ZEAJCL: We're back, hehe.
LOZE: And, we brought with us our latest and last victim, none other than Troy Bolton!
ZEAJCL: After everything we've done to people so far, what could we possibly do to Troy that we haven't already done you ask? Well, you'll just have to keep reading, now won't you?
Disclaimer: HSM is not ours, but we can dream, can't we? Oh, and the insane 7-year-old Katie is technically not ours either, and we'll explain why afterwards.
Troy was outside shooting hoops and was making every shot, until…
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" a young girl screamed out from behind a bush nearby, splitting Troy's eardrums.
"What was that?" Troy asked no one in particular.
"You-You're Troy Bolton!" the girl said excitedly.
"Um, yea, why?" Troy asked, wondering what was wrong with this girl.
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!" The little girl screamed and ran up to him.
"Are you lost or something?" Troy asked her, hoping to get rid of her as soon as possible.
"Not now because I found you!" she replied and hugged him, "I love you so much! And, we're getting married tomorrow! Isn't that exiting?"
"What-what?" Troy asked in shock, "I don't want to marry you! I don't even know you!"
The girl let go of him and looked up at him with teary eyes, "Y-you don't?"
Troy hated to see girls cry, no matter how annoying they were, "Please don't cry! What's your name anyways?"
The little girl sniffed, "Katie."
"Katie, do you know where your mom and dad are?" Troy asked her.
Katie sniffed again as she thought of the perfect lie, "I'm an orphan."
Troy was feeling a little sorry for Katie, so he got down on his knees so he was at eye level with her, "Hey, I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?"
"Marry me." she answered simply, but before Troy could respond, she pressed her lips to his, catching him completely off guard.
Troy pushed her off and looked at her in disbelief, "How old are you?"
"Seven." she answered as if it were no big deal, "We kissed, so now we have to get married! How does tomorrow sound?"
"Are you crazy? I'm not going to marry some girl I don't even know!" Troy practically yelled.
"But you wanted to marry Gabriella the moment you laid eyes on her, so what's wrong with marrying me?" she pointed out.
"That's… different…" he replied, "Hey, how did you know I wanted to marry her?"
"I read your e-mail to Chad a while back." Katie replied shamelessly.
"How did you get into my e-mail account?" he asked her.
"I didn't get into yours, I got into Chad's." she corrected him.
"How did you get into his then?" Troy asked.
"Easy." she replied, "His password is password."
"You are one crazy little girl!" Troy told her, "There is no way I'm marrying you!"
"We'll see about that." Katie told him and smirked evilly, "May I see your phone for a minute?"
"Because I need to call the orphanage." she lied.
"Fine." he said and dug out his phone, 'Hopefully now she'll be out of my hair now.'
"Thank you." she said politely as she grabbed his phone and dialed the number 911, but Troy did not see it.
Katie told the cops on the other end where she was, but Troy still thought she was talking to the orphanage and telling them where to pick her up and take her far away from him.
"Their on their way." Katie told him once she was finished on the phone.
'Good.' Troy thought to himself, glad that she was leaving, but what he did not know was that they were not coming for her.
"Are you sure you don't want to marry me?" she asked again.
"I'm sure." he replied.
"Ok, you're loss." she told him.
Suddenly, the sound of sirens rang through the air, but Troy did not have a clue what was going on. Within seconds, cop cars had them surrounded.
"What's going on?" Troy asked confused.
"Arrest this man!" Katie yelled to the cops as they got out of their cars.
"What?!" Troy was definitely confused now.
"We have you surrounded! Put your hands in the air!" one guy yelled over a loud speaker.
"But what did I do?" Troy asked, but did as he was told.
"You came onto me, you pervert!" Katie yelled and ran over to the cops.
"What? I did not! She came onto me!" Troy defended.
"I'm only seven, hello!" she defended.
The cop took hold of Troy and forced him into the car. Troy knew that this was definitely not his day…
LOZE: Did you all like that?
ZEAJCL: Unfortunately, Katie is real. In fact, she's my Zac-obsessed younger cousin, hehe…
LOZE: I can tell where she got it from…
ZEAJCL: Well, can I help it that he's hott?
LOZE: Anyways, we sadly have one more chapter left, and that's the epilogue, then it's on to Prank'd 2!
ZEAJCL: Find out what happened to your favorite characters next time on Prank'd!