Hello, and welcome to this Sonic fanfic! I plan for there to be four parts of this, and this is part one, chapter one! Yay for starting it out! I hope you all like it... this was originally just going to be a "wee, daydream whenever!" thing for me, but after what will be the coolest chapter ever (which won't be for a while), I suddenly started expanding the idea and making it something much more. So yeah, please enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, or any other character from the games or Sonic X. They're owned by Sonic Team.

--Ties of Fate--

A boy of about ten stared at three forms in the darkness. His blonde hair fell straight around his face and his tired blue eyes tried to make out the figures. He stood in the park at his school in the middle of a moonless night with absolutely no clue how he got there. With no light at all, he could only see the outlines of the three creatures in front of them. "Who... are you?" he heard himself ask.

Somehow, the faces of the creatures flashed brightly before his eyes, one by one: a blue hedgehog with green eyes and a cocky grin, a yellow fox with blue eyes and a kind smile, and a red echidna with purple eyes and a intimidating glare.

Miles Prower woke up from the dream. He stared around the room, trying to get a grasp of reality. The alarm next to him suddenly beeped loudly, waking the boy up. He turned if off and stared at the time. I guess I should get ready for school... he thought as he put his glasses on. He started to get out of bed when he remembered his dream. Who were they? he wondered as their images flashed in his head again.


Miles was the first person in the classroom that morning. He took his seat at his and started reading a book as other people started coming in.

"Morning..." a boy with messy blue hair greeted Miles as he walked over. He yawned and plumped into his desk, which was right next to Miles.

"Good morning, Tim," Miles greeted. Timothy Parker was a boy of fifteen, and Miles' best friend. He wore the usual blue school uniform. He closed his green eyes and rested his head in his arms, hating to wake up so early.

"Don't fall asleep during class today," the boy behind him warned. "I'm not waking you up this time." The speaker was Hiei Parker. He looked almost exactly like his twin, Timothy, except his hair was black and his almost cold eyes were red.

"That's nice, bro..." Tim muttered, obviously not paying attention.

"Sleeping in class again?" a voice taunted. Tim tiredly looked up to see the face he hated most staring down at him. "No wonder my grades are better than yours."

Tim picked himself up, suddenly awake and angry. "I'm not sleeping! Besides, I always finish things faster than you."

"Because you guess on all of the problems," the other boy pointed out tactfully. His name was Kevin Hogosha, and he and Tim competed at everything. Kevin was sixteen, and thus one of the oldest in the class. He had long, thin red hair pulled back in a low ponytail. Oddly, his eyes were purple. He was known for getting in fights and winning almost every time. The only fight he hadn't won had been against Tim, and Tim had never won, either—one of their friends always called it off.

"Tim-o-thy!" a voice rang through the air. A girl with short pink hair ran up to Tim's desk, a smile on her face. "Good morning!" This girl was Emily Camellia. She wore the blue girl's uniform and a matching hair band. Her green eyes shone with excitement. She and Tim had been friends since sixth grade, and during that time, she had developed an obvious crush on him.

"Morning..." Tim greeted, annoyed. Emily was a great friend, but lately, her little crush on him had done nothing but annoyed him. He wished so much that she could just be a normal friend like she used to be.

Miles sighed. In all of this excitement, he would have to wait to talk to Tim about his dream. Tim was his best friend, and thus, the easiest person Miles could talk to.

"Everyone in your seats!" the teacher barked as he walked in. The students moved around until everyone sat in their appropriate seat as the teacher walked up to the front. Dr. Eggman was the teacher's name. He was a fat, bald man. He wore dark blue glasses, a red shirt, and black pants. He had an enormous red nose and a huge mustache. After Kevin, Dr. Eggman was Tim's least favorite person. "Pass up your homework." Students grumbled and papers rustled as the students slowly started passing their homework up the rows.

"Oh yeah...!" Tim burst out softly, sounding worried.

"Did you forget again?" Miles whispered.

"No, Hiei reminded me... but I wanted you to check my answers..." Tim sighed as he took the papers from behind him. "Oh well..."

"Don't worry about how you did on this assignment—when we get it back, I'll explain everything to you."

"Okay..." Tim muttered, but he hated getting a worse grade on anything than Kevin. He threw a glare at the boy, who sat in front of him, before passing up the papers.

"You just need to be ready for the test. I'll help you get a one hundred on this one!" Miles comforted.

