Disclaimer: I own nothing in the Nancy Drew or Hardy Boys Universe. I'm just a poor college student who is trying to provide some much needed entertainment in life.

Author's Note: Though I have written many stories over the years, this is the first time I am sharing one…so please review and let me know how I'm doing!

Summary: When things start to fall apart in life people seek solace from the ones they love…but can it be guaranteed that happiness will follow once wrapped in that warm embrace.

"Ladies and Gentleman, the captain has turn on the fasten seatbelt sign. At this time you need to return your trays and seats to their upright positions and stow all portable devices as we prepare for our descent. The current time is 1:47 PM and it appears to be a gorgeous 83 degrees. As this is the last stop for us today, we would like to thank you for flying Atlantic Air and remind you to think of us next time you are planning all your travel needs."

The 21 year old girl sitting near the front of the plane turned off her CD player with a sigh and turned to look out the window. Below she could see the city looming nearer and she closed her eyes briefly. What am I doing here? What am I going to say? I haven't talked to them in a year, not since…

Blue eyes burst open as the plane landed roughly against the tarmac.

"Honey, I am so glad to have finally landed. I can't wait to see my granddaughter the minute I step off this plane." The girl smiled kindly at the older woman that was next to her. The woman had been going on the whole time about her new grandchild and the young girl had been more than happy to oblige the grandmother by listening to her excitement. It helped keep her mind off her own troubles.

"I'm sure that she is going to be beautiful and that you are going to spoil her rotten," the girl said with a laugh.

"Oh honey, you have no idea." The two stood up from their seats and the girl helped pull both of their belongings down from the overhead bin. "So, you never told me what you are doing here? Do you have friends in town?"

"Yeah, I haven't seen them in a while though, so I'm not sure how they are going to react to me being here."

"Well, sweetie, if they are really your friends they will be glad to see you. Especially if they are male friends, 'cause you are such a doll." The twinkle in the old woman's eyes made the girl duck her head as she tried to hide her blush.

"Thank you for that, but I don't think being a "doll" is going to help me much."

The old woman just smiled knowingly and gathered her bags into her arms. "Dear, it has been wonderful but I must get off this plane and go see my little girl. I wish you the best of luck with everything." With those last words the woman exited the plane with a small wave.

Well, I guess it's time to go. I can't stay here forever. She picked up her purse, threw her duffel bag over her shoulder, and made her way down the aisle. As she approached the flight attendant at the exit she gave a slight nod and said "thank you."

"I hope you enjoy your time here in Bayport," the woman replied in kind.

The girl grinned nervously and took a deep breath. No turning back now. And with a new found strength, Nancy Drew started to make her way into the Bayport Airport terminal.