AU: Hey guys if you didn't already know I changed Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 pretty severely so if you haven't read it you probably should otherwise other chapters might confuse you!!! Anyway … guess wat ………… come on guys that was your cue

Audience: Oh right … you were talking

Me: Yes … yes I was

Keira: I was wondering where that weird noise was comin from ….

Ginny: laugh Yer I didn't think it was possible for a human to sound that … that … wats a word for that

Keira: I dunno … I don't think there is a word that describes that …Hehehe we are sooo funny

Ginny and Keira: high five each other then double over in silent fits of laughter

Me: HEY! kicks Ginny and Keira in the side causing them to laugh even harder I'm the writer here … I could kill you off if I wanted to

Ginny: laughs even harder HAHAHA we're the ones with the power Hehehe

Keira: evil glint in eye Yer mwahahaha AVADA KEDAVRA

Eragon suddenly appears

Eragon: Skölir! Sais in super hot and sexy voice

shield appears around me mwahahaha

Me: starts singing 'cant touch this'

Ginny: Hello did it not occur to you points at Eragon that this is a HARRY POTTER FAN FIC not a stupid Eragon one

Keira: HEY! Don't yell at the hot guy … he's mine tho … you cant have him

Ginny: Ohhhhhhhhh … then I have nobody

Keira: You have Draco

Audience: stares

Me: ok … enough of this! Eragon is mine as is Draco and Harry …. And just for the heck of it Murtagh is too so SHOO he's mine mwahahaha

Disclaimer: I never got to tell you what I was gonna tell you in the AU thingy …. That's probably because I don't have the magnificent powers of J.K Rowling … and if I don't have the magnificent powers of J.K Rowling I obviously am not J.K Rowling and if I'm not J.K Rowling … I obviously didn't write the Harry Potter books and If I didn't write the Harry Potter books I'm not J.K Rowling and If I'm not J.K Rowling I don't have her magnificent powers and If I don't have her magnificent powers I never got to tell you what I wanted to tell and If I never got to tell you what I wanted to tell you. You don't know what I wanted to tell you and if you don't know what I wanted to tell you. You wont know that pigs can fly and if you don't know that pigs can fly you wont realise that this is just a whole heap of rambling garbage that only succeeded to dock 20 IQ points from you and transfer them to me.

MWAHAHA do you see my plan … I am a genius … I stole your IQ points

NEWS FLASH : The world is going to end … please ride your flying pigs to the nearest Giant flying pig and board calmly and safely. Please refrain from holding on as that distracts Mother pigs. Thank-you and see you in hell.

HEHEHEH sorry I was kinda on a high when I wrote that

Last Chapter

Ginny thought looking at her watch and sur enough it was 7 o'clock. The doorbell would start ringing any time now. The party was starting. Keira must have thought the same thing because she was now looking in the mirror fixing her hair and make-up making annoyed faces when her mascara wasn't going on the way she wanted it to and when her hair wasn't sitting in the right place. Ginny could still hear Pansy giggling from the Lounge Room and hearing it now … she wasn't so sure it was actually the alcohol that had got Pansy so hyped. Ginny wasn't able to

continue that train of thought because soon enough … the doorbell rang.


This Chapter

Pansy must have heard the door bell cause she soon screamed "MASKS ON" loudly running through the lounge room lunging at the front door and yanking it open with such force it almost came off its hinges. Ginny and Keira doubled over in fits of laughter for what seemed like the millionth time that night. Pansy soon lost her balance and fell over backwards landing on the flower pot next to the door way in a heap. Ginny and Keira looked at each other looked back at Pansy and doubled over in another fit of laughter. She looked so funny sitting in the flowerpot with a look of confusion on her face. Tears were pouring down Ginny's face by the time the laughter was interrupted by the two handsome young men standing at the door.

"Good evening Pansy." said the blonde one while frowning at both Keira and her. Ginny almost fainted at the sound of his voice … it was so rough yet … so formal … oh she didn't know how to describe it. It was so surreal and 'What the hell Ginny!' she thought snapping herself out of it, 'You never think of guys this way! Don't start now.' She shook her head watching as he offered an arm to Pansy who let him help her up as she was currently still in hysterics. He was so graceful with his movements it was as if he just floated not touching the ground and how he had helped Pansy up. He was perfect … literally 'Yes.' she decided he definitely was a God. He was to graceful to be human 'To gorgeous as well … that cant be legal' she thought momentarily staring at his ass before Keira clicked her fingers in front of her eyes snapping her out of it.

"Honey … waaay to obvious!" Keira said, "But OH MY GOD the brown haired guy was gorgeous." She said whispering, as they hadn't left the room yet

"There was two guys?" Ginny said looking at Keira strangely

"Yes … both just as hot as each other." She said giggling

'Whoa … I am going bonkers' Ginny thought 'I couldn't even remember there was two guys … there is definitely something wrong with me. Maybe Pansy spiked my drink.' She thought giggling at the thought. Keira frowned at her before dragging her out to the pool area where Colin was flirting with Pansy and 'the God' (that was what she had named him) was with his friend who was definitely not as perfect as him … Keira had also agreed with her that there definitely was something … different about him. She decided to just stick with her first idea that he was a God … it was perfectly explainable ' kinda … well not really but it was the only conclusion her mind came to.' she sighed … what was happening to her??? She was calling some random guy a God just because he was Hot. Not normal. But she couldn't help but stare at him. There was just something about him something … special … who was she kidding … there was nothing special about him she just shouldn't have had that drink earlier.

