Disclaimer: Gravitation belongs to Maki Murakami-sensei and not Aya-chan.

Scene 1-Only when no one is watching, do we really fall apart

Shindou Shuichi was panicking.

It was only the first day of the second semester at his school and he was already late. As he hurriedly hoisted himself over the school gates, he lost his footing and fell. He had time to think "Oh, crap" before he crashed down.


"ooof?" Shuichi wondered. He looked under him and was met with a pair of catlike golden eyes. Shuichi was mesmerized. "Those are some beautiful eyes…"

Yuki Eiri glared at the girly brat sitting on top of him. He was already in a lousy mood , having been forced to be at the academy and on top of that, he just had to get flattened when he was only innocently walking next to the wall, minding his own business. "And what's with his hair? Is it supposed to be…Pink..?"

"Hey, do you plan to sit on me forever?"

Shuichi jolted out of his daydream, embarrassed. He quickly scrambled off the mysterious stranger . "I'm really sorry about that! I was in a rush and the gates were locked and so I decided to jump ove-…"

Yuki snorted and interrupted Shuichi's ramblings, "Whatever, kid. Just remember that you'll pay for the cleaning of my suit." With that, Yuki walked away. Shuichi stared after the blond man in dislike for a moment. He had never met anyone as rude as him before. "What an unpleasant person. I hope I never see him again..."

Just then, the school bell rang.

Shuichi yelped, "Oh, no! Kawamura-sensei is going to kill me!" He grabbed his stuff that dropped when he fell and ran as fast as he could towards the school hall, his encounter with the rude blonde all but a distant memory.


Shuichi stared at the front of the class in horror. Earlier, he had managed to sneak into the classroom without getting caught because Kawamura-sensei wasn't in. He had thought it was odd that the gangster-like teacher would miss out on catching him late. He knew the reason now .

He mentally groaned, "Why HIM of all people? Why?"

The vice-principal was explaining the situation to class 3-A . "…..And so, Kawamura-sensei will be taking a long break to recover. Your new homeroom teacher will be Yuki-sensei here. Please be on your best behavior and……"

The students weren't listening.

The girls were excitedly whispering.

"…Ne, ne! Don't you think he looks hot?"

"…Did he just look this way?"

"…You think he's married?"

The guys were…not so excited.

"Aw man… Why do girls always dig older guys?"

That rhetorical grumble came from the red haired guy slumped in his seat next to Shuichi; Hiro, his perverted girl-crazy childhood friend.

The other guys seemed to have the same sentiment as Hiro, if their mutterings were anything to go by.

Yuki looked at the schoolgirls in distaste. "I'm supposed to be teaching this bunch of twittering dimwits? Nothing but pure torture.. I don't want their brainless boyfriends to come accusing me of stealing their girls or whatever…"

Yuki glanced through the classroom with disinterest. A shock of pink caught his attention. "That hair looks familiar. Could it be…?"

Shuichi glared when Yuki's eyes met his and stuck his tongue out before proceeding to send a mental message. "Jerk."

Yuki smirked inwardly when the defiant glare was sent along his way."This could be fun,after all.."

His mood improved, he willingly complied when the principal asked him to introduce himself. "Good morning to all of you , my name is Yuki Eiri and I will be teaching you biology…"


"I can't believe they fell for it!" Shuichi exclaimed in disbelief.

It was lunch time and he was eating with Hiro and Ryuichi, another childhood friend but from a different class. Hiro was busy lavishing his attention on food and was therefore, not paying attention to Shuichi .

Ryuichi raised his eyebrows. "Oh come on, I have Yuki-sensei as my biology teacher too and he's a pretty nice guy. I don't understand why you're so against him"

Shuichi was frustrated. "You see? That's what I meant. Even you believed his Mr. Nice Guy act! During class, he was like a totally different person than the one I met in the morning. He actually SMILED when the girls asked him questions. That face was made for scaring people, not smiling! I almost died from the shock of it all!"