"...Yeah! I'll do it! Then I'll be the one laughing!"

"I asked you to pass up your homework, not to talk," Dr. Eggman yelled, standing in front of Tim's desk. "Do you need another detention to learn that, Timothy Parker?"

"N-no, Sir!" Tim answered as many students giggled. Dr. Eggman glared down at the nervous boy before turning around and walking back to the front of the class. As soon as the teacher's back was turned, Tim stuck out his tongue and started making faces. Anyone who could see laughed, making Dr. Eggman turn around. However, by the time he could see, Tim had already put on a nervous face again. Hiei sighed at his brother's foolishness.


Tim yawned at lunch. Lunch was the only long free time for the high schoolers—they could take their lunch and sit wherever they wanted and have fun with their friends until the bell rang. Tim's group always sat outside under three trees.

"Are you still tired?" Miles asked.

"Of course! School is boring!" He stared at the fence that separated their school from the street. "I wish we didn't have school. Then we could do whatever we wanted to do all day!"

"But if it wasn't for school, you wouldn't know anything—"

"Who needs to know these things?"

"—and you wouldn't have met most of your friends."

Miles got him there. Tim loved his friends and wouldn't give them up for the world. "...Yeah, well, it was good for that, now can it be over?"

Miles laughed. "Sorry, Tim, but we still have a while to go."

"This is really boring, though," Emily pointed out in Tim's defense. "Wouldn't it be so much more exciting if something were to happen?"

"Be careful what you wish for..." Miles warned.

"I agree! Why can't we have any adventures in this world? Our ancestors did a pretty good job of making us bored. Couldn't they have at least saved some discoveries for us?"

"There's still space..."

"And what are the chances that I'll go into space?" Tim sighed. "I want some excitement! I'm bored with this."

"What are you yelling about now?" Hiei demanded as he walked up and sat down with his lunch.

"I know!" Emily burst out. "We should make an adventure! We can go into the woods outside of the city and make a movie!"

"That's a great idea!" another member of their group, a brunette named Samantha, agreed. "Alice is pretty good at directing, and Emily's great at acting."

The last member of the group, a blonde girl, smiled. "I'll do my best to write a good script. Let's go to the forest after school to take a look."

"All right! This'll be so much fun!" Tim yelled happily. "I can't wait!"

"Worry about that later and eat your lunch now, before class starts again," Hiei scolded. Tim, remembering how hungry he was, began stuffing food in his mouth happily.

On a bench outside sat Kevin's group, also talking. His group consisted of five boys, including Kevin himself, and one girl.

"Did you hear? It was all over the news!" The boy named Henry started the conversation, as usual.

"There's always something on the news," another boy, Mike, pointed out. "Why do you watch it so much? It's disgusting, some of the things that people do."

"Yeah, I'm amazed Ruby hasn't been put on there yet," a third boy, Paul, joked. All of them except Kevin laughed.

"Hey," the girl said while smiling, "why would I be on there? I'm not a thief or anything!"

"Yeah you are, you steal men's hearts!" the last boy, John, joined in.

"I can't help that I'm charming," said Ruby Abalone, quite full of herself. She wore the usual school uniform, but her skirt was shorter than most. She had short white hair that flipped out away from her face. She was taller than most girls in the class and wore more make-up by far. Her green eyes watched each of the boys playfully. "Although there's one man that's not interested in my charm."

"Oh? Who could that be?"

Kevin stared across the field, trying to tune them out. When did she become like this...? he couldn't help but wonder again. The others continued joking around, forgetting about Henry's original topic.

"Kevin? Are you okay?"

Kevin glanced over. "Yeah."

"Well, as I was originally going to say," Henry started, calling for silence. He soon got it as the others tuned in, curious despite themselves. "It's been all over the news... They say that the other day..."


Three boys and three girls ran off of the train happily. The train led to a lovely clearing just outside of the city. They stared at the beautiful waterfall and pond across from them. On its left stood the tall forest they were traveling to, and on its right was the entrance to a cave in the huge rock. Even further to the right was a huge hill, and on top of the hill stood an old wooden house. A road led off of the hill, on the cliff side.

"Wow!" Miles called out, observing the house. "That person must own an airplane—that looks like a runway! That's so cool!" The others smiled at their young friend's interest in flying before starting down the stairs that led to the ground. Miles stared a little longer before realizing that the others were already below him. He ran down to catch up.

