Title: Erased In a Moment

Author: Ryukotsusei

Pairing: Hiei/Kagome

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. I merely borrow the characters for my own twisted amusement.

Summary: King Enma becomes interested in the destruction of the Shikon and Hiei is forced into becoming Kagome's jailer. As cruelties are revealed and plans begin to unfold, Hiei is forced into an action he would not otherwise take but will either of them survive?

Chapter Six

Kagome stared over the fire at Hiei as he sharpened his sword. Winter was fast approaching and they only had a limited amount of time before all of the game disappeared. Snuggling further down into the furs he had provided, she contemplated inviting him to join her once more. She'd been surprised at how easily they had fallen into a routine but she wasn't about to complain. For the most part they had nothing to worry about except for a food supply through the winter.

Of course, there had been a couple of close calls when searches had made their way past the cave but the entrance was well hidden for as long as the greenery held out. Eventually though it seemed as if the SDF had directed their attention elsewhere and with luck they wouldn't return.

Looking up from his task, Hiei's eyes softened as he looked at her. It was strange how he had truly managed to find peace, never had he expected it to be with Kagome of all people. The others would probably laugh at him if they could see him now, perhaps it was a good thing their location remained a mystery. He was certain once he'd felt the kitsune's aura in the immediate area but he had never made an appearance. If there was one demon guaranteed to be able to find him Kurama was the one. Perhaps Koenma had told him of what had happened and he was doing his part to ensure they weren't found. He'd have to remember to thank him if he ever got the chance again.

Yukina was the one he really missed however, but he knew she was safe. One of the few times he had chanced using the jagan he had discovered she had returned to the Koorime island, more than likely to bear her first offspring. Her time to reproduce was fast approaching and she needed to be in the frigid environment she had been born to. Thinking about being an Uncle made his thoughts wander back to the girl who was watching him so intently. Would she ever bear children? Neither of them had the power to prevent it happening unless they wanted to give up their addiction to each other's bodies which was something he just couldn't see happening. Shaking off these thoughts he stood, it was best not to contemplate such things until it came to pass. "There is a herd of deer in the meadow half a miles walk from here. I will return shortly, don't leave the cave. If someone approaches, you know what to do."

Nodding slowly, Kagome pulled herself to her feet and allowed the hide to drop from her shoulders. More than once Hiei had drilled her on getting to safety, the small chamber in the second room was the only spot where she knew she had a chance of being safe. To that end they had moved fairly large rocks into it, a means of barring the entrance should she have enough warning that someone was near. "I know. Be careful out there." Slowly she pressed her lips to his but pulled back before he could deepen it. More than one days hunting had been ruined because she had distracted him. At this rate they'd starve to death.

Knowing he had a job to do, Hiei didn't pursue her any further. Instead he secured his cloak about his shoulders and flitted through the cave entrance. With luck it would only take him an hour or so to hunt and clean his kills. Then began the tedious task of drying the meat, thankfully Kagome had picked up on how to do it properly on her trips to the Feudal era. He reached the meadow quickly enough but cursed as he saw it was empty, sometime in the morning the animals had moved off.

It wasn't a huge setback though, Hiei was more than skilled enough to track a herd of deer. Searching for the hoof prints he quickly determined a direction and set off after them believing they wouldn't be far away. About two miles later he was begging to regret thinking it would be so easy. Something had startled them into running and it had taken a while for them to settle down.

Seeing movement in the distance he unsheathed his katana, preparing to go in and cull the herd. However the vague feeling of wrongness settled within him and caused him to pause. Years of fighting for his survival had taught him to never ignore his gut instinct and right now it was screaming at him. Turning quickly he disappeared from view, determined to get back to the cave.

Kagome stirred from her nap, hearing the sounds of footsteps entering the cave. "Hiei? That was quick, were they gone?" However the expected answer never came, just the sounds of footsteps coming closer. Bolting upright Kagome saw the shadowy figure of a man, someone who was definitely not her apparition. Scrambling to her feet she ran towards the second chamber hoping to make it to safety when an energy blast hit her in the back, stunning her.

Weakly she pushed herself back to her feet but by then it was too late. The man was on her in an instant, his hand fisting in her hair and pulling her off balance. "Don't struggle, you are under arrest by the order of the might King Enma." Her blood froze hearing his words, there was no way she could stop him from taking her. With Hiei gone she was virtually defenseless.

A cry escaped her lips as her arm was twisted behind her back and she was roughly propelled forward out into the daylight. Any hope she had of escaping disappeared when she saw fifteen officers standing before her, all wearing the uniform of King Enma's elite force. 'Hiei... help me.'

