Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts.

Warning: Roxidus. Yes, Roxas's name can pair up with just about anyone else's. This is the first Roxas/Tidus fic on FF.N (should I be excited or worried?); at least, any others on here are parts of oneshot collections. Assuming that they do exist, which isn't something I would put money on.

Other: This started out as the idea for a humor fic, as evidenced by the first section (which remains because it makes everything else at least partially make sense). Oh, and this is a two-shot, meaning that there WILL be another chapter after this one.

The Perfect Day

Sora grinned as he stared at his image in the mirror of his admittedly cramped bathroom. On the counter were several open bottles, their caps either popped open or scattered across the cluttered surface. Sora didn't mind any of that, though. What he cared about was his hair, and the wonderful prank that he would use it for.


I spent that morning doing my usual wake-up routine, which was mostly of rolling out of bed (literally), grabbing a bliztball and flipping it around in some pretty cool moves, dragging myself down the hall into the bathroom, pounding on the door until dad finally got out, trading some insults that were probably lame because it was too early for us to think up good ones, showering, getting dressed, and then raiding the kitchen for some sort of caffeinated soda. After I was fully awake, I insulted dad some more (it was mutual), asked mom for breakfast, made gagging noises when my parents kissed, and quickly ran out of the house. I did not want to stick around when my parents started doing any of that crap. It's just...gross.

I wandered around the island. Finally, I decided to take my boat over to the other island and hopefully get a good view of Kairi and Selphie in their bikinis, minus the overprotective boyfriends (or, in Sora's case, not-quite-boyfriend).

When I got there, it was completely empty. No girls, no boys, and even Riku had abandoned his usual perch on the paopu tree.

I was just about to give up and go back when I saw something. A flash of blonde hair. I squinted; of the seven kids on the Islands with blonde hair, three were boys and six were natural. However, I'd never seen this one before; at least, I didn't immediately recognize them, whoever they were.

Shrugging, I jogged over to them, noting that they were male and that he really wasn't someone that I knew. He had gold hair that was spiked up in front but laid down in back, and when I tapped his shoulder to get his attention, he turned and I saw that he had pretty blue eyes. Pretty like Sora and Kairi's are, all bright and happy. Not like mine, or Riku's.

His face was pretty too, but not quite enough to get him beat up as being too "girl-ish." I had run into that, for some reason; I don't think I look like a girl at all, but some older kids at school evidently did. Of course, those were the ones that most kids make a point of avoiding, so that isn't saying much.

Anyway, back to the pretty boy. His mouth was kinda twitching, like he wanted to smile but was forcing it back. I smirked; so he was challenging me! Great! I can make anybody smile!

Besides, it couldn't be too hard. Especially if he was already beginning to crack. Wait...I hadn't said anything yet. I'd just been staring at him. Oops, that probably didn't look good.

Trying to cover it up, I jerked my head a bit and gave him a big smile. "Er, sorry 'bout that...just sort of zoned out, you know? Anyway, my name's Tidus. Who're you? I haven't seen you around..."

The blond just looked at me for a long moment, and I wondered if there was something on my face. Did my breath stink? I had showered, so I wasn't reeking (anymore, that is)...

After the second awkward silence, he finally smiled, but it was kinda thin and it didn't look like his heart was in it. I almost frowned; that was no good! It didn't even really count as a smile!

"Er, I'm...Roxas. I, uh, I'm from Twilight Town." His words sent off a bunch of warning bells in my head, but luckily I hit the mute and didn't have to deal with them for the rest of the day. He was just shy, and it was painfully obvious. He was looking down and scuffing his shoe in the sand, shifting from foot to foot and not looking me in the eye.

I resolved then and there that it was my job to make sure that he knew where everything was, who to talk to and who it was safe to beat up. I'd be his guardian, of sorts. Yeah! That'd make an excellent excuse for later, if- no, when- we hung out together without the others. I don't know why, but my mind made all those decisions in about five seconds flat. Or maybe my heart did; Sora's always going on and on about the power of the heart. Maybe my heart manipulated my brain into helping it with its evil scheme. Without telling the rest of me.

"So, you're new here? That's pretty cool. D'you want me to show you where everything is?" I'm not exactly the most patient person in the world; I was already grabbing his hand and tugging it, a silent order to follow me. I was always the leader whenever we teenagers did something, unless Riku or Sora was there. Riku got by on looks and a brain to kill for, while Sora dominated groups by sheer force of personality. As such, they were destined to either be the worst of enemies or the best of friends- maybe something more, because I think that Kairi would be nice enough to share Sora with Riku. I have no idea why; Sora's actually pretty good looking now that we weren't little kids anymore, and he's definitely in love with Kairi (probably in like with Riku as well, though). But that's all beside the point.

Roxas let me drag him around and point stuff out to him, and sometimes he'd ask me questions about the other kids. We hit all the high points, and then went down to the lower beach and just stood there. It wasn't even noon yet, so I don't know what he was staring at, but his gaze was kinda...hungry, as if he wanted to eat the island up so that it would be a part of him forever. ...You know what, I don't like that description. It sounds too creepy for someone like Roxas.

After what seemed like ages, he started walking toward the pier. At first I thought that he was heading for my boat, but then he sat down on the edge, like Selphie used to, and he stared out at the ocean again.

I never thought that I could sit in one place, without talking or moving more than the occasional stretch, for hours at a time. But I did, that day. We watched as the sun slowly sank, and there was a sort of timeless feeling in the air as twilight approached, an almost physical charge that brushed against my skin and left my arms and face feeling tingly.

When it was officially twilight, Roxas turned to me, and smiled. Not the small one from before, but a true smile. One that lit up his eyes and made him look like an angel, and I swear that even time itself stopped to admire that boy's face.

"Thanks Tidus. I had a great time." I froze; that sounded sorta like what a person says after a date...

Then he stood up and walked off the pier. I twisted around to watch as he went down the beach, without turning to look back. I finally lost sight of him as night fell, the darkness swallowing him up.

I never saw Roxas again.