Hey all this is my first Tamora Pierce fan fiction so be nice please. i loved reading Tamora Pierce's stories and was over joyed to find out that they had a place for her on Fan Fiction.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters but do own the plot so i hope you all like it.

Alanna looked at the man she was in love with, who was laying on the makeshift bed in her Bazhir tent. She lay awake thinking of what she should say to him in the morning. He had asked her to marry him once again that night. She had not been a knight for one year yet. She had spent all her time earning her shield just to give it up to become Jon's wife and one day Queen of Tortall. Would Jon let her adventure through Tortall as she had dreamed of doing ever since she took the road to the palace? She promised herself that once she got her shield she would be all over the country. But this was Jonathan of Conte, the man she had loved ever since she had saved him from the Sweating Fever. He was the one that had taken her to the Black City and nearly got her killed there. But together they saved it. And he was the one that found out she was a girl but still asked her to be his squire any way.

But it wasn't that simple. There was also George, her other love, that knew she was a girl even before Jon and never betrayed her secret. She would never be able to choose between the two of them. Jon had made love to her on many occasions. But George had waited and respected her. She could not have them both. She would have to choose one or the other, there was no more too it. But which one to choose? She had asked herself this many times. But right now she needed to clear her head and think about it. She quietly got up and headed out the flap of the tent. She walked to the stables and went to Moonlight. George had practically given her that horse. She saddled the horse and headed out to the open sand dunes.

It was a calm and cool out that night. There was even a slight breeze. Alanna felt at peace.

She rode in silence with nothing to hear except the hoof beats of Moonlight walking in the sand. But what was that was it another set of hoof beats? Alanna told herself that she was just imagining it. That it was really nothing. But then she heard them distinctly. There was someone fallowing her. Or trying to catch up to you a small voice sounded in her head. She kicked herself mentally for not bringing Faithful along. Why hadn't she brought him along, he always helped when it came to other people at night.

The hoof beats had gotten quicker. Should she out run this person? Who ever it was they probably meant her harm. She quickly unsheathed the crystal sword at her belt and turned Moonlight around to face her opponent.

Soon Alanna could see a horse drawing near to her but there was no one on the horse. She slipped the crystal sword back into its sheath and trotted Moonlight to the other horse.

The horse was Jon's stallion Darkness. There was something not right about this. Why would Darkness be here without Jon? Suddenly someone was yanking Alanna from her saddle. The person had gotten her down and was promptly sitting on top of her.

Alanna groaned at the weight being pressed upon her chest. She hooked her leg through her attackers and brought the person thudding to the ground next to her. Laughter floated through the air. It was Jon's laugh Alanna could recognize it anywhere.

"You know if you want to wrestle my Lioness I'm all for it," Jon laughed again.

"Shut up Jon it isn't nice to scare a Lioness while she hunts for she might attack you," Alanna scolded.

"Your furry friend woke me saying in his odd way that you needed me," Jon said through more burst of laughter. "And I don't like my Lioness hunting by herself," he pouted.

Alanna picked herself up and dusted herself off the best she could. She had wanted to be alone. "Stupid Faithful, I'll kill him." Alanna grumbled.

"No my sweet I will not let you." Jon's sapphire eyes glistened in the moonlight.

Alanna could see the prince clearly in the nighttime light. He looked ruggedly handsome. Why had she ever doubted herself about him? Jonathan with his coal black hair and sapphire blue eyes. He was so perfect. He was the one for Alanna and she new it.

The prince sat up from where he was laying in the sand. "Alanna," he said gently, "Have you given any thought to my proposal?"

Alanna smiled at her prince, "Yes my liege. I have," she looked at him.

"Well do you have an answer yet, because if you don't I'll give you more time," he said in one breath.

Alanna blushed yes he was the one for her. "Jon I have one question to ask before I give you my answer. Will I be able to stay a knight and get to fight and go on adventures after or if I marry you?" she asked slowly.

Jonathan pondered this for a moment would he want his soon to be queen roaming the land and going on adventures? That was one thing he was going to have to think about. Did he really want that? "Will you answer be the same no mater what mine is?" he asked slyly.

"Jonathan I worked so hard for my shield that I don't just want to give it up not even a year after I won it," Alanna complained.

"Then we will have the wedding after midwinter; you will have had your sheild for a year then," Jon smiled.

"Jonathan you know what I meant," Alanna said exasperated.

"I had a feeling you were going to say that." Jon sighed. If he really wanted her he was going to have to give a little, for all the gods knew that she wouldn't. "Once we have settled down and you have conceived my heir then you can go on with your adventuring. I'll even give you border duty at times if you want."

Alanna smiled at Jon's joke. "Do you really mean that Jon?" Alanna looked at the Price who was still sitting in the sand, he nodded. "Then Jonathan of Conte, heir to the throne of Tortall I accept your proposal."

Jon jumped up from the ground and embraced Alanna. His lips brushed hers for a brief moment. Then he picked her up where her feet could not touch the sand any longer and kissed her passionately. He twirled her around as he kissed her.

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