-sib found that sand was swirling around his feet and creeping up his legs. Warning bells went off just a little too late, as the sand formed hands and griped the sides of his baggy jeans. With an almighty yank and jerk, Kankuro was thrown forward, his pants slinking their way out of the room on a bed of sand. A long string of curses were issued into the cool tile of the kitchen floor before he realized something. Pulling himself to his hands and knees, Kankuro looked over his shoulder to see his sister laughing her head off and a slightly pinker than normal Haruno Sakura.

"Wow, Kankuro…you have a cute butt…" she said, starting to giggle. Temari was gasping for air between laughs. The boy blinked before turning bright. He had been so stunned and angry he hadn't even thought about the view they were getting.

He shot up and whipped around so they wouldn't be able to see his backside anymore. Unfortunately, he didn't stop to think that turning around meant giving them a full-frontal view of his…package. Sakura's eyes widened and she blushed more. Temari fell out of her chair and pounded the floor, laughing like a maniac. Kankuro turned redder than the hearts on his boxers before running out of the kitchen, screaming one word.



Darkkinkachu: ne…feel free to use your words as cruel instruments of torture if you wish. I don't really care. I really enjoyed writing this and I think I'll write some more (Just not post them) Just don't leave one of those stupid 'YOU SUCK BUT I'M NOT GOING TO TELL YOU WHY, I'M JUST GOING TO INSULT YOU' reviews. Go Kankuro/Sakura!