Her thoughts were interrupted when 20 loud cracks filled the air and a second later Pansy's brother and his friends appeared already half drunk. Pansy screamed running over to hug a brown haired guy wearing black skinny legs (it seemed everyone was wearing them) and no shirt with well-toned abs. Ginny assumed that this was her brother. And soon enough.

"OH MY GOD!!! You have to meet my friends." She screamed dragging him over to where Ginny and Keira stood

"Hugh this is Ginny and Keira." She said pointing to the two of them, "Ginny and Keira meet my brother Hugh." She said hugging him fiercely

" 'Sup!" he said nodding at them

"Are you drunk already?" Keira said asked

"Nah it'd take more than a carton of Fire whiskey to get me drunk!" he said laughing and patting Keira and Ginny on their heads "Well I'm off to get this partay started." He said walking over and "accidentally" pushing both Pansy and Colin in the pool … "Woops." Was all he said when they started screaming in protest

Within minutes of this incident the whole house was buzzing with people, alcohol, dirty dancing, shouting, water, more alcohol and other things that are not mentionable in this fanfic … but I'm sure you understand what I'm hinting at. The music was turned up to its full volume and it was nearly impossible to be heard over it so Keira and Ginny had resorted to sign language … which wasn't working to well. Keira was pointing over to something off in the distance and then did weird finger and hand actions. Ginny frowned 'What the hell is she trying to say?' she looked to where Keira was pointing again then she saw what she was pointing at. It was 'the God's friend' 'Oh' she nodded in understanding and gave keira the thumbs up. Keira smiled relief on her face that Ginny had finally understood and practically screamed but regained her composure and walked over to where 'the God's friend' was standing.

Ginny sighed and was about to walk over to the bar when a hand tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and was face to face with … 'The God'

"So your friends the friend that stole my friend." He said smiling while taking two glasses of wine from the waiter and offered one to her

She stared at him drinking in his appearance he was so handsome and his voice … oh his voice. Just the sound of his voice enchanted her enough to completely miss the meaning of his words. She soon noticed he was looking at her expectantly she shook her head snapping herself out of it, "Sorry … what was that?"

He smiled understandingly, "To much to drink?" he asked

"You could say that." She said smiling thanking the Gods he hadn't figured the real reason … 'Damn. How can you thank the Gods when he is a God … You've blew it this time Ginny' she sighed, "I think pansy spiked my drink. I'm just not myself the evening" She said shaking her head. He laughed. She fought back the urge to sigh at the sound of his laugh … it was so … enticing. She could listen to it for hours on end.

"Would you do me the honour of this dance?" he asked offering his arm

"I would love to." She said.

He took her hands and wrapped them around his neck and placed his hands around her waist pulling her in closer. She could feel his breath on her neck and shivered. She couldn't believe her luck here she was dancing with a God to her favourite song 'I'll be' by Edwin McCain. She smiled contently and closed her eyes listening to the song humming along with it. She could see Collin and Pansy off in the distance dancing and smiled. She couldn't think of anyone else better suited for the two of them then … well … the two of them.

"Have you been to Pansy's party before?" he asked not moving from their position

"No. I haven't actually. I've heard a lot about it though."

He laughed, "Yes I suppose you would have. It's quite a famous party."

"A bit wild though!" she said looking at a couple going at it in the pool with a disgusted look on her face

'The God' laughed, "Do you want to go for a walk? I know a nice park a few blocks form here. And the music is so loud we will still be able to here it."

Ginny smiled … usually by now she would have slapped the guy because that is the classic line for 'Do ya wanna get outta here an fuck?' but with 'The God' … he just didn't seem like that. She felt like she could trust him so instead of slapping him she agreed.

"Great." He said leading her through the crowd, "You should have seen it last year." He said when two drunk guys through a 3rd guy out the window and into a bed of roses, "It makes this years party look like a 3 year olds birthday party."

Ginny laughed, "Although being a 3 year olds party it can get pretty wild." She pointed out

"Too true … I spoke without thinking." He said opening the door for her

Ginny stepped out into the cool refreshing air she spun around arms in the air absent mindlessly. It felt so nice to be out of the stuffy room in there. 'The God' smiled at her before she spun around again.

"Those drinks have really gotton to me." She said tripping over her feet giggling childishly, "You're a bad boy for giving me a drink." She said pointing her finger at him

"I only got you 3." He said steadying her as she tripped over her feet again

"And that's 3 to many." She giggled jumping on his back

"You want a piggy back do you?" he asked taking hold of her legs, "You know that isn't very lady like … with you in a dress and all."