"There's so much here... we should look at everything!" said Alice.

"Just one rule: I'm not getting in the water," Tim declared. The others laughed and agreed; they all understood that Tim couldn't swim and was scared of the water, so they weren't going to put him near it.

"Let's check out the forest first!" Emily suggested.

"All right!" Tim immediately started running. The others chased after him, but soon after entering the forest, they lost him.


"Tim, where are you?"

"Come out!" They called for him, worried.

Hiei sighed. "There's nothing to worry about if it's him. He's just playing some silly joke."

"Aww, Hiei! Why must you ruin my fun?" Tim asked as he hung upside down from a tree. Sam and Alice laughed, saying how silly Tim looked. Tim grinned while upside down before pulling himself up. He climbed down to a lower branch and then jumped out of the tree.

"This place is so beautiful... it gives me so many ideas!" Alice said. She went into a daze as she started daydreaming.

"Just make sure there are some romantic scenes in there!" Emily said, also dreaming.

Tim cringed. "How about not."

A cell phone rang, making them all turn. Miles reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. "Hello? ...What's wrong?"

This caught everyone's attention. "What's going on?" Tim demanded, worried. Miles held up a hand to tell them to hold on while he listened.

"...What? What do you mean? ...Hold on, I'll be home to see soon."

"Well?" Tim asked as Miles hung up.

"I'm not quite sure," the boy answered, "but my sister needs me. I have to go now... I'll see you guys tomorrow!"

"Okay. I hope everything's all right. Bye, Miles!"

"Bye!" Miles ran off towards the train. They watched him in silence until they couldn't see him anymore.

"I wonder what's going on... I hope his sister's all right..." Emily said, worried.

"It's probably nothing," Sam comforted. "Millie's really sweet, but she has a tendency of worrying and over exaggerating. She was once worried senseless about a frog she found in the city because it wasn't in water."

Tim laughed. "I remember hearing about that. Miles said that she put it in the bathtub."

"She's really fond of animals, though," Emily pointed out.

Tim stared out into the forest. "I just hope everything's okay... What?" the scenery around him quickly faded to black, and his friends disappeared in the darkness. There was nothing around him but infinite darkness. He looked around, trying to see something, anything, in this place. "Guys? Where are you? What happened?" He stared down at his feet—there was no ground, only the same darkness that surrounded him. He stared at his shoes, not even realizing that a minute ago they had been black school shoes, not red tennis shoes. What's... going on...? Wait a minute...! He pulled his hands up in front of his face. He could clearly see them, but instead of seeing his bare hands, he now wore white gloves. "Okay, first of all, how can I see myself in pitch black? And second of all, since when was I wearing gloves?" he called out into the darkness.

Suddenly three hooded figures stood before him. The tallest wore a light blue cloak, the middle one wore a light red cloak, and the shortest one, who stood almost eye-to-eye with Tim, wore a light green cloak. Whoa, these people are tall!

The short green one pointed at him. With a girl's voice, the person said, "It is time for you to awaken... Sonic the Hedgehog!"

"Huh? What are you talking about? Who's Sonic?" He looked behind him to find no one. The girl still pointed straight at him. "Why are you pointing at me? I'm Timothy Parker... a human. Hedgehogs are really small animals."

The one in red, a boy by the sound, laughed.

"You should take a look at yourself, then," the tallest one in blue suggested. That one had the voice of a girl, and she handed a mirror to Tim. After Tim took it, her slender human hand retreated back into the cloak.

Tim stared into the mirror to find that he wasn't human anymore—he was a walking blue hedgehog. His green eyes were huge in surprise. The mirror disappeared and the darkness vanished into the light of the forest.

"Tim? Are you okay?" Emily asked curiously, peering up at him.

"Huh?" He looked around to see the forest and his friends again. He stared at his hands to see that they were bare human hands again. "Yeah, I'm fine..."

"You don't sound fine," Hiei spoke up. "You were staring off into space just a minute ago... You look kind of pale. Maybe we should go home."

"No, I'm fine! Let's look around some more!" Tim insisted as he started walking. What... was that? he wondered as he walked, ignoring the others as they ran to catch up and continued talking. Who were they? What did they mean? Who's Sonic? And why did I look like a hedgehog?


"Millie! What's going on?" Miles demanded as he threw open the door. He quickly closed it behind himself and ran inside.

