Disclaimer:I don't own.

Author's note: Here it is, the end! I hope you've enjoyed the story! I want to thank everyone for reading, and especially those who took the time to review! You'll never know how much I appreciate it. And a special thanks to Tanith, for pepping me up when I most definitely needed it. :) I'm still debating over whether to write any more J/H fics. I've got one that I've already started on, and I'm putting in a little preview of that fic at the end of this. If you're interested in reading more, let me know. It's angsty, of course, but in a much different way than this one was.

Thanks so much for sticking with this, and I hope the ending is worth the price of admission, as "they" say. :)

Warning: There's a little language.

Clichés and Things They Say

Epilogue - Happily Ever After

November 29, 1980, Point Place, Wisconsin

As she awoke, the darkness her closed eyes blessed her with began to brighten, and she squeezed them closed. It was too soon to wake up; the exhaustion in her body hadn't yet been healed. Jackie rolled her head to the side, and despite herself, her eyes opened just slightly. Through the slits, she saw Steven sitting just a few feet away from her in a chair, looking down at the baby in his arms. Their tiny, precious little boy. She smiled wearily, tempted to say something to him, but when he started to talk, she closed her eyes. If he knew she was awake, he'd shut up, and she wanted to listen to his first conversation with his son. She turned her head the other way, the smile still dancing on her lips.

Hyde looked over at Jackie, and for a moment, just stared at her. Twelve hours of labor, nearly an ocean's worth of tears, and more than two dozen nail marks and scratches on his arms and hands, and she'd done it. Given birth to the little body he was holding. He looked back at the tiny boy. Little blue eyes gazed groggily back up at him, and Hyde could hardly breathe. He and Jackie had made those eyes, and every inch of him. It was literally breathtaking.

"So, I think your mom's still sleeping," he said, studying the light brown peach fuzz on his son's head. "Hey, you think you're gonna look more like me or her? Hopefully me, 'cause your mom's beautiful, and I don't want you to end up man-pretty and brain-dead like Kelso." The baby moved, his body shifting, and Hyde's heart skipped a few beats or so. Nothing had ever felt quite like this. "So…." He glanced at Jackie again. Still asleep. He spoke softly, so not to wake her. She was exhausted, he knew, and she needed the rest. "You know, I wasn't really expecting you, little guy. Not that I mind at all. I don't." He smiled gently, and tickled the little guy's tummy. "You're the best surprise I've ever had. I just…I just was…well, surprised."

The baby gurgled, and Hyde wanted to laugh. Mrs. Forman had told him about this, about the giddiness that would come along with each, even the tiniest, first. He hadn't believed her, but now, staring at his son, he completely understood. From the moment he'd first seen the baby, the moment he'd counted the ten fingers, ten toes, he'd felt it. Jackie had too; she'd laughed and cried at the same time as she'd held him, and nearly screamed at anyone but him who'd come near the baby. His little Tinkerbelle; possessive of him and now of their son, too. He wouldn't have it otherwise.

"You wanna hear about how your mom told me about you?" He looked over at his wife again. The pregnancy had been a difficult one, and at one point, the doctor's hadn't been sure Jackie would be able to carry to term. Of course, Jackie insisted that she would. He smiled and shook his head. Like just about always, she'd been right. The baby seemed to cock his head, and Hyde took that as a yes. "Well, we'd had a long night. We'd been doing a lot of talking and a lot of…" He smiled wickedly, remembering, then immediately frowned. Probably didn't need to tell the baby about that. "Talking. Just talking. Anyway…."

March 11, 1980, Hyde's bedroom

It was times like this that Hyde wished he had a real bed. If he did, he'd be sitting up, leaning against the wall, and Jackie would be sitting in between his legs, leaning back against him. Instead, they sat on either side of the cot. Her legs were crossed Indian style, his were extended, his feet on either side of her. One of her hands rubbed a foot, and even just that small contact with her relaxed him. "So," he started, after a long moment of quiet. "Are you…" He shrugged. Tried to pretend he didn't really care about the answer. "Disappointed in me?"

Jackie shook her head and lifted a small smile to him. What he'd told her hurt, but not the way he thought, though she could have lived without him sleeping with all those girls. Then again, she had no right to complain. And she was still blown away by the fact that he was trying to get his drinking under control. She'd never imagined he would attempt that, and she was determined to do whatever she could to help him. "No, Steven. In fact, I'm so…" She squeezed his foot. "I'm really proud of you. And I'm really glad that you didn't get hurt worse in the accident."

He grinned. "Forman, too, right?"

She rolled her eyes and waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, him too, whatever." Her eyes narrowed, and she pointed at him. "But no more skanks at parties for you, Steven. Got it?"