She giggled, "Well it's not like its possible to side piggy back (you know like side-saddle)" she said before erupting in another fit of giggles

"I think it's good that we got you out of there before some guy took advantage of you." He muttered as she rambled on about side piggy backing, "You are completely wasted."

"Yes … Thank-you for saving me from those big bad boys in there." She said patting him on the top of his head

He rolled his eyes, "Who's to say I wont take advantage of you? …. Hmmm?"

Ginny stopped giggling for a second and tensed and 'The God' must have realised the effects of what he had said had on Ginny and tensed too. She relaxed when she realised that he was only joking with her. "Who's to say I would be complaining?" she said nibbling his ear flirtatiously

'The God' relaxed and put Ginny down on the base of the tree so that she could balance herself against its trunk. She closed her eyes for a while hoping that when she reopened them her vision would be a little clearer. When she opened them 'The God' was still standing there looking out at the lake. He looked sad.

She wanted to cheer him up but she was pretty much to drunk to say anything to make him feel better. She sighed. Making up her mind she got up quietly and took off her heels and dress leaving them at the base of the tree. She was left in her bra and underwear feeling extremely exposed. Before she could think of an excuse not to do it she dived into the lake splashing 'The God'.

"What the hell?" he said startled by her sudden movement

"I felt like a swim." She said shrugging. He stared at her incredulously obviously surprised by her actions, "Well don't just stand there like an idiot! Get in."

He hesitated looking at her with unreadable eyes. She smiled splashing him, "Come one … don't be a wimp." That was all she needed to say to convince him. He ripped off his clothes off leaving him in … Black silk boxers. Mmmm Mmmm.Yummy. Ginny stared but didn't have long to admire his body because he soon dived in coming up behind her his hands grabbing her waist.

"Don't ever call me a wimp!" he whispered in her ear

"Or what … you'll splash me?" she said fake scared

"No!" he said his hands moving up her body sending shivers up her spine, "I'll tickle you though."

She gasped and swam away, "You wouldn't?"

"Oh believe me … I would." He said following her

"Oh no … anything but tickling. Please." She said backing away

"Anything?" he asked successfully cornering her

"Anything!" she said as he edged closer his leg brushing against hers causing her to moan

"How about this?" he said before brushing his lips against hers his tongue sliding over her lips begging for entry. She granted it. It wasn't a rough kiss but a slow passionate kiss that could melt the coldest of hearts. He pushed her up against the bank of the lake his hands on either side of her as she wrapped her legs around his waist her hands running through his silky blond hair. She turned him over so he was against the lake bed and let her hands explore his exposed chest then finding there way back to his face stroking his jaw line. He moaned into her kiss as she adjusted her position and flipped her over so she was once again pushed up against the lakebed. His hands on either side of her moved from the lakebed to her waist slowly moving up drawing circles on her stomach until they came higher cupping her breasts. She froze stopping the kiss … she may be half drunk but she still knew what was happening and this was moving waaaaaay to fast for her liking. Hell! She didn't even know the guys name. An awkward silence filled the air. She knew she had ruined the moment but it was just going to fast.

"Ummm." She said awkwardly looking anywhere but him

He must have realised he had made her uncomfortable because he soon removed his hands and put her down silently and moved next to her. They sat there on the side of the bank both in their underwear for what seemed like eternity. She looked at him but he was staring out at the lake a peaceful look on her face. He didn't seem at all bothered by what just happened. She took the time to study him he had a fair complexion with angled features a dominant jaw line and thin lips that just looked so kissable … and they were. She blushed at the memory. She couldn't see much else as of the mask but it was his eyes that made Ginny stare. He had silver overcast eyes filled with no emotion at all. Actually his whole face showed no emotion. She wondered what had made him become like this so void of emotion and feelings. Had he been hurt by a previous love? She looked away uncomfortable at the thought.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked the awkward silence now gone

He looked over at her surprised by the sudden question. He studied her as if trying to read her thoughts or intentions shrugging he replied, "I was just enjoying the moment."

"The moment?" she asked dumbfounded

"Yer." He looked away lying down on the ground letting his feet dangle in the water, "Just being here with you. I've never done anything like this before."

"Like what?"

"Just laying here with you staring at the stars."

Amazed at his answer she laid down next to him just staring at the stars in the sky. It felt so nice to be this close to him, almost like a fairytale. He wrapped a hand around her shoulders pulling her in closer to him. She smiled and snuggled closer laying her head on his chest breathing in his smell. He smelt so nice. She could feel herself drifting off to sleep and she knew she shouldn't that her friends would worry about her but she couldn't help herself. It just felt so right.

AN: Should I stop there??? I think I will. If you have any ideas or anything plz tell me. I need some good pranks for Ginny and Keira to pull … so if you have any ideas plz let me know!?!?!?! Sorry for such a slow update but life has been extremely hectic. Did you like the Masquerade idea??? Should Ginny and Draco find out who it was they had such a good time with now or later???