Title: Unspoken Words

By: TheHellChild

Summary: Kagome and Sesshomaru are together, but what happens when she feels she's in a one-sided relationship, and wants out of the relationship, but will he let the only one he loves leave him? Read to find out..


Chapter One: "Because You Can't Help Who You Love"

On a the first Friday of October when the moon was full, and so beautiful it would be a night of true beauty coming into view of a beautiful white ranched home with beautiful flowers outside. When it was dark you could still see them by the outside light still on. All the lights in the house were off but one dim lighted room.

As a young woman with long black hair and light chocolate brown eyes. That shined in the moonlight. She pasted back and forth in the dim lighted room. Which also had two lit by two very short red candles. It was a candle lit dinner only met for two. The food was placed out and very cold. The candles were almost out because of burning all night. The woman walked to the window and looked out. Looking seeing if anyone was coming into her driveway, but saw no one.

"Oh, not again.." she said in a depressing tone. It hurt her tears welded up into her. "Sesshomaru, why? Do you love me?" she asked out loud as if she was talking to someone, but no one was there she was speaking to herself. Tears ran down the side of her face lowering her head putting her face into her hand and crying her heart out. She just couldn't believe the man she loved to death hand done the same thing four times in a week.

It had seem that Sesshomaru her boyfriend for five and a half years had done nothing, but call off their dates or said he was working, and even just didn't call her for as long a week sometimes even two. She knew that her love she a big business man and head CEO of his father's company. She knew that he was very busy with a lot of important business things, but he has swore to her that he would come at 8 o'clock sharp it's been over four hours and he still hadn't shown, or even call to say he was sorry.

"Sango, was right I am in a one-sided relationship. With an asshole who is in love with his company than his girlfriend he's been with for five and a half years," she said as she trilled off still in tears. She then added sadly "Why am I with him? I should just break-up with him." she told herself out loud.

Kagome wiped her treas away when she heard the phone ring. In hoping it was Sesshomaru she got up and ran to the phone picking it up the second ring with a simple, but yet sad "Hello?"

"Kagome?.." a woman's voice asked.

"Oh hi Sango." She now in tears.

"Kagome what's wrong did he stood you up again?" her friend asked.

"Y-yes.." she said as she sobbed.

"Kagome you need to dumb him. Get rid of him. Come on he's only hurting more than making you happy. Kagome come on your twenty-seven years old. How long his he gonna wait before he asks you to move-in, or merry him. I know you want a family with him Kagome, but I'm sorry it doesn't look like it's gonna happen. He's making you very depressed Kagome.." Sango trilled off, but stopped when she heard her friend telling her to "Shut up!"

"I-I...love..hi-him. He's...my life..I can't..I'm nothing without him.." she cried out.

"Kagome. I know you love him, but Kagome doesn't he know that your mother is dying and you are taking anti-depressants, and that you've tried to kill yourself over five times in the past five months?" She asked.

"No.." she trilled off.

"Kagome... doesn't he talk to you more than once a week?" Sango asked her dear friend that she loved more like a sibling. Kagome broke out into another fit of tears. "No... He says he's too busy.." she said sobbing yet again. Kagome didn't want to admit, but the man she loved more likely didn't love her. Truth was ever man she had dated ended up leaving, cheating or becoming gay. So she was left alone, and the only who's who really comforted her was Sango or her mother who was now on her death bed fighting just to see another day, but now she is going to be gone and Sango is still there to keep her comfort her. The only thing wrong was Sango was married now and had a two-year-old and a new born. Plus she never cared for Sesshomaru.

She always thought he was a cold-hearted bastard that never cared, or took the time of day to talk to Kagome. Which was all true, but she couldn't help, but to care for him and his well-being. Kagome believed with all her heart that Sesshomaru was a good man and boyfriend, but in people's eyes they only saw him playing mind games with her. "Sango, do you think I should you know?" she asked her friend. "Should what Kagome?" she asked.

"Well you know that Hojo wants to take me out on a date should I go with him. You know just as friends?" she asked her.

"I don't know Kagome. Hojo might not think it's "just as friends" and may want to see you more." Sango told her.

"He knows I'm with Sesshomaru. Plus at this point and time I don't think Sesshomaru would even care." she told her friend with another sob.

"Then why are you with him?" Sango asked, her dear friend almost in tears herself. Hearing Kagome sob out loud only hearing seven words in a low whisper. "Because you can't help who you love"

"Hon. We all know that you love him, but the real question is does he love you?" Sango asked her.

"God, I hope so." she said in another fit of tears.

"Didn't he ever tell you?" Sango asked.

"No.. Not really. He never truly said the words "I love you" but I know he dose. Deep down inside my heart I know." She said as tears began to fall.

"Kagome... don't hate me when I say this, but in all five years of being together as he ever cheated on you?" she asked.

"..No.. I don't think so.." Kagome said, she even wondered if he was.

"Do you think he as someone else?" Sango asked.

"Maybe... Maybe just maybe she has his heart when he has mine!" she exclaimed with a sob. "Hey Sango I got to go.." she said to her friend.

"Please Kagome don't do anything stupid." Sango told her dear friend on the other end of the phone.

"I won't.." Kagome promised.

Hanging up the phone Kagome began to cry she knew it wouldn't last she knew it. Why didn't she believe Inuyasha when he said "Do not fall for my brother's shit.." or "He's just using you Kagome." but no she didn't listen and now where is it getting her all alone and depressed.

"I have to end it" she said with tears in her eyes.

(Ok review)