And here it is. The end of the tale.


Sirius left the Hospital Wing later that day, a new man. He felt like he had been given a second chance to right all of his wrongs, and he had no intent of wasting the chance he was so graciously given. He took every opportunity that presented itself to remind Remus that he loved him. He took every chance he got to show him he loved him, even if that were only in secret and behind closed doors. Whatever Remus needed, Sirius tried to provide.

As the school year carried on, both Remus and Sirius could honestly say they felt their relationship growing stronger. Their 'anniversary' came and went with smiles and Firewhiskey and sloppy silencing charms. Sirius attempted to keep it romantic, but Remus decided to take Sirius' romance and throw it in his face, breaking his characteristic submission to drink and snog the hell out of Sirius until he could stand it no more.

It was the first of many anniversaries and many failed would-be-romantic nights.


They danced at James' wedding.… the bride of which was Lily Evans, no less! They rented a flat together as they both fought for the Order of the Phoenix against the worst of the Wizarding World. They spent nights wrapped in each other's arms, both silently pondering how many nights like this they had left. They pretended these fears weren't real, that they had their entire lives to be together. They smiled and they laughed like they were not in the middle of a war.

But most importantly, they didn't forget their past, what they went through and what they became because of it. Remus would always deny it, but they both knew it was true.; they would never have become the strong, stable and perseverant couple they became were it not for a little, white, powdery thing called cocaine. They would never have hit rock bottom and climbed back out. Because of Sirius' greatest mistake, they could get through anything.

Even year after torturous year of transformations alone.

Even believing the other to be a traitor, a murderer.

Even a twelve year sentence to Azkaban for a false accusation.

They would prevail, for they had been there before, at the bottom of what seems to be an endless abyss. And they had climbed and fought and found their way out of it, and they would do so again and again and again.

No matter how many years they lost or how many tears they shed, they could only ever say they felt truly happy in each other's arms. Until the sudden and cruelly undeserved end of their days, Remus and Sirius shared a love that could only be considered true.

'Until death do us part….' is only a hindrance, never a barrier.


I severely hope you enjoyed it. Not just the chapter, but the story as a whole. I do try to make it worth your time to read. Any last thoughts or comments would be nice! ..Yes, yes that's just my way of saying I'd really, really like it if you reviewed!