Thanks for all the reviews. I love you all… umm, well, I like you… but I don't love you.
Disclaimer: I own Full-Metal Alchemist… Oh wait, did I just write that? Sorry, I meant I don't own Full-Metal Alchemist.
FMA quote of the chapter: "When I, who am called a 'weapon' or a 'monster', fight a real monster, I can truly realize that I am just a 'human.'" -Roy (Manga)
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By: HomunculusGreedLing
Chapter 6: Umm… Back to Ed? (I can't think of a title)
Ed woke up in the dark again.
He was almost used to this by now, the cold floor did not make sleep any easier.
He looked up, and his body froze.
Wrath stood in front of him, a block of metal on his hand.
Wrath noticed that Ed was awake, and grinned.
"Did I wake you up?" he mocked, "Oh well, don't worry. This'll be over soon."
There was a bright flash, and Wrath's right hand turned into a metal blade.
Before Ed could do anything, Wrath placed his left hand on Ed's mouth.
Ed tried to raise his hand to resist, but his hand was chained again.
Ed moved his head about wildly, trying to get Wrath to let go of his mouth.
Ed wanted to cry for help, but who would be here to help him even if he did cry out. He still tried to free his mouth, but it was useless.
Smiling, Wrath raised the metallic arm. Soon, very soon, the body would be his.
Blood splattered over Ed's face. Wrath flew back, his torso ripped apart.
"Bastard!" yelled Greed, lunging towards Wrath, "I told you not to come in here."
Greed dragged Wrath even further away from Ed, further into the darkness.
Ed was still tied up, and, in the darkness, he could only imagine what was happening through the sounds that reached his ears.
Wrath's cries of pain filled his ears. Wrath's blood covered his face, trickling down his mouth.
"You got a little over-excited, so you couldn't wait for Envy. Bastard, you'll get your prize later, if anything happens to the Full-Metal squirt before Envy gets here, our deal is off, and I don't get jack shit out of this," yelled Greed, "You bloody well could have cost me everything here, I'LL RIP YOU APART!"
A figure emerged from the darkness.
Greed appeared in his Ultimate Shield form, his body splattered in blood.
He threw a battered Wrath at the wall and came towards Ed.
"That's what'll happen to you if you try anything dumb," said Greed, cutting the chain that held Ed' arm.
"He didn't hurt you, did he?" asked Greed, now reverting to normal form.
"No," replied Ed slowly.
Greed sighed, and moved towards the now open door.
"Lust!" he yelled.
Ed heard someone climbing down the stone steps that were barely visible outside the door.
"I'll be leaving for a while. Lust is here to watch you, don't do anything you'll regret later," Greed said, grabbing Wrath by the neck and dragging him along.
Lust entered the room as Greed left, her curvaceous figure followed by a large round one.
Lust walked towards Ed, Gluttony trailing behind her.
When she was about a foot away, Lust raised her hand, her fingers extended towards Ed's face.
She toyed with his hair for a while. Gluttony stood behind her, with his disturbingly large smile, drool falling out of his mouth.
Ed shifted back uncomfortably.
"What a small little boy," said Lust, a mischievous grin on her face, "he's not going to be any fun at all…"
Ed was too frightened to say anything.
Gluttony drew closer. "Lust, can I…"
"No, you can't," said Lust.
Lust came closer to Ed and patted him on the head lightly.
"Be nice," she said softly.
Lust and Gluttony disappeared into the darkness.
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So, there it is, please review.