Blind Date

Disclaimer: I'll own XS once you give me the papers to sign. Anyone? Anyone? Ugh, I guess not.

Chapter One – Damsel in Distress

Hey Keiko!

Ugh, I'm so tired of waiting around for Rai to make the first move. I'm about to burst! I can't take it! I'm about to tell him about how I feel about him, first. Ahhh, should I?

Write me back, I'm distressed,


Kimiko had barely pressed the "Send" button, when she heard the noise signifying that she had received mail. Keiko had already sent a reply!

…Alright, so maybe it took around five minutes, but since Kimiko was sitting in front of the computer the whole time just waiting for a reply, it wouldn't have mattered how long it took anyway. The fact stays that Kimiko had indeed received a reply, which stated the following:

Kimiko! Kimiko! Kimiko!

No, no, no, no, no. Promise me that you will NOT make the first move. Let Raimundo be a man and make the first move, first! Give it about another week.

Don't do anything rash!


Kimiko groaned in frustration. She had been waiting for so long already. She truly felt that she was going insane. Insane, I tell you! INSANE!

"Did I happen to hear a damsel in distress?" Kimiko quickly shut her laptop closed, recognizing the voice that came from the doorway behind her. She quickly turned around to see that Raimundo, Omi and Clay were standing outside, peeking into her room. Obviously, they all heard her groan in frustration.

"I'm fine," Kimiko mumbled.

"Are you sure, there, little lady? You sounded awful like my Uncle Boris wrestlin' when he tried wrestlin' a bear."

"Sure, I'm fine, fine, fine; absolutely dandy!" Kimiko showed them some teeth to try to convince them of how fine she really was. She really wanted to reply to Keiko's e-mail. Raimundo produced a sound that basically