Hyde leaned forward and grabbed her underneath her arms. She started giggling as he pulled her to him, and they tumbled backwards to the cot. They shifted quickly so he was on his back and she was on top of him. "Got it, Tink."

Jackie rubbed her nose against his. "And I got you," she said triumphantly, following her declaration with a long kiss. After it ended, she lifted up, and her smile faded. She'd told him everything about Hawaii, and he hadn't yet said much about it. She was nervous, worried that deep down, his opinion of her had changed, that now he saw her as a whore. "Steven, do you…do you think I'm a…" She closed her eyes and looked away. Couldn't bear to say it, though when she thought of the incident, she sure as hell felt like one.

Hyde frowned and rubbed Jackie's slender back. "No. You're not, Jackie. I mean, I understand what you were thinking." He frowned. "And if I ever see that Frederick guy, I'm gonna hurt him. Real bad." He stared up at her. Now he understood the haunting he'd seen in her eyes since she'd come back. Her mother had tried to pimp her out. Taken Jackie's love for her and twisted it to her own purpose. It was sick, and yet, he knew that it hurt Jackie so deeply.

Jackie's eyes filled with tears. "I just…Steven, I wanted her to be proud of me. I wanted her to…" She rolled the spilling eyes. "To love me. God…it was so pathetic. I almost let myself become her just so she'd pay attention to me."

Hyde nodded. "Yeah, but you didn't. You didn't become her." He reached up and brushed tears away. "You're so much better than her, Jackie."

She smiled. Maybe it would be okay without her mother in her life. At least she wasn't alone. She had Steven. And he'd never try to turn her into a whore. "I kept hearing what you said to me at the airport, that there's more to me than what she is." She leaned down and rested her forehead against his. Her eyes closed, and she savored his closeness, his masculine scent, his touch. "I didn't become her because of you."

His hands roamed up and down her backside. "I didn't become Bud because of you." He chuckled. "Kept hearing you saying, 'Oh, Steven, I believe in you. I believe in you.' You know, you really are like Tinkerbelle. Always in my ear."

She tickled his side, and for a few seconds, they wrestled around, both snickering, until Jackie got firm and pressed him down to the cot so he couldn't move. "I guess that means we're good for each other," she whispered, just above his lips.

He smirked and brought his hand to the back of her head. "Guess so."

As they kissed, Jackie realized that she still had one more thing to tell him. One more thing that could change everything, and she pulled away. She rolled off of him and stood up, turning away from him. She had no idea what to expect, and she began to tremble. All she could think was that she very well might lose him if he freaked out. Maybe he wouldn't want to be burdened. Maybe he'd hate her. Maybe he'd accuse her of trapping him.

Hyde watched her pace around his room. What was going on with her? Something else was wrong. Something other than what happened in Hawaii. He sat up. "Jackie, what's going on with you?"

Jackie closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then turned to him. "Steven, I need to know something. I need to know if you're in this for good. Not just until the next fight. I need to know that you're going to make a commitment to me. To us." His expression immediately became annoyed, and she held up a hand. "I'm not asking for marriage, Steven, I just need to know that…" She put both hands on her stomach without realizing it, but the words she wanted to speak wouldn't come.

I just need to know that you're not gonna leave me. Us. That you're gonna help me take care of our baby. That you're gonna love me and our baby.

He stood up, wondering why in the hell she had to always push things, why she couldn't just enjoy, even for just a fricking five minutes, without demanding things of him. And then he noticed her hands, rubbing circles on her stomach. She'd been doing that a lot, all night.

Rubbing her belly. Like there was something there she wanted to protect.

Everything around him stopped. His heart stopped.

Something in her stomach. It was either a stomachache, or…a baby. And a stomachache didn't make sense.

"Jackie, are you…" He cleared his throat. "Are you…" Zen was nowhere to be found. "Are you pregnant?"

She nodded. "Yes."

He nodded. "The Foto Hut?" It had to be. She hadn't slept with Fez, she'd just told him that, and no one in Hawaii. Only him. Only that one day.


He stood paralyzed, a million thoughts, a million feelings flashing through him so rapidly he couldn't comprehend anything. A baby. A baby.

A baby!

I don't know what to do…what to say…don't know….god, I don't know…

His mouth opened. "I…god, I don't…I don't know….what to…I…don't know…"

And to Jackie, it was their Christmas break up all over again. He didn't know. Of course he didn't know. He would NEVER know. She turned, releasing a little sob as tears began to fall, and rushed out of the room.

He didn't know.

Hyde blinked rapidly as she, in seeming slow motion, turned from him.

