AN: this is the sequel to 'Stuck on You' I recommend you read that first. Set straight after 'S.O.Y'

Disclaimer: don't own Kim Possible so no suing!

Ann Possible walked down the hall, heading straight for her daughters room, with a frown of concern on her face. She could have sworn she had heard sobs from that room. Ann's eyes narrowed, 'What has Shego done? She managed three days without upsetting anyone, mostly.' She thought. As Ann walked up the steps to her daughter's room, she could hear sniffling, 'So she was crying.' When Ann stepped into the room her eyes widened in shock, no Shego in sight, just her daughter curled up on the bed clutching something to her chest. "Kimmie, what's the matter? Sweetie?" asked Ann confused as to why her daughter would apparently be crying over her enemy.

"S-S-Shego just left without saying goodbye" Kim's voice was quiet and her breathing was still staggered from crying.

"Kimberly Ann, what did you expect? You were enemies." Ann stated.

"Mom, you'd love me no matter what, right?"

"Of course Kim, I'm your mother." Kim's bloodshot eyes met her mothers and she silently handed over the paper she'd been clutching in her hands. The room was quiet as Ann read the note left by Shego, Kim watched her mom's face hoping for some sign as to how her mother felt. Ann folded the letter and sighed, "Kimmie, why didn't you tell me when I asked?" said Ann thinking of the kitchen incident.

Kim's eyes went wide, "No mom we weren't together then. We only got together to evening before yesterday." She explained.

"Well, Kim, I don't have a problem with you liking girls and surprisingly enough I do trust Shego so that's fine but she is a wanted criminal Kim. What are you going to do when she comes back and they want to arrest her?" Asked Ann.

"Mom she wrote she'd doing anything and I think that included going to prison."

Ann nodded and stroked her daughter's hair, "You grew up too fast Kimmie. Your father will be okay with this. We brought you up to be who you are and not be ashamed so don't be ashamed now." Ann paused thinking, "Do you want today off school. I think this once I can justify it."

Kim shook her head, "No mom, I'll be fine. I also need to tell Ron and Monique about this."

-Dr. Drakken -

It was early morning and Dr. Drakken was starting his first scheme of the day. "Ha ha ha ha. Soon Shego will be back with all the information I need to destroy Kim Possible, Ha ha aha ha ah- ack!" Drakken's manic laugh was cut off by Shego forcing turning him to face her and lifting him by his collar.

"I'm not giving you anything. I just came here to tell you, I QUIT!" Shego shouted this making Drakken wince.

"But why Shego? We could have had the world!"

Shego dropped him, "Keep the world, I found something better, now I'll just take my stuff and leave." Shego walked to her part of the lair.

"Fine Shego, you can forget about having Iceland when I take over the world!" Shouted Drakken shaking his fist in the direction Shego had gone.

-Shego (Later)-

Shego stood in front of a mirror in a rarely used public toilet, its crumbling walls reeked of mildew and there were many 'Out of Order' signs scattered around. As Shego rummaged through her bag of belongings she found it bittersweet that she had few things of importance to her in this bag she would carry everywhere but she had left the most important person, in her opinion, without a goodbye. Shego sighed, "Damn I've gone soft in three days, didn't take long did it?" she asked herself. Out of the bag, she pulled out three foundations, each a different shade, one almost white and two flesh tones, one slightly darker than the other.

Shego had taken months to find a way to create a convincing skin tone as long as anyone didn't scrutinise too closely, for undercover missions Drakken had sent her on. After applying this to any skin that she knew would show in the out fit was going to wear, Shego again rummaged through the bag. This time she pulled out some coloured contacts and she disguised her eyes blue. Shego picked up what would be her work clothes for today, a nurses uniform and an identity card with a picture of her with her disguised face on. This uniform would get her where she needed to go, the rehabilitation center for victims of serious burns in Go city. Shego picked up a pair of classes to complete the disguise and smirked at herself in the mirror, "Sheila Go Partington, Nurse extraordinaire." She quickly picked up her bag and was on her way.


Kim sighed for what seemed, to Monique, the hundredth time that day as Ron went to order their usual in Bueno Nacho. "Girl, what is with you today? I mean, your worst enemy isn't attached to your wrist anymore, most people would be happy." said Monique.

As Kim was about to answer, Ron put the food on the table saying, "Here ya are ladies. And I got an extra Nacho as celebration seeing as a certain sarcasm spitting green woman is not attached to KP anymore."

"Ron, don't be so mean about Shego, she really isn't that bad once you get to know her" Kim said jumping to Shego's defence at her best friend's comments.

"Why y'all protecting Shego, what did she do?" asked Monique.

Kim looked at the table, "Well, um, Shego and I, er, the thing is…"

"Spit it out girl!" Interrupted Monique

Kim gulped, "We were, are dating" she stated her voice quiet.

Ron froze in his shovelling of food. "You and Shego! But what about Josh, Brick and all the other guys who've dated?" he asked.

Kim looked at her friend, "I'm bisexual Ron, so I like guys as well as girls."

"Girl, I don't care about that but Shego? FYI she's your enemy, a green plasma throwing enemy, how you forget what she's done?" Monique looked straight into Kim's eyes as if trying to find some spark of insanity.

"She told me her past, her powers are a curse for her, and I can't blame her for doing what she did. But she gone to find some part of herself but she never said goodbye, she just left a note." Said Kim.

Monique smiled and nodded, "If you trust her, I can too, at least when she gets back from this search."

Kim grinned and looked at Ron to seeing if he felt the same, her grin quickly faded as he sat there, arms folded and a slight frown on his face, "I trust you KP, but Shego? Do you really think she can change that quickly, I bet she just came up with some sob story and then used her powers of seduction against you."

Kim stood up and glared at Ron, "You obviously don't trust my judgement, I know she was telling me the truth!" Kim ran out of Bueno Nacho leaving her two friends staring after her.

After dinner ay the Possible household, Ann and Kim were sitting on the couch together, with the news droning on in the background. The tweebs and Dr. Possible were in the garage working on something.

"How did Ron and Monique take it honey?" Asked Ann

"Monique was hesitant to accept it at first but she came around but Ron, he didn't think that I was right to trust Shego, so I shouted at him and ran out, I hope he doesn't hate me." Said Kim.

Ann stoked her daughter's hair, "He'll come around sweetie." Kim looked at her mother, hope shining in her eyes.

"This just in, the police have opened a murder case to a mysterious death which happened sometime this morning in a rundown building on the outskirts of Middleton,"the Newsreader stated. "Chemicals found at the scene of the crime and on the body have provided enough evidence to apparently link the criminal, Shego, to the murder, making her the top suspect in this investigation. The victim was Mr. Drew Lipsky, who was formally a cohort of Shego's when the pair regularly fought against the Middleton resident Kim Possible. If you have a suspected sighting of Shego ring this number….. Do not approach her as she is considered considerably dangerous."

The remote that had been in Kim Possibles hand clattered to the floor.

AN: I am evil with the cliffys, remember to review with your comments!