Basic premise: Ed gets kidnapped, and the others try to find him.
Disclaimer: I don't own Full-Metal Alchemist, if I did, do you really think I would spend my time writing fanfics.
FMA quote of the chapter: "Make note Homunculus, you are finally on your knees."-Roy to Lust. (Manga)
By: HomunculusGreedLing
Chapter 1: … Umm… The beginning?
The rain poured heavily all around him. Soaking wet, he rushed towards the gates.
'Man, this isn't good for my auto-mail,' he thought. He quickened his pace, the military headquarters.
"Hey Full-Metal," came a voice from behind him.
Moments later, a soaked, disgruntled Edward Elric burst into Central headquarters.
"Mister Full-Metal, Colonel Mustang wants to see you in his office," an officer informed Ed. Cursing under his breath, Ed made his way to Roy's office.
"Nii-san, where were you? I was worried sick," cried Alphonse Elric, hugging Ed as soon as he entered the room.
"I just went for a walk," replied Ed, breaking out of the armor's hold. He glanced around the room.
Armstrong, Havoc, Hughes, Hawkeye, and everyone else were also in the room, enjoying a game of cards. Roy was chatting on the phone, probably Havoc's girlfriend. Ed approached Roy as he hung up the phone.
"Where were you Full-Metal? You missed dinner, that's highly unusual of you," exclaimed Roy.
"I was out," replied Ed.
"Well you look starved, Alphonse saved you something, it's on that desk," said Roy, pointing to the bowl.
"It's my wife's chili, so watch it," warned Hughes.
"Yeah right," dismissed Ed. He put a large spoonful into his mouth.
In about ten seconds, the room was filled with loud cursing.
Finally laying his hand on something drinkable, he gulped down a whole pitcher of milk. Everyone stared at him.
"What?" he asked, and looked down. Down at his black skirt, and the visible ouroborous mark.
"Oh crap," muttered Envy as he jumped up, "Damn, I'm surrounded"
Well, that's the beginning. Please review.
Next chapter, I'll tell you where Ed is.
Oh yeah, this is going to get a lot more bloody and violent, so I'll be raising the rating after the next chapter.