"You'll find out someday. You'll knock up some whore and she'll back you into a corner. And then you'll see that it ain't that fucking easy! When it happens, you'll find a way to bail."

No. He shook his head. Bud was wrong. Dead wrong. He DID know. He knew he loved Jackie. He knew he wanted Jackie. He knew he wanted…needed…to be with Jackie. He knew he wanted the baby. Her baby. His baby. His baby. Their baby.

He was nothing like Bud.

With a grunt, he followed Jackie, taking long strides that were bound to catch up to her quickly. He reached her in the main room of the basement, near the stereo, and he grabbed her arm. "Jackie, just wait a damn second, okay?"

She whirled around and glared at him, now too angry to even cry. "Why? So you can tell me again that you don't know? I'm sick of hearing that you don't know, Steven!"

Neither of them noticed Eric and Donna sitting on the couch, now both turned around to watch the show.

Hyde shook his head. "No. So I can tell you that I DO know. I just…I was shocked. I know, okay? I know." He swallowed hard. "I know. Said I didn't, but…I know." He gripped her hands tightly, hoping to prevent her from squirming away from him. She could. She could be strong when determined, despite her tiny form.

Jackie stared at him. It was so familiar; she'd heard him say that before. Right here, in this room. Months ago, when he was sleeping…when she'd forgotten her purse and come back to get it…he'd been on the couch, asleep, dreaming and mumbling in his sleep. He'd said almost exactly that.

Her heart swelled.

He'd been dreaming of her. This whole time, it had been her.

"It was me," she whispered, stepping closer to Steven and gazing adoringly up at him, her resistance, her anger all melting. "You were dreaming of me!"

Hyde furrowed his brow. What in the hell was she talking about? "Jackie, what are you talking about?"

She shook her head, her entire body now dancing motionlessly with excitement. "Never mind. It's not…just…go on!"

He shrugged and grinned. She could be a trip sometimes. "I just…" His grin fell. "I know that I wanna be with you, Jackie." He let go of her hands and slightly hesitantly, put one of his on her stomach. "And…whoever else comes along."

Jackie looked up at him, her eyes teary, but happily so. "You mean it, Steven?"

He nodded and brushed her cheek. "I mean it."

Donna gasped and jumped off the couch, pointing at the couple. "Jackie! You're pregnant?"

Eric looked shaken. "Holy CRAP! You got her pregnant? JUST NOW?"

Hyde and Jackie both glared at the two. Hyde growled at them. "Will you two get the hell out of here?"

They did, heading towards the inside stairs, sneaking looks behind them at Jackie and Hyde as they went.

After they were gone, Hyde looked back at Jackie. "So…" He grinned when she snuggled up to him, with an "oh Puddin' Pop" to boot. He held her close. "Hey, just because you're pregnant doesn't mean we can't do it, does it?"

She giggled and pulled away, giving him her most seductive smile and arching her back. She began tugging him towards his bedroom. "Let's go find out!"

November 29, 1980

Jackie smiled and forced herself to suppress the giggle in her chest. Couldn't let Steven know she was awake. Not yet. Maybe he'd tell the baby some more. She closed her eyes and relaxed happily into the bed. She'd been nervous about Steven's reaction to the baby; he'd never really been around children. And he wasn't exactly known as a giant teddy bear type guy. But apparently, he was a natural, at least with his own child. Funny, for someone so opposed to talking, he seemed to be a regular chatterbox with the baby.

Hyde grinned at the baby he held. "See, it didn't hurt you. You're…" His fingertip traced the miniature face, the chubby cheeks, tiny pug nose, little lips of his son. "You're perfect." He looked over at Jackie. She hadn't moved, still slept, and then turned back to his son with a mischievous smirk. "Okay, I'm gonna tell you what happened next. But you can't tell your mom. She'll think it scarred you for life." He arched an eyebrow. "If it does, I guess I'll just give you the El Camino when you turn sixteen. We got a deal?" The baby blinked, and Hyde smiled. "Good."

March 12, 1980, Hyde's bedroom, early morning

The good thing about the cot was that it was small, and forced any two people who shared it to be very close, and both Jackie and Hyde, in this moment, appreciated that fact. They lay facing one another, her hands on his chest, his on her back. He smiled at her sleepy gaze. She was so quiet, she always was after sex, but this time, even more so. "You're quiet. Not that I want you to start talking or anything," he teased.

She pinched his chest. "Shut up. I'm just…" She looked into his eyes, and wondered if their baby would inherit them. She hoped so. "I'm just surprised that you're not freaking out."

