Disclaimer: I dun own Kingdom Hearts, In fact,I don't even own this computer that I'm typing on. It's a shared computer. -.-
Chapter One- Got it Memorized?
" Hey Roxas! Lemme see your schedule. I wanna see if we have any classes together."
"Okay…" A distant Roxas said, reaching down his front pocket, grabbing a folded piece of white paper. He unfolded it and handed it to an unpatient Hayner, who snatched it away from him.
" Let's see….We got….P.E. together…alright! Uhm…English….yup! We got English together too!"
" We 'got'? How about, we 'have'?" Olette corrected, giggling as she did so.
" How about, 'who cares'?" Hayner shot back.
"Soorrry." Olette turned her attention away from the boys and walked down the hallway. Pence said a cheerful goodbye to Roxas and Hayner and headed down the hallway to catch up with Olette. Pence had had a crush on her, and of course both boys knew. The only one who didn't seem to know was Olette, and either she really was truly oblivious or she was teasing him.
" Aw man! This ain't fair! We only got P.E., English, and lunch together! Man, looks like you're on your own for 4 other classes, because Olette and Pence and me all got the same classes together. Bummer man." Hayner handed Roxas' schedule back.
Roxas took it and shook his head, his blonde locks shaking as he did so.
" All three of you?" Roxas cringed at the thought of being alone in 4 whole classes. He was kinda shy when it came to making friends.
" Yup. Sorry. Anway…" Hayner paused and looked down the hally way for a moment. His mouth dropped. He quickly closed it and snickered.
" What?" Roxas looked behind him. Hayner pointed to a group of what looked like to Roxas, a bunch of goths. Roxas was kinda scared of gothic people, not knowing what sort of thing they were into. Hayner told him they were a bunch of witchcraft yuppies high on crack. Roxas thought that was mean and untrue, since half of what Hayner ever says is untrue, since he never judged people on their looks anyway. But he wasn't so sure about gothic people.
The group of goths Hayner was poiting to were actually a group they had seen before, wandering around Twilight Town. Mostly, they hung around the mall, Hot Topic, and the arcades. They had looked older to Roxas, much older, and out of highschool already, but apparantly not. One of them had blonde hair, styled in sort of a mohwak/mullet type thing. He was wearing a black shirt with the words Jimi Hendrix on it in bright red. He wore black baggy jeans, and chains that dangled from his belt. Black converse were on his feet. What surprised Roxas most of all…was the fact that he, and all of them actually, were wearing eyeliner. Guys really shouldn't be wearing eyeliner…but Roxas decided that it actually could be pulled off if worn by the right guy with the right features.
The next guy in line had blue-ish hair that hung over the right side of his face, covering his eye and part of his thin wire rimmed reading glasses. The left eye had eyeliner under it of course. He wore a black long sleeved shirt, unbuttoned at the sleeves, with long black dress pants and a black belt with silver chains hanging off of it. Black and white converse were on his feet.
Roxas looked down at his own shoes. They were out-dated for sure. Converse must have been the new "in" shoe out these days. Maybe he'd try and convince his mom to get him some.
The guy with his back turned to Roxas had pinkish medium sized hair, flipped out. He wore a black shirt over a neon green mesh shirt. He also, like everyone else, adorned black pants, only these were more of a girl's style. They were belts and chains across his legs. In fact, Roxas thought, this person could very well be a girl. The person turned slightly, enough for Roxas to see the figure's profile. Uhm..Yup..., Roxas decided, defintiely a guy. Roxas wondered how on earth this guy could possibly walk with all those chains in the way.
The last guy, who impressed Roxas the most though, was a tall and slender figure. Very tall actually, and extremely slender. He wore a tight black shirt with a long black hoodie. Black pants obviously, and black Converse. What impressed Roxas most though, was the guy's bright red hair. It was amazing. It was….gorgeous….Roxas mentally slapped himself and turned probably as red as that guy's hair. ' Bad Roxas….don't think that way about a gothic GUY you don't even know….' They guy's hair was spikey and untamed. Another interest was his eyes. They were an emerald green, sparkling with secrets kept from the rest of the student body. He interestingly had two tatooed triangular shaped under his eyes.
Apparantly, the goths finally noticed Hayner shooting them dirty looks, and Roxas staring at them, unblinking, with his mouth slightly open. They sauntered (yes, sauntered Oo) over to them, each with devious smirks on their faces. The blonde haired one leaned in close to Roxas, and putting two fingers under his chin, softly pushed his mouth closed.
" Might wanna close that. You might swallow something that creeps in there and choke to death. Wouldn't want that now would we?" He ruffled Roxas' soft locks of hair.