"I'm upstairs," a young girl's voice called. Miles ran up stairs and entered his sister's room.

His sister Millie stood in the room, holding her hands behind her back. She was a young girl, only about seven or eight, and very cute. She had long, cream-colored hair pulled up into pigtails, and she wore a cute orange dress. Her brown eyes danced on her round face.

"I'm sorry to call you back like that, brother," she said. "It's not harmful like I thought at first." She giggled.

"What are you talking about? What are you hiding behind your back?"

"I don't know what it is exactly, but it's kind... see?" She pulled her hands out from behind her back and put them together again in front of her brother's face. On her hands sat a little blue creature. This creature had pale pink wings and a red bow around its neck. The tips of its feet and hands were yellow, and as its head turned into a curved point at the top, it changed to yellow. A yellow ball floated above its head. The rest of it was blue. It only said "Chao," but it said it quite happily.

"What is that?"

"I don't know, but it's very kind."

"Chao chao!" The creature flew out of Millie's hands and hovered in the air. Millie giggled. "Can we keep it, Miles?"

"Well, we don't really know what it is, and we'd have to ask the parents, but if they don't mind, then I don't see why not. Oh! And if... this thing doesn't mind."

"Chao! Chao chao chao!" the creature hugged Millie's head, making the girl giggle some more.

"Where did you find it?"

"It came into the house. What are we going to name you..."


"Chao!" The creature flew out of the room. Millie chased after it.

"Wait, Mr. Chao!" she called. Miles also followed. The creature led the way to the kitchen, where it attempted to pull open the refrigerator. Millie helped it. The creature then dug around until it found what it was looking for. It picked up a container of cheese.

"Chao chao!" it said as it pointed to the cheese.

"You want to be called Cheese?"

"Chao!" It nodded ferociously.

Millie laughed. "Okay, Cheese!" Cheese put the cheese back and Millie closed the refrigerator. Cheese then turned to them and moved its arms and talked.

"Huh? Is something wrong, Cheese?"

"I think Cheese is trying to tell us something..." Miles said.

"Chao chao!" Cheese pointed to Miles to let them know that he was right. Cheese then pointed to Millie and then to its closed eyes.

"Close my eyes?" Millie asked as she did so. Cheese cried out in happiness. It touched Millie's forehead and closed its own eyes. The two suddenly shone in a bright light, making Miles close his eyes.

"What's going on? Millie?"


The five friends road the train back to the city, talking the whole way.

"We're here," Hiei announced as he walked to the door. He was the first out. The others followed him, Tim in the back. The doors close in front of Tim, separating him from his friends. The train started moving.

"Great," Tim muttered angrily as he plopped down in a seat. "Now I have to wait longer. I hate waiting."

Then why not run? a boy's voice asked in Tim's head.

"Are you crazy?" Tim demanded out loud, making everyone stare. He blushed in embarrassment, shrinking down in his chair in an attempt to hide from the stares. I can't run faster than this train! he thought, but the voice from before didn't answer. It seemed to be gone. Run, huh? He remembered his experience in the woods. Well, why not give it a go? I'd much rather run than sit on this thing.

Tim got off at the next stop, which was in a part of the city that he didn't know. He found the restroom near the train and picked a stall. He stood against the door, wondering what on earth he was thinking. Why am I even trying? I can't run that fast... I don't even know what happened in the forest... Why did I look like a hedgehog in that darkness? Who were those people? Sonic the Hedgehog... He closed his eyes and imagined how he looked as a hedgehog, still trying to figure out what happened.

When he opened his eyes, his world suddenly seemed smaller. "...Huh? How'd I get so short?" He stared down at his feet to see red tennis shoes and blue legs. Panicking, he turned his attention to his hands, only to find them gloved. "Not again! How to I change back? How'd I even get like this?"

Screaming outside broke his train of thought. He heard footsteps run into the restroom.

"Who was that?" someone said from the main part of the bathroom.

"I don't know, but those machines were scary... We'd better hide in here before he kills us or something!"

"What?" the blue hedgehog burst out. He thrust open the stall door, breaking the lock, and ran out as fast as he could to see what they were talking about. However, his speed was much greater than he had imagined. Unable to see anything fast enough to react, he ran straight into the wall of the restroom. "Oww..." he muttered as he staggered and held his hurting nose.

