You know, it's really sad when you have to go back and reread everything that you've written because it's been such a long time since you've even thought about it. Heck, the only reason I'm writing this right now is because I can't sleep. Not to say that I was never going to continue this, but I can never find the right time or the right mood. So, here I am at 5:30 in the morning, sitting at the kitchen table, in the dark, on my laptop, trying to type as quietly as possible. Thus, the rambling. I'll probably cut this out later.
Chapter 14
An hour later, eleven people sat in the dining area of Minako's house. Four of those people stared open-mouthed at the blond odango'd girl shoving her face full of food. The other six just sat and smiled at the never-changing girl's antics.
Pushing a now empty plate away to rest with the other six she had finished off, Usagi realized what she had done.
"Oh my god! Did I really eat all of that?" She hurriedly looked over to Ami, Makoto, Minako, and Rei, whose mouths were still open.
"I swear I've never eaten this much! I hardly ever eat! Why am I eating so much!" Usagi cried, suddenly panicking.
"Whoa, whoa Usa. Calm down. This is normal. You have to realize that all the energy that has been spent 'remembering things' have to be replenished. That's usually done by eating what you've spent. Pretty soon, you'll be tired because your body needs time to convert that food to energy." Duo explained. "Did that make sense, guys?"
"Somewhat, Duo. However, Makoto, Minako, Rei and I also spent a great amount of energy 'remembering'. We haven't eaten that much." Ami replied.
Duo scratched his head and grinned.
"True, but Usagi's eating is pretty normal for her. She's always been a glutton."
"Glutton. That's a pretty big word. Duo, since when have you started using large words?"
"Waddaya mean by that, Wu-man? I use large words all the time!"
"Um... Guys?"
"If, by large words, you mean that you say 'large' and 'words' in sentences together all the time, I'll give you that."
"Wait a minute! Did you just call me a glutton?"
"Well, I didn't mean it in a bad way, Usa. And I'm not stupid, Wufei!"
"I didn't say that, but if the shoe fits..."
"Are you calling me fat, Duo?"
"HEY GUYS! Give it a rest! We have more important things. You know, like Luna!" Quatre yelled, panting and slightly red in the face.
Usagi blushed, Duo smiled sheepishly, and even Wufei had the grace to look embarrassed. Sitting down, they all became quiet, trying to think of a good way to start searching for Luna.
Over the next hour, everyone brought up ideas, only quickly to be shot down. Tempers and anxieties were starting to rise, the room's atmosphere quickly becoming uncomfortable. Voices were raised and people got up from their seats. There was pacing and those that had stayed in their seats had begun to rock softly. There were even a few tears. Unable to stand it, Usagi yawned loudly, bringing everyone to a halt. She glanced around, as if surprised that she had yawned.
"I'm sorry! Wow, I guess Duo was right about that energy thing. Maybe I should go take a nap." Usagi said, with a slight smile.
"Actually, I should have thought of it earlier. You girls have been through a lot today. After the meal, we really should have insisted that you got some rest before our debate. The resting should be good for you, so we'll continue mapping out our plans to find Luna later, ok?" Quatre said and got up so he could help Rei out of her seat.
Usagi had only taken a few steps towards the stairs leading to the bedrooms when there was a sudden bright light. It was so bright, that everyone in the room was momentarily blinded. Right after the light began, Usagi became aware of a sound. It started off small and far away, but it quickly became louder and closer. Usagi wondered why it sounded so familiar, and when she figured it out, her eyes became large and she quickly looked up. Only by then, it was too late.
Dee wailed as she made her decent. She really hated traveling like this. It wasn't something that she was used to, so she always managed to muck something up and land in the most oddest of places. Every time Dee traveled like this, she always swore she was never going to do this again. When all this was done and finished, she was going to make sure that her Mama knew she was never traveling like this again. It was going to be the good old fashioned way from now on.
Dee's internal ranting was cut short as she landed on something somewhat soft. She blinked and looked down on what she landed on. And stared. And blinked. And stared some more. Really, she couldn't believe the good luck she was having. She had actually landed on the person she was looking for in the first place. She jumped up, pulled the girl up and immediately started babbling ... er, talking.
"Wow, you have no idea how lucky we must be. I can't believe I found you on the first try. Usually I have to try that darn transporting thing over and over again before I finally figure out where I'm going. But, well, here I am! And there you are! Wow, Rabbit, I'm just so happy you're here, and I bet Mama will be happy, too, cause now we'll all be saved, or something like that. Mama really didn't explain the whole thing to me, just told me to come find you and give you..." Dee trailed off, pausing to get a breath.
"Diana?" Artemis said softly, as if hardly believing his eyes.
Dee's head turned, finally taking in the rest of the people in the room, and her own eyes widened.
"Papa? Papa, where have you been?"
End Chapter
Ok, that's all I'm gonna write right now. I'm still recovering from surgery, so while I have insomnia, I suppose it's a good idea to try and get some sleep, rest, whatever. Night all