A/N: Disclaimer: I do not in anyway shape or form own FFVII at all. However, this story came into mind and I want to dedicate it to both my Partner DeadlyDragon12, because he's my partner. And to my friend Pinksisa because her birthday is August 17 ( I think ). Anyway, enjoy this story of pure Cloti, filled with steamy action later. If you have a good imagination and a weak stomach, don't read. You've been warned.

One's Soul, is another's Profit

Zack wiped the smeared crimson from above his eyes and mouth. Thomas was no longer reconizable, for he had been torn to mere chunks of flesh with bones protruding every so often. His face was an iron tablet, no emotion protrayed how he felt, but his aura made it clear. He was in a frenzied bloodlust which had yet to be sedated. His pack members drifted back away from him, their toes pointing to dig into the earth, their ears jutted back. Zack glanced at them, the lust making his moonlit eyes turn a hazy silver. He was their leader, and no one would challenge him for that position. For he was a good one, a smart one, and when time called for it, a dangerous one.

"...S...sir?" one of the members squeaked as Zack's eyes drifted over his frame.

" What?" his voice was sharp and cold, like a frozen spear head dripping honey upon one's spine. The pack said nothing as he glared at them, a silent demand of loyalty.

" What are we to do with the body? " Aerith asked quietly, her ears remained flat against her head as her eyes were to the floor, she dared not disrespect him and glare back into his own eyes. Zack walked the small distance to his queen of the pack and lifted her chin gently to meet her lips with his own. The blood upon their tongues mingled and strengthend his lust, but he managed his control and ignored it best he could. Breaking apart he nuzzeled her head with his own before answering to the pack.

" We find our way to the elder halls...from there...we'll wing it."


Sephiroth slammed Cloud into the wall again, for who knew how many a time? Tifa had lost count as she had tried to prevent these, but ended up being picked off by the elder. She wanted to help, but she was being more useless then needed. She had already managed to make Cloud take her hits four times, because she had gotten in the way. Catching her breath she leaned against the tablet as the two males took to the sky. It wasn't fair, she was weak, he was weak, and Sephiroth didn't know the meaning of mercy. Her body began to give as it whispered ' give up...fade out...just relax'. She refused to listen to it, even though sleep weighed heavily against her mind. She shook herself free as she concentrated on staying conscious. A new goal then filled her, instead of getting in the way for a battle she couldn't possibly help, why not try to master her new form? She needed a teacher, she needed someone to help her. After blinking, she realized that her eyes had drifted close. She didn't struggle this time, for this time, something deeper called to her, a pair of crimson eyes actually. They whispered a lullaby, one which was always whispered as a child to make her sleep...by her imaginary friends she used to have. Tifa's eyes shot open, she never had imaginary friends. Her parents had told her thats what they were, but they were in fact the voices of her...her blood mother. The eyes narrowed, almost as if to smile as her own eyes drifted close.

" You wish to learn...then I shall teach you, my daughter." Tifa's eyes and mind grew heavy as all consciousness faded. Her body slumped forward and fell to the ground lazily.


The sound of her body clashing to the ground, distracted Cloud. He turned his head as his eyes widend in fear. Sephiroth let out a cruel laugh as his fist connected with Cloud's ribs. Their snapping of bone and senew echoed off the halls as Cloud roared.

" Looks like her feeble body cannot handle the recently activated dragon blood."

" Shut up! " Cloud turned quick, a few more of his ribs breaking as his claws raked across Sephiroth's face. The wound healed almost instantly. The elder brother cracked his neck softly to the side before glaring at him.

" How many times must I teach you...not to hit your elders! " he sent Cloud flying again.


" In order to understand being a dragon, you must feel their lust...". A lush forest surrounded Tifa, her wings flicking feebly against her spine. She moved around cautiously. Movement caught her eye, jumping from tree to tree until it stopped on a near by branch. The figure was nothing more than mist, until it took the figure of a familiar blond anthro. Cloud flew down and locked his arms around her, his tongue moving across her neckline. Powerful urges pushed at her hips and womb as they grinded helplessly against his own. He purred as his teeth left marks of possession on her bare shoulders.

" You must feel their jealousy...". His arms released her and wrapped around another figure, one she had seen all to shortly, Oapic, and her two whore friends. Anger consumed her, a fierce hatred working its way into her limbs, wanting to rip and tear at these girls' throat.

" You must feel, their power...". The muscles and strength to do such a task filled her, giving her wings and claws strength as her teeth hardend.

" And once you have felt these emotions...you must be able...to control them all...all the time...". Tifa nearly fell backwards as lust,desire,anger,jealousy,power,greed,pride, every single human emotion, tripled its feeling and danger rating. She wanted to kill these women, take what she wanted from Cloud and his body, aquire all that she had ever wanted, challenge someone to a duel...she wanted it all. Shaking her head violently, she pressed her hands tightly to her temples. She had to control herself, she must.

" Control your anger, feel it work its way through your blood...now...direct that anger to your tongue, and speak it...". Tifa forced her anger to her mouth, and flames shot out. Her crimson eyes widend in shock as darker eyes appeared before her. They narrowed as if smiling and blinked softly.

" Now...you are ready."

" That didn't take long."

" You've been unscious for twenty three minutes."


Tifa's eyes opened slowly as everything came back into focus. She picked herself off the ground and looked for the battling dueo. The elder hall was quiet, to quiet for her liking. She looked for any sign of movement, focusing her weakened energy on her newly developed senses. She looked at the floor which held pools of blood in its cracks. Following the trail she walked into the hall leading to what looked like a resting room for the anthros. There was streams and lush forest, bent trees that could be comfortably slept in. Sharp tree branches which imprisoned Cloud...wait. Tifa's eyes widend as she ran the short distance to to his side. A vicious looking branch was sprouting from his chest, blood dripping down his abs. He was breathing lightly, his eyes closed, his face an broken mask of pain. Tifa touched his face lightly, causing his eyes to jerk open in panic. They settled on her, uneasy, as they drooped back down. He lifted his lips into a silent snarl as he tried to sit up. Tifa stilled him by placing her hand lightly on his shoulder.

" Where is Seph...Seph..."

" Sephiroth. My brother...he's...somewhere...over there...help me up..." he held up his arm weakly in her direction. Tifa bit her lower lip before grabbing his arm gently and giving him the support he needed to stand. The tree branch pinning him down snapped after little effort. He stumbled only for a moment before tearing the tree from his ribcage. Tifa twitched as the sound filled her ears, the sound of muscle tearing, bones breaking and then sewing themselves back together. Cloud grunted against the pain as his eyes scanned the clearing for any signs of his brother...there was nothing. Squinting against the pain and darkness he looked harder, still nothing. A blur of silver then shot past him and hoisted Tifa into the air. She dangled weakly in his arms, his hand cutting off her air supply. Tifa dug her claws hard into his hand and arm, but he was alot more tolerant of pain then she expected. A blur of blonde then shot him into the air and slammed him back down.

" If I see you touch her again...you will wish for death, Sephiroth."


Zack's ears bent backwards as his eyes traced over the strange markings at the foot of this strange cavern. He lightly traced his claws over the carved symbols and cautiously entered into the mouth. His pack followed hesitantly, the limit of their loyalty rearing its ugly head. This was an ending that he was not looking forward to, but it was one he'd see to the end.

A/N: I need help with this ending, and I'm very stressed.I just lost my job and am coping with it intently. Give me reviews and words of encouragement to make me smile,k? ThankiesAlchemypoetry