Chapter Six

A/N: Finally! The LAST chapter!

Disclaimer: Don't, don't, don't, don't, & don't own Drake & Josh

Drake blinked. How long had he been asleep for?

"Hey, Allison," Drake began, then stopped. Allison wasn't sitting next to him anymore, but the TV was still playing and he was still hanging onto the cheese balls he'd been eating. Oh well, she'd probably gone to apologize to Jared.

"Allison!" He yelled, getting up. Miraculously, the pain in his back was gone.

My back must just feel better after resting. I know I do. Unlike before, I feel pretty good for a fifty year old! Drake though, stretching.

"Allison!" He shouted again. Once again, no one replied.

"Okay, this is getting creepy… Maybe Mindy and Josh left." He sighed. He'd been hoping they would stay, at least for dinner. Maybe Josh got a call from Oprah saying he needed to come down to Harpo Productions. Maybe Allison was tired and, since it took so long to get back to LA, they'd left.

"Josh, Mindy, are you guys still here? Allison?" Drake yelled once again.

"Huh? Of course I'm here, Drake. I do live here, you know." Josh's voice came from behind him.

"Oh good, your still here Josh. I wanted to thank you for making me feel better. Where's Mindy? I want to thank her too. You guys are great. And Allison's so cute. You guys really have done a great job raising her. I only wish Jared had turned out as well." Drake sigh, turning to face Josh.

"Drake… what are you talking about? Who's Allison? And who's Jared?" Josh asked, confused. Drake's eyes widened. Why did Josh look so… young? Well, his eyes were getting old.

"Allison, who's, duh, your daughter… have you lost your memory now?"

"No! Drake, should I call a doctor? Why don't you lie down?" Josh looked at Drake nervously. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Pretty good for my age! That nap helped out a lot."

"Huh? Drake, I'm going to call Mom and Dad…" Josh backed away slowly, keeping his eyes on Drake, as if he expected him to go crazy at any moment.

"What's wrong?" Drake asked, following Josh into the kitchen.

"You tell me!" Josh said. Suddenly the kitchen door opened and Megan walked through.

"Whatcha' doing, boobs?" She asked. Drake reeled back in shock. She was definitely not taller than him. In fact, she was, like, five and a half inches shorter than him! And she was back to her evil little self…

"Megan! What happened to you? Did you get shrunk by one of your own evil devices?"

"What evil devices, Drake. Are you okay?"

"I really don't know."

"What do you guys mean? And Megan, is Jared still up in his room?"

"Who's Jared?"

"My son, who else?" Drake rolled his eyes. Megan and Josh were getting on his nerves.

"Call the doctor, Josh!" Megan's eyes widened and she rushed to Josh's side.

"What?" Drake asked innocently.

"You're acting all… freakish." Megan said.

"I'm not… hey, wait a minute." Something had suddenly popped into Drake's mind. "How old am I?"

"I'm calling the doctor." Josh shook his head. His brother was acting crazy!

"Seventeen, duh." Megan sighed. He was being so Drake-ish to forget his own age.

"Are you sure? I'm not fifty?"

"Oh wow. I knew you were stupid, but I didn't think you were this bad. Of course you're not fifty! You're a stupid seventeen year old, but mainly stupid. What a boob!" Megan rolled her eyes.

"I'm seventeen! Yay!" Drake shouted, jumping up and down.

"Josh, has Drake gone crazy?" Megan asked her step-brother.

"I don't really know." Josh said.

"I haven't! I'm just happy to be seventeen again!"
"Drake, you have always, well at least for this year, been seventeen."

"No, but I was fifty for a few days… wait a second. If I wasn't fifty, and I was always seventeen, then that means…" Drake's eyes lit up. "Yay! I was never fifty! It must have just been a dream! Well, a really creepy dream."

"So you had a dream and you thought it was real? That's why your acting all weird?"

"Well if you were fifty, and then woke up to find out you were only seventeen, don't you think you would be acting crazy too?" Drake asked.

"That hasn't happened to me yet so I wouldn't know. But I guess I would."

"Phew. I'm just so glad that wasn't real. My life would have been such a disappointment. I mean, I'd been married eight times, I had a son who was just plain rude, you were married to Mindy and had a daughter named Allison, Mindy was a physiatrist, you worked for Harpo Productions and owned the coolest car, and you lived in a mansion in LA, I worked at the Premiere, had a Oldsmobile with AARP keys, lived here with Mom and Dad, Megan lived over in Europe and was visiting me –"

"See? I told you I'd be over in Europe laughing my head off when you guys were gagging on your own saliva. It came true!" Megan laughed evilly.

"Megan, don't interrupt." Josh corrected.

"No, it's okay. Yeah. You told me I was crazy a few times… and then called Mindy to have her take care of me."

"I did? Cool. Although I wished I would have flushed you down the toilet in that dream… that would be way cooler and I'd be free from you forever!"

"Ha ha, very funny. But the scary thing was that you were at least an inch taller than me… but you didn't try to hurt me so it wasn't as bad. You had given up your prankster ways." Megan laughed.

"As if that would ever happen." She said.

"Anyway, Mindy gave me a lot to think about, and then I went up to my room, which was painted orange, by the way, and sat with Allison. We watched Drew & Jerry for a little while, and then when I woke up I was here again!" Drake finished.

"Well that dream isn't too far from what's really going to happen in your future, anyway." Megan pointed out.

"I'm gonna make sure that doesn't happen." Drake replied. Megan raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah. We'll see, boob. We'll see."


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