"Is that a... blue hedgehog?"

"You see it, too? Are we going crazy?"

"I don't know, but I don't think this can get any weirder!"

You think you're going crazy... the hedgehog thought dryly. Let's try jogging this time... He jogged out at his usual running speed. I guess this is what that person meant by 'try running'...

He entered the city, where people were running, but surprisingly enough, most people didn't notice the huge blue walking hedgehog, despite how much he stood out. Those who did see him screamed at him and ran as far away from him as they could without turning around. "You'd think they saw a monster or something..." he muttered to himself.

He heard the sound of metal stomping on the concrete roads ahead of him, past the running and screaming people. What's going on...? He tried jogging past the people, but he found it hard to make his way through the crowd. They ended up pushing him around and trampling on him since he was so small. This isn't working... He looked around, wondering what he could do. He noticed a shop nearby with a cloth hanging over it. Well, I can run faster than ever imagined, so why not try?

He jumped out of the crowd and towards the cloth. He landed on it and the cloth strained down under the momentum of the hedgehog. The cloth released and he jumped again, thrusting himself up into the air. He soon stared down at the city from the tops of the tallest buildings, amazed. That moment seemed to last forever as he stared down at the tiny buildings, cars, and people. As he started going down, he noticed the problem—orange robots were holding people hostage. A fat man hovered above them in a silver machine.

Wait a sec... Is that my teacher? Dr. Eggman? What's he doing? The hedgehog landed on the roof of a building. He ran across it and jumped again, making sure he would come down on the robots. Okay, what am I planning on doing... I'm coming down on a bunch of robots and my teacher, fast. And I can't let them hurt those people... What can I do?

"I demand control of this city, so it can become the start of my Eggman Empire!" Dr. Eggman declared as the hedgehog fell into hearing range.

Think fast, Tim... you're almost there... he told himself, having absolutely no clue how he was planning on doing, or why he even tried to do something in the first place. You like hedgehogs... so what do normal hedgehogs do...? He imagined a normal hedgehog balling up and thrusting its spikes out in defense from a bigger creature.

He pulled his hands and feet in to curl up. He accidentally fell forwards and started spinning. Ack! How do I stop? He hit the ground as a spinning ball and bounced up again. Never mind, no time for that. He bounced again, but this time, he flung his hand out and pushed off of the ground, heading straight for the robots. He hit one and immediately hurled himself at another. He went around in a deformed circle, breaking through all of the robots with his spinning spikes. Not knowing how to stop, he went straight through a wall before figuring out how to uncurl. He hit the opposite wall with a thud and fell to the ground. He slowly picked himself up, his back aching. People stared through the hole, wondering just what he was.

The blue hedgehog trudged out of the hole, and anyone standing there quickly moved far away, worried that he would hurt them. The police had their guns aimed at Dr. Eggman, but those closest to the hedgehog aimed their guns at him as he came out. He held his hands up.

"Calm down, don't be so jumpy. I'm on your side."

"I-it talks!"

"Take your guns off of it—it destroyed all of these robots," the officer commanded. He turned to the blue creature, whose hands were now down. "What... are you?"

"What's it look like? I'm a hu—" He stopped himself. No I'm not, I'm a... "A hedgehog!"

"A hedgehog? I've never seen any hedgehog like you!" Dr. Eggman spat. "How did you destroy all of my robots so quickly?"

Because I'm awesome, the hedgehog thought, but he held his tongue. Instead, he only smirked at the doctor.

"...This is rather odd... Do you have a name, hedgehog?" the officer asked, feeling embarrassed at this wild conversation.

"Of course! Who doesn't? I'm—" He caught the doctor's glaring eye and decided maybe it wasn't smart say "Timothy Parker." Who would believe him if he did? Plus, there was no telling what Dr. Eggman could do to Tim and his brother while bending the school rules as he pleased. So instead, he said the first thing that came to mind: "Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog."

"Sonic the Hedgehog, is it? Well, next time I'll make sure you don't get in my way!" Dr. Eggman pushed a button in his craft. A small capsule fell from his machine before exploding into a ton of smoke. Sonic and the police started coughing up the smoke that attempted to enter their lungs. None of them noticed Dr. Eggman fly away with a gas mask on.


And that was chapter one. I hope you enjoyed! I'll get chapter two up... sometime... if you guys like it. o.o'

Good luck!

Sonic Triple Kingdom
