See what happens when a hormone-crazed teenage girl writes fanfics at night? This is my take on the "make-up" between Troy and Gabi in the movie, and is loosely based on "Collapsed" by Aly and AJ because… Well, it inspired this.

Disclaimer: Me no ownie High School Musical.


So here she was, back to being "that freaky math girl". The seventh school that she's attended, and somehow she couldn't get rid of that status.

She slammed the door of her locker and gave a frustrated sigh. The one thing that sucked about this move… Her mom was actually going to stay for the rest of Gabriella's years in high school. She began her long trek to her homeroom class. The one class that she had with him. You missed your chance. Turning the corner, she bumped into the last person she wanted to see and her papers went flying.

"Um, my bad," Troy stuttered as he nervously helped her pick up the scattered papers. He handed her a huge stack of math equations.

What could she say? "Thanks, you didn't have to." Is that all you can up with? How about I want to be friends again? That I wish we never stopped talking in the first place? But she knew all was lost. Her, freaky math girl, and him, hot basketball star? They were like polar opposites, and he had proven it right. How could she ever forgive him?

"It was no problem," he replied, grinning. Gabriella's stomach did somersaults. She knew what he was thinking… Rather, hoping, and she was about to tear it apart.

"No really, you didn't have to." She had to get away, before she fell for it again. That goofy grin, those beautiful, blue eyes… Right before he'd break her heart.

The hallway seemed endless, and there was no turn in sight. She had to face the fact that she now trapped.

Troy had followed her, keeping a few paces behind until she reached a dead-end. "Gabriella, we need to talk."

Gabriella could sense the anxiety in his voice, and panicked. "Troy, now's not the time. We'll be late to—"

He didn't let her finish. "I don't know what happened last week, but this has got to stop."

Now she was angry. "What has got to stop? The fact that you and I screwed things up? That we have a whole school against what we're trying to do?" He remained quiet, and Gabriella shook her head. "I knew it was too good to be true." She walked away, and what was even worse was that he was standing there, just watching her. The one boy she ever had feelings for, and she was walking away from him.

"Gabi, wait," he called, finally chasing after her, which is what he had been doing since they first met. He pushed her against the lockers, his arms on both sides of her.

She could feel her heart pounding. Her breath was getting shallow as his mixed with hers… This was the kind of stuff she'd read in magazines, and it seemed like it was finally going to happen her.

Troy leaned in, leaving no space in between, and kissed her. She stared at him, wide-eyed. He pulled back, the sorrow in his eyes obvious. "So I guess we're not talking anymore, then?"

"Well, not if we're doing this," Gabriella kissed him back, overjoyed. So I get my best friend back and my first kiss in the same day! She knew she couldn't keep the act up any longer. "Troy, I'm sorry I was so angry at you. It's just—"

"I understand." Once more, he had cut her off, but she didn't mind, not one bit. As long as they were talking again… But where would the relationship go from there? "So that means we're doing the callbacks?"

Gabriella gave him a wide smile. "Maybe…" she teased as she skipped down the hallway.

It was so obvious that she was playing hard to get, but Troy didn't mind the chase. He knew that he was halfway there.

Of course, it isn't as cute as the original (nothing will -ever- beat Zac Efron singing acapella), but I'd thought it'd be interesting to do a different version. I hope I pulled it off!