As if the Gods had answered her prayers a black blur appeared in their midst. Sharpened steel sliced through the nearest guard before they even realized he was upon them. A second fell to his blade even as they turned to meet his attacks. He barely glanced at Kagome even when she was thrown to the ground. He knew that even a moment distraction with these fools would mean the death of both of them.

Kagome watched in horror as the man who had struck her fired a blast at Hiei as his back was turned. The apparition barely moved in time, the fiery energy catching a glancing blow off of his shoulder. Without caring about her own safety she launched herself at the man who had tried to kill him, trusting in Hiei to take care of the rest.

A sharp crack echoed through the area as the commander backhanded the girl, snapping her head to the side before driving the priestess to her knees. Their orders had been bring the girl in by any means necessary and he wasn't about to let her get away with attacking him. As he advanced towards her a sword erupted through his chest, ending his life instantly.

Jumping back into the fray Hiei battled on, determined to take them out. It was down to ten now, still terrible odds considering how powerful they were even as individuals. Desperation gripped him as one began chanting a binding spell, one he'd be lucky if he could overpower. Knowing that his options were running out he quickly stripped the wards off of his arm, preparing to summon his most dangerous attack.

It was risky calling the dragon with Kagome so close but he had no other choice. His aura spiked even higher as the Darkness Flame began to surround him. "Dragon of the Darkness Flame!" Calling the beast from the pits of hell took all his concentration but it was with satisfaction he knew that his enemies were about to die. However that satisfaction turned to horror as the creature turned its head, staring inquisitively at the girl Hiei was trying to protect. With a deafening roar it surged forward, slamming into Kagome and driving her to her knees once more.

Kagome screamed as the beast hit her head on, the flames surrounding her in a whirling vortex of energy. Massive jaws clamped onto her side, teeth piercing the skin causing hot blood to course down her leg. Closing her eyes in agony, Kagome prayed for it all to end quickly instead of lingering in the hell she had found herself in.

Violently Hiei used every ounce of energy to pull the dragon back only to find it refused to obey his call. His lover's screams echoed through the clearing as the fire bathed her in its eerie light yet refused to consume her. "Kagome!" His voice was filled with pain as he watched it rip into her body and begin to take on a strange violet glow. As quickly as it had attacked her the dragon pulled back, the flames around her dying out as she slumped to the ground unconscious.

Turning eerie glowing eyes on its spectators, the dragon regarded them each with deadly intent. The Shikon had called to it, whispered sweet promises of more freedom for a small price... and it had accepted. No longer would it be bound to the pits of hell, nor forced to ride upon the fire apparition's arm. No longer was it under anyones control, save the small girl on the ground and even that was limited. The price of that freedom was protection, the Shikon grew tired of the threat to its Guardian and sought out the one being who would be virtually unstoppable. Combined with its own infinite power, no one would ever touch the Priestess again.

Viciously it tore at the SDF members, hunting each one down as they tried to escape. Those foolish enough to run died first, incinerated in mere instants. Those who tried to fight were devoured, their power being absorbed into the jewel and fueling the dragon's rage. Only when it turned to the Apparition that once controlled it did it pause. 'That one is her chosen, another protector.'

It wished to rend Hiei limb from limb for caging it as he had but the Shikon would not allow it. Roaring its fury at being thwarted it turned, surging to the peak of the mountain and proclaiming its territory. Any who dared enter did so knowing they sought death and the dragon would welcome them gladly.

Hiei watched the beast go, uncertain of what just happened. As he scanned Kagome with the Jagan's energy he realized that she was no longer in possession of the artifact. Turning wide eyes to the beast who glared down at him, he realized what the jewel had done. Shaking his head, Hiei knew that this would change everything. Would Kagome still need to be in contact with the Shikon to keep it purified? He wasn't certain but he could pick up the beasts chaotic thoughts and realized just what they had gained. Even Enma wouldn't dare challenge them now, however this did present complications. Returning to the Ningenkai was not a possibility with the creature unrestrained and he would not subject Kagome to the Makai. Perhaps staying here would be for the best, they would need to discuss it.

But first she needed tending to, picking her up gently Hiei carried her back in the cave. Laying her down slowly on the furs he was careful of the injury she had sustained in the fight. As she opened her eyes to stare at him in confusion, he rested his hand on her pale cheek in a soothing gesture. While he had much to explain to her, for once he knew everything would be alright. "It's over Kagome, it's finally over."