A Family Tradition

By: Linksworstnightmare

Chapter one: Luffy's secret

Monkey D. Luffy had a secret. A terrible yet amazing secret. He had never told his Nakama, it wouldn't be much of a secret if he did would it? Besides he was scared that if he told them they would be scared of him. But little did he know some of his Nakama were starting to grow suspicious. He did realize it when they all just watched him questionably during lunch.

"Nee, something wrong?" he asked. Sanji had just finished passing the plates around to all of the quys on the ship. He had told them to wait so his beautiful Nami-swan and Robin-chan could eat first.

"Luffy, we've been noticing, ever since we met Ace in Arubasta you've been acting very strange. And every island we come to you just run off, I followed you and something really strange happened to an old man when you were around. He died; he was stabbed in a bar by a hanging sword fish. And after that you started talking to yourself. What is going on?" Zoro said. All the crew nodded their heads in agreement to Zoro's question. Luffy looked at each of them like he had been stabbed. He stood up and started to leave the galley, plate still covered in food.

"Um… excuse me, but I'm not really hungry. Sanji could you leave it in the fridge for me to have later? Thanks." Luffy said as he left the galley. The Straw Hat's looked at each other.

"Ok, that was too weird. Did we hit a spot we weren't supposed to hit?" Usopp asked. The others shook their heads.

"I don't know. I say we go out there and make Luffy tell us." Nami said. The other's nodded in agreement.

"I hope he's not sick!" Chopper yelled, the others shook their heads. He always claimed that something was related to an illness some how. The Straw Hat's got up and walked out of the galley and found Luffy sitting under the tangerine grooves. They walked up to Luffy and surrounded him so he couldn't get away.

"Luffy, we want answers." Zoro said. Luffy looked at them with sad, tearful eyes.

"All right, I'll tell you on one condition though." Luffy said. They crew nodded their heads.

"Ok, what is the condition?" Sanji asked. Luffy swallowed.

"You can't leave me. I couldn't stand it if you did."

"Alright we won't leave you." Zoro said. Luffy looked up at them, he sighed.

"Ok, well um… The truth is that I'm not really alive. You see I'm dead, that's why I can do things most people can't do, like being poisoned, buried alive, dried out, and stabbed through my chest, and other stuff. That's what the D in all the D family means. Death, we have the job of Death. That paper that Ace gave me in Arubasta before he left, not only does it have where we'll meet next but it has a list, and every island that we visit a name or two appears on that list and I go and find them and do my job. Ace does the same thing. Believe it or not, Gold Roger did the same thing, I'm related to him. You see his real name is Gol D. Roger. It started with him. So you see, that's why I've been keeping this secret from you." Luffy said. The Straw hat crew looked at Luffy and started to back away, just a little.

"So what you're saying is that you're Death, as in the Grim Reaper?" Usopp said. Luffyshook his head.

"No, not the Grim Reaper but a Grim Reaper, there are many Grim Reapers. There are many of us after all. But will you hurry and get in the galley before it's too late?" Luffy asked looking at the sky worriedly.

"Why?" Chopper asked. Luffy started to push them away.

"No time to explain! Just go! Before it's too late!" Luffy yelled. The Straw Hats obliged to what Luffy said and went into the galley. They looked through the window and saw a green mist forming around the ship. The looked at each other then back at the mist. They started to see figures coming out of the mist. This was too weird. What is going on?

End chapter one.

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