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A/N: This is a continuation of the story RACE. Except, it's the future, and my first story is their wedding. Ouji is the best man of Ryan, and Kira is the maid of honor for Christine.
Now, let the future begin!
Promise Proven
It's the futuree. Ryan pawned Christine's and his Crush Rings to get an engagement and a wedding ring the traditional kind.
In Christine's Room
Kira was her maid of honor.
'Are you getting cold feet, Christine?' Kira said.
'Of course not! I'm so excited,' Christine said with a big smile, 'How did you feel at your wedding?'
'I had cold feet. I wasn't sure I was going to go through with it,' Kira said, 'where do you want to go for your honeymoon?'
'Somewhere cold, I want to go to El Nath maybe; rent a nice room. Maybe even a fancy suite in the chief's residence, and finally have some fun with Ryan,' Christine said.
'Well, that's nice. I would have liked that too, but I still loved me and Ouji's stay at sleepywood hotel for ours,' Kira said.
'I don't know how you two could have a romantic night in a scary place like that…' Christine said.
'Are you planning to have babies with Ryan?' Kira asked Christine.
'Well, I don't know. I don't think I really want kids…' Christine said. 'I don't think I want to go through that pain. That reminds me, how is Kato now?'
'Oh, he's fine. I finally understand that fear parents get when their kids are going to hunt snails. It's hard to believe he's going to be thief. I think it's kind of cute.' Kira says to Christine. 'The pain is worth the fun you'll have with him or her, and you'll finally understand what it feels like to worry like this. I'm happy you let him be the ring-bearer.'
'Yeah, it's not problem I owe you guys for all the crap me and Ryan put you through just to get us to this day.' Christine said laughing. 'I wouldn't be anywhere but here right now.'
In Ryan's Room
'Oh my god, I have to get out of here. I can't go through with this,' Ryan says as he paces the room in a tuxedo.
'Oh god, this isn't the time to overreact. You won't believe the crap me and Kira went through to get you to this day; you're going to do this.' Ouji says, 'Sorry, but This is something that's important to me and Kira as well as Christine. You can't let her down. You might as well get your mind off of it. Think of what you're going to do after your married,' Ouji smirks. 'Where are you going to go?'
'Well, of course I want to go somewhere hot. Go to Florina and rent a nice kabana or whatever.'
'Don't you think it will be fun?' Ouji says. 'I mean, just focus on that, like every other guy on his wedding day. Girls are normally the ones that get cold feet. Just remember to say "I do" and give her a kiss of true love.' Ouji smiles. 'It will all be worth it in the end.'
'Okay, thanks, I guess you're right. I'm trying my hardest not to focus on the bad things. It's just kind of hard to know that this is for the rest of my life…' Ryan says quite fearfully.
'Just forget about everything else, except your wedding day, okay? Do you plan on having children with her?' Ouji asks trying to comfort him.
'Well, I do want kids. I want them to work as a cleric and a hunter just like you guys. So they can always be helpful to each other. You and Kira are pretty much indestructible. I've seen you guys kill Zakum.' Ryan says.
'Thanks, but let them choose their job on their own. Me and Kira's little Kato is going to be a bandit. We let him choose himself.' Ouji smiles. 'Well, you better get ready. It's almost time.'
'Yeah, I guess you're right.' Ryan says as he tucks in his shirt, and straightens his tie.'
(wedding bells start to ring)
'It's time!' Ouji and Kira say to Ryan and Christine.
They all arrive into the sanctuary entrance. shush your butt, I don't know. It's like 2:11 in the morning. I'm only writing this for Annie and I can't think. All of their friends were gathered around behind them. Ryan is standing just looking at Ouji smiling constantly and annoyingly. Christine walks towards them in a long beautiful golden thread gown. She comes to meet Ryan as they both turn to Kira being the priestess that weds them. Ouji and Kira are already a priest and ranger, even though we're only level 65 and 66 in the real game
'So are you two ready to commit your whole life to each other?' Kira asks Ryan and Christine. Ryan is starting to sweat a lot. 'If you will stay together through rich and poor, breakdowns and let-downs, sickness and in health, and promise to share everything; if you truly love each other, promise each other your own self forever.'
'I promise…' Christine and Ryan say.
Kato begins to walk up with two rings tied to a pillow. He's still 6 years old at the moment. He gives his mother, Kira the rings and she gives them to Ryan and Christine.
Ryan says 'I'll love you forever,' as he slips the ring onto Christine's finger.
'I will too,' Christine says looking into Ryan's eyes.
Ryan gives her a kiss that isn't a kiss that stems from teenage hormones, but his true love for her. The whole audience starts to cheer as the wedding ends with them walking into the cursed sanctuary and killing Jr. Balrog together for the first time.
Quite the traditional MS wedding no?