" Hey freak, don't touch my friend got that!" Hayner shouted, pushing the blode haired guy's hand away from a very shell shocked Roxas.
The blode haired guy frowned slightly and then smirked, his blue eyes mischieviously looking down at Hayner.
" Got a staring problem hun?" The pinkish haired one waved a hand in front of a still very stunned Roxas.
" N-no…J-just…" Roxas averted his gaze finally, looking at the floor.
" Take a picture then, it'll last longer." The pinkish haired one stated coldly, cracking his gum.
" I guess they just find us so attractive, it's hard for them to do anything else except stare." A new voice piped up, loud and obnoxiously. Roxas looked up, and saw that it was indeed the red head's voice. They all snickered. The blue haired one said nothing, only watched Roxas intently.
" Yeah ass-holes, get outta our way so we can get to our friggen' classes."
Hayner grabbed Roxas' arm and roughly pushed past the blonde haired kid.
" Excuse me, I don't think that's very nice." The red head stated slyly, pushing Hayner and Roxas against a wall. Roxas cringed and swallow nervously. 'Oh no oh no….I'm already going to get beaten up and it hasn't even been an hour of 10th grade…'
They gathered around Hayner and Roxas, allowing no escape.
" Now let's try this again….whatever-your-names are…" He said, with a fake softness to his voice.
"Roxas. M-my name, it's R-roxas. H-he's H-hayner." I stuttered out.
The red head started laughing, the others joining in.
" What'd you tell them our names for, idiot?" Hayner slapped my arm.
"Roxas huh? Well then R-r-r-r-Roxas" He mocked my stuttering, " I think you should tell your friend here to be a little bit nicer to us. He's being pre-tty rude to us, don'tcha think?"
Hayner raised his fist to the Red Head.
" BACK OFF YA FREAK!"The red head caught Hayner's arm, and twisted it downward, hard. Hayner yelped.
" That's strike 2. Wanna end this before we get to strike 3? Or do you wanna stick around to see what I'm capable of?" The goths smirked in their devious way. Roxas blinked and pushed himself as close to the wall as possible squeaking out,
" W-we're s-sorry! R-really s-sorry f-for staring! We w-won't do it again…o-okay? C-cmon, it's t-the first d-day of school!" Roxas practically begged them for forgiveness (and his life). The Red head casted his eyes upward in thought.
" Mmmmmm ….I guess we'll let ya off the hook. Since Roxy over here is sooooo sweet looking. Next time though Hay-ner, Roxy won't be around to bail ya out, and that's when I'll be around." He snickered and let go of Hayner's arm.
" Hayner…you okay?" Roxas asked, very concerned.
Hayner shoved Roxas roughly to the floor and stomped off to class, leaving a very confused Roxas on his tush.The goths laughed, and the red head grabbed Roxas' hand, hoisting him up.
" Wow, looks like ya lost a friend Roxy. Too bad." The red head smiled cutely. 'NO BAD ROXAS! HE'S NOT CUTE!'
" Don't call me that. It's Roxas, okay?" Roxas put a hand to his head and rubbed.
" Looks like you're over your little stuttering problem. Great! Look, guys, we did something good for another person today, we scared him so much, that he stuttered himself to a normal speech pattern! Way to go!" The red head said enthusiastically. The blonde haired one smiled and patted Roxas on the head.
" Good job Roxas, you can talk! Say, Ma-ma!" The blonde haired one cooed.
" Cut that out!" Roxas pushed him away. He managed a look at his watch as he did so. Roxas was going to be late for his class!
" Crap…I gotta go…Uhm….." Roxas looked from each of the goth's faces for a moment.
" B-bye…I guess…." Roxas turned to make one of the heart racing dashes he'd ever make in a lifetime.
" Hey Roxas?"
" Yeah?" Roxas turned back around to face them. The red head smirked.
" The name's Axel. Got it memorized?"
Roxas smiled lightly. ' Maybe…goths aren't so scary after all…'The blonde haired one smiled brightly, "See ya around Roxas."
" Yeah….see ya…" Roxas turned around again, and dashed down the hallway, running as fast as he could, smiling and not even knowing why.
Author's Note: I know, I know, they're all so out of character! Gah! But hey, maybe it'll get better yeah? Also, no offense to gothic people here, I just wanted to make Hayner a complete stereotyping idiot here. :3 Excuse any spelling mistakes and errors, I was too lazy to check for them.And also, yes Zexion wears glasses now. Why? I haven't the faintest idea. You have no idea how irritating it was to type "red head" and "blonde head" and "pink headed" every other sentence but their names are to be revealed all in good time. It's all about the timing folks. . Anyway, do review this for me, and do tell me if you like it. T'anks.