Shuichi kicked Hiro's shin. "Say something! You were complaining earlier that he looked exactly like a playboy and should be locked away for the number of girls falling for him!"

Hiro half-mumbled his reply, still not bothering to look at Shuichi. "That was before I spoke to him. On further inspection, he's actually quite cool."

Ryuichi hastily cut in before Shuichi killed Hiro, "Maybe it WAS a different person you met this morning."

Shuichi nibbled his nibbled his lip uncertainly. "Maybe you're right."

Ryuichi beamed at Shuichi ."Now that it's solved, let's eat!" He practically poured his entire collection of bunny-shaped junk food on the table and grinned happily, "Eat!"

Shuichi sweat dropped. "Um…No thanks..I think I'll go get some other foo-.."

Ryuichi wasn't about to let him get away so easily. "Is there something wrong with my food, Shu-chan?"

Shuichi gulped.

Escape plan, failed.


Classes ended more than two hours ago. Shuichi was lying down on the roof floor, hidden from view. He really didn't want to go home. He knew what awaited him there... Shuichi sighed, gazing up at the darkening sky. He couldn't dally for much longer...

"…….Those girls were so annoying. Did they actually think I could be interested in them? How foolish…"

Shuichi knew that voice . He jolted upright and as he did, bumped his head against the wall. The pain was searing. "Oww…."

Yuki was startled when he heard a knocking sound followed immediately with a groan He strode over to the source of the noise, breathing from his cigarette as he did. Shuichi was behind a row of planks, holding his head in his hands.

Somehow, Yuki wasn't surprised.

"Watching the clouds, are you?" Yuki's remark was sarcastic.

Shuichi's attention snapped to Yuki at once, all pain forgotten. He looked at Yuki's smirking face for a moment, trying to refrain from punching him."I knew it was the same person! What a horrible personality. How did he manage to qualify as a teacher?"

Shuichi then noticed the cigratte. "You're smoking in the school compund!" he exclaimed in shock.

Yuki waved his cigarette uncaringly. "Yeah, you want to try?"

Shuichi was stupefied as Yuki offered him the cigarette. "Thanks but no thanks. I don't want to die from lung cancer. Unlike someone," he pointedly added.

Yuki just gave Shuichi an innocent smile. "I see you've been listening in my class. I'm so proud of you!"

Shuichi felt like throwing up. "Stop that! It's disgusting. Wait till everyone finds out how you really are."

Yuki's smile disappeared instantly and his eyes gained a glacial look. This hard, cold expression suited Yuki a lot better. "Oh, but they won't. See, if they did, they would also find our that someone was late for class today.

Shuichi cursed inwardly, "Damm. My record has been pretty bad lately. Just being late is going to get me into a lot of trouble..."

"Fine. I won't tell but people's going to discover it eventually. You can't pretend forever." With that, Shuichi grabbed his school bag and stomped off .

Yuki watched Shuichi go, his expression unreadable.

You can't pretend forever.

Yuki snorted then sighed.
"You don't have to tell me that, brat. I already know."


Shuichi trudged home, his mind still in jumbles.

"That arrogant pig-head! Someday, someone is going to murder you in your sleep," he cursed Yuki angrily.

"Shuichi!" A female voice called out harshly.

Shuichi felt a sense of dread. He had reached his house way too soon. His mother stood in the driveway, her eyes were flashing furiously.

She looked half-insane with spittle flying out of her mouth as she shouted, "Where have you been? It's already so late."
"Hurry up! They have been waiting for so long! "

Shuichi knew who theywere. He knew what they were here for. And he didn't like it one bit.

"Shuichi! Quickly!" His mother caught hold of his arm and dragged him into the house.

As the door slammed shut, so did Shuichi's heart.

"Somebody save me.."


Hello, everyone! This is my first gravi fic. Hope you enjoyed it!
Reviews are greatly appreciated. Please and thank you! heh heh.