Disclaimer: Don't own them.

Chapter 1

"I can't believe you talked me into cutting school," Ethan said as he walked down the street with Kira and Conner.

"Hey, you have to live life on the edge once in a while," Conner said as he shut off his cell phone. Kira was looking around her like a crazy person.

"What are you looking for?" Conner asked.

"Randall. She has this weird power - to show up when we least expect it," Kira said as she look behind her.

"Kira, chill. The evil principle from the depths of hell is busy punishing innocent students as we spend the day relaxing," Conner said in a calm voice.

"Oh no, we have class with Dr.O today." Ethan suddenly realized the big hole in their plan.

Conner smiled then said, "Everything is all right. I took care of it." Kira and Ethan looked at each other, worried.

"What did you tell him?" Kira asked. Conner stopped and turned to look at the two worrywarts.

"Don't worry about anything. I took care of it, all right? Now let's go." They started to walk again. Then, a few minutes later, they suddenly stopped.

"I just remembered something," Conner announced.

"What did you forget?" Kira asked. Conner began to laugh.

"I forgot. In all the planning to get us out of the school, I didn't plan on a place to go."

"What!" Kira and Ethan shouted. Conner jumped back.

"Oops," Conner said walking backwards, away from his two angry friends.

"Oops! Is that all you have to say for yourself? Oops!" Ethan said, pointing a finger at Conner.

"You get us to skip school and you don't even know where we're going," Kira said, shoving her finger into his chest.

"Ouch! Stop that! I've got an idea." Kira stopped poking Conner.

"Fine! I hope your new idea hurt your head," Kira said in a mean voice. Conner rubbed his chest as he told them his idea.

"Let's go to Dr.O's house and have a look around." Ethan and Kira looked at Conner, shocked.

"Is that the only idea you could come up with?" Ethan asked.

"When someone's poking me in the chest, yes," Conner answered.

"Let's do it!" Kira said, shocking both Conner and Ethan.

"Really?" both of them asked. Kira gave a nod of her head.

"Yeah, why not? We're out of school with nothing to do,"

"All right, let's go," Conner said with a grin. They began to walk down the street again.

"Besides, I always wanted to know if Dr.O wears boxers or briefs," Kira said with a huge grin. Conner and Ethan looked at each other and shook their heads.

Meanwhile - at Reef Side High -

Dr.O noticed the three empty seats. Then he read the notes that were given to him.

"We have three skippers today." Dr.O cracked his knuckles.

"Wait until I see them later. Boy are they going to get it!"


Ok another strange story from my strange head. Next chapter coming soon.