He shrugged and gently rolled her over to her back. He pushed down the blanket and stared at her naked body. He could see a few changes in her, and he knew there would be more to come. He put his hand on her stomach. "Oh, I will. Probably really soon. But...I don't know. Right now I just can't. It just seems like…" He rolled his eyes at himself. "Seems like it's meant to happen this way, you know? I mean, we both just went through crap that had to do with our so called parents…" Her eyes lit up, and he groaned. He was in for it now.

"Awww! My Puddin' Pop is getting all sappy!"

He glared at her. "Shut up!"

She laughed as he pulled away from her and rolled over so that his back was to her. She scooted over to him and pressed herself against him, sliding one arm underneath him and throwing the other over him so she trapped him to her. She stroked his chest, her finger tangling slightly in his chest hair. "So, Steven, do you want a boy or a girl?" She inhaled and closed her eyes. His scent, so masculine, was nothing short of delectable, and the feel of his body, skin unhampered by clothing, was really starting to get to her.

He licked his lips and tried to concentrate on her question, but it was difficult, what with her every inch sealed against him and her hands meandering restlessly on his chest and stomach. "Uh…"

He thought of Kelso's dad playing catch with Kelso. Red attempting to play catch with Eric. Bud telling him he wasn't going to play, to quote, "fucking catch", with him.

"A boy. Definitely a boy."

Jackie pouted. "I want a girl." She arched an eyebrow. "Can we have a girl? Please, Steven?" She peppered his shoulder with sweet butterfly kisses, but soon her initial intention of convincing him to want a girl was gone. In its place was an arousal that she knew she'd never defeat. Her hands moved lower on the front of him as her mouth became more aggressive, nibbling and licking him.

Hyde moaned, and when her hand reached his erection, rolled over quickly, sending her to her back and quickly getting on top of her. "You know what?" he whispered huskily, just before kissing her lips. "Right now, all I want is my woman."

Her giggle was swallowed by his deep, passionate kiss, and she didn't care at all. They'd have whatever they had, and it would be perfect. It would be happily ever after.

November 29, 1980

"Just for the record, I wasn't sappy. I just wanted to get some more action from your mom. Not that you really wanna hear about that." Hyde smiled down at the baby. His son. He had a son. A tiny little person, completely dependent on him and Jackie for everything he needed. His smile faded. He'd been a son this tiny and dependent once, but it hadn't kept his parents around. Same with Jackie. He never wanted his baby to feel that kind of pain. "So here's the deal, little guy. Your mom and I…well, we didn't exactly have great parents. Basically we were both orphans." The baby's eyes seemed focused on him, though Hyde knew he couldn't yet see clearly. Even so, he stared directly into them, mirror images of his own. "I just want you to know that I might get mad. I might screw up. You might drive me crazy. But…I will never leave you." He shrugged. "I can't. I gotta stick around and see if you inherit the magic 'fro." He gently rubbed the baby's head. "Seriously, I'll never leave you." He looked over at Jackie. She'd turned her head back towards him, and she looked so beautiful. Angelic. And he'd never loved her more, until maybe five minutes from now. "Or your mom. I promise you that, buddy." He leaned down and gently kissed the baby's forehead.

Jackie's eyes were teary when she opened them, and she smiled lovingly at her husband. After she'd nearly miscarried, nearly died, a few months into her pregnancy, he'd proposed, and they'd married in a quiet ceremony with just enough fanciness to make her feel like a princess. She watched him rock their baby, that tender smile on his face only she got to see. "Good to know, Steven," she said, sitting up in her hospital bed.

Hyde snapped his head in her direction, and watched her smirk at him as she sat up. He shook his head at the baby. "Your mom is a very sneaky, sneaky chick. Remember that." He looked at her sheepishly. "Guess you heard all of it, huh?"

She nodded. "Yep! Now bring me my baby."

He stood and carried the baby over to her, placing him gently in her waiting arms. He sat down next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and they both stared down at their child.

"We need to name him, Steven. I was thinking…Keefer." Jackie gazed down at her baby and smiled. He was the most precious thing she'd ever seen; she imagined he looked just like Steven had when he was a baby, and secretly, she hoped he grew up to look like his daddy. "It means handsome and beloved. And I want him to know that's what he is." Her eyes swelled, just as her heart did with so much love. She'd never imagined it was possible to feel this intensely about someone other than Steven. This was different than even that, and she was overwhelmed. "I love you so much, baby boy. And Daddy does, too. And we're not gonna be like our lousy parents. We're gonna love you forever." She looked at her husband. "I want him to know that, Steven."

Their eyes locked, and they shared the same thought.

Like we never did.

