Okay, sorry for the wait, but I am afraid you'll have to wait a bit longer, for this is only a preview of what has yet to come.

I am not sure how long this story is going to last. I'm not planning on making it TOO long, because it seems like people are already getting bored of it, but I am thinking about eight chapters. .

Also, thank you my wonderful reviewers for your most appreciated reviews! Helena Valentine, bookwormandpoet, jane, and chibi angel lilluc!

Chapter 5 The Day After (Merlin Moony, you had HOW many in your chocolate stash!?)

Sirius grinned deviously as he examined his master plan. (Which might he had, was VERY devious indeed.) It was so deviously deviant, that it was the most deviant ..er...DEVIANT-NESS thing he had ever laid eyes on... it was bloody DEVIANT!

Now that it was thought up, all he had to do was the dirty work...

"Uh oh..."

Everyone looked up. 'Uh oh' was never good.

James looked concerned. "Er, Moony? What do you mean 'Uh oh'?"

Peter, whom was laying on his four-poster with an ice-pack on his head, ("Bloody wall...knew we shoulda took that damn thing out...") sat up. "And does this 'uh oh' have to do with Sirius? 'Cause he's been gone for the past hour."

Frank 'eep'd. "So that means he could be anywhere!?" His head darted around the room, as if he expected Dumbledore to suddenly appear out of no where, naked, and snogging Professor Slughorn, who would also be in his birthday suit.

"Calm down, Remus didn't even answer."

"Er, yeah he did..."

"No he didn't...see? Re-read a few paragraphs and you'll see he didn't even mention Sirius."

Silence, and some scrolling..."Oh."

"'Sides, Remus already left." Peter interrupted, watching the werewolf dash out of the room.

Okay, so what d'you think? The full chapter is coming soon, and by golly is it HUGE! Buh-byes!

Also, how in the WORLD do you get to keep the double enter when you upload the chapters to the doc. manager? It's getting really aggravating. Help would be appreciated.