To all my beloved readers:

I am so sorry about everything. I wish I could explain all the circumastances, but I'm afraid that wont' work.

The best explanation I can give is short, but I hope it suffices: I have been having trouble with my depression. My medicine right now has been giving me trouble with eating and sleeping, and I am not yet mentally ready to continue my work here. I hope things will get better soon, but for now... I'm not sure what's going to happen. It's nothing I can't deal with in the end--I'm not dying or anything like that--but I need time to heal before I can truly work out this story.

I am not planning to completely kill this story, but... I cannot continue it at this moment, particularly if I want to give this story the time and energy it deserves. Forgive me, especially for not saying so until now.

I have no idea when I will be back from this hiatus. Hopefully it will be soon.

I'm so, so sorry, to everyone.
