Forwarning: My grammer sucks. I know this and I can continue to live with this. I still hope you find the story interesting.

Matt's Point of View:

Writing Skill Class is a small class, a peaceful class. Normally you would find your serious classmates in this programme. Like me for an instance, I love to write. I enjoy poems and stories with hidden meanings. Sometimes homework assignments from this class would trigger an idea for a new lyric for my songs.

Sora is another example of a type of student one could find in this classroom. Right now, she has her head down, concentrating on her work. She took this class to help her express her fashion designs on paper.

Mimi, who sat a few rows away, is not the normal student one would find in this class. She actually thought this class would be a good way to help her with new cheers for her drama queen gang dubbed cheerleaders. After the first week of school, Mimi tried to drop the class from her schedule but her guidance counsellor thought this class might do her some useful information.

I leaned back in my seat and stretched my arms out. Glancing over to my left, I spotted my good friend, Tai.

Not only is Tai one of my best friends but he is also another person who should not be in this room. I have no idea how he ended up in here but I have two theories. One is that he slammed heads with one of his team-mates and ended up here instead of the nurse's office in a state of confusion. The second theory is that he followed Mimi here like a lost puppy dog. Like Mimi, he is now stuck in this room.

He now held his pencil in the air comically and what look like he was doing was counting the dots on the ceiling of the classroom. I turned back to my paper, not really listening to what the teacher was discussing.

Then I made the mistake of glancing over at Tai again. I am not sure what made me do this action but I glanced over at my mischievous friend. Tai sat on one knee, his body spread over the small desk and his head tilted in the most uncomfortable position.

"What are you doing?" I knew I should not have spoken those words but like a cat, my curiosity got the best of me.

"I almost have a perfect view of her, it just happens to also be a very painful view." He told me with that stupid smile that comes to his face so easily.

"Not only do you look like you're in pain but you look dense sitting like that." I whispered over at him.

He sat correctly in his seat and I turned back to my assignment, however I could not focus on the paper. I could feel Tai's eyes on me. I tried to ignore him but I knew he was staring at me. He only did this because he knows how it infuriates me.

"Knock it off Tai." I growled a warning while keeping my eyes on my work.

"Knock what off?" He asked in that innocent voice of his while he kept that annoying grin on his face.

I leaned over out of my seat and tapped the bridge of his nose smartly with the pencil that I found in the school's parking lot that morning.

"Ouch!" He rubbed his nose and grabbed the pencil out of my hand. "Where did you get this?"