He grinned. "Keefer. Hey, you know that rhymes with…"

"I know, I know." She shook her head and elbowed him lightly. "Do you like it?"

He squeezed her shoulder. "Keefer Hyde. Yeah, I like it."

Jackie put her head on his shoulder. "Keefer Steven Hyde."

Hyde smiled. "What, no Jack?"

"Nah. He's gonna have my amazing personality, so I thought we better give him your middle name." She lifted her head and smiled flirtatiously at him. "He's gonna be nothing like you, so…"

He leaned down and softly kissed her. "Nothing?"

Jackie's entire body shivered. His kisses always did that. She spoke with her face lifted, her eyes still closed. "Maybe a little bit…"

Another long kiss for the new parents, until Keefer began to cry. Jackie sighed. "Maybe he's hungry."

Hyde got off the bed and watched as she prepared to nurse their son.

Jackie adjusted the baby, trying to remember what the nurses had shown her, and smiled triumphantly when Keefer began suckling. She looked at Hyde. "I did it!"

He nodded, a small smile on his face. "Yep, you did."


He moved back to her, standing next to her and rubbing the back of her neck. "Yeah, Tink?"

She bit her lip as she watched Keefer eat. "We're gonna be better parents than ours were, aren't we?"

He leaned down and kissed her shoulder. "Of course we are, Jackie. How could we not?" He smirked, but understood her worry. He felt it too.

The door to Jackie's room opened, and Kitty Forman peeked in. "Can we come in?"

Jackie nodded, and within a few seconds, the room was flooded with their friends, with flowers, balloons, and stuffed animals, all anxious to greet the newest member of the family.

Later on, Keefer was sleeping in Jackie's arms, and Jackie was resting in Hyde's. She'd never felt as safe or loved or happy, and she lifted a weary smile to her husband. "Steven, are you happy?"

He nodded, his eyes closed. "I'm happy, Tinkerbelle."

She closed her eyes as well. "So this is our happily ever after, then."

He smiled wryly. "Yeah, for some really screwed up fairy tale."

Jackie giggled and gently rubbed his thigh. "Well, they say that happiness comes to those who wait."

Hyde's eyes opened, and he looked at Jackie in confusion. "That's not what they say. They say that good things come to those who wait."

She pouted. "Well, I say that happiness comes to those who wait! So there!" She giggled. "Come on, that counts. Good things, happiness, what's the real difference?"

He shrugged and chuckled. "Nothing. Nothing at all, Jackie." He leaned down and kissed her, slow and deep, just the way he was planning on loving her for the rest of his life.

Jackie kissed him back, with all of herself. Her heart, her soul, her body, her mind…everything. All that she vowed to give to him for the rest of her life.

The kiss ended, and she smiled at him, remembering everything, good, bad, and the in between, because it had all led to this moment.

"I love you, Steven."

He looked into her eyes, his heaven, and smiled back. He'd come so close to ruining it forever, and yet, by some twist of fate, had won it back. And now, all the pain was worth it. To be here with her and Keefer, it was all worth it.

"I love you, Jackie."

They both looked at the baby.

"I love you, my precious little baby boy."

Hyde grinned. She already sounded a like Kitty.

"Tell him you love him, Steven."

He shook his head, but reached out and put his fingertips on the sleeping Keefer's cheek. "I love you, little guy."

Jackie beamed up at Hyde. "And they lived happily ever after."

He nodded and leaned into her. "Yep. They did."

They kissed.

Keefer's eyes opened, and he looked up to where the familiar voices were coming from. He stretched an arm out towards the two fuzzy forms above him, then closed his eyes again, turning his head towards the softness and warmness of his mommy.

Soon, he was asleep again, dreaming of all that babies dream of, of all that adults dream of.

Happily every after.


Preview of Frame, a Jackie/Hyde future fic (just a little snippet to give you a tiny taste)

A flicker of movement caught the corner of her left eye. She turned, but only saw what looked like the back of a person retreating behind a miniature mausoleum about fifty feet from where she stood. Her heart stopped beating.

It couldn't be.

She jumped. The hand on her back again. Still cold.

"Sorry, honey. Come on. Time to go."

"I just saw someone. Over there." She pointed towards the building, white concrete shaped into an ornate resting place for some wealthy couple. "Do you…you don't think it's him, do you?"

Her husband's expression remained steely as he gazed across the rows of graves. "Him? Of course not. Don't be silly. It's probably just some bum or something, or a kid who thinks hanging out in a cemetery is cool." A show of affection, rare these days, he kissed her forehead. "Come on. Let's go."

Interested? Let me know! The reason I'm hesitant about this one is that it's a bit darker than what I've done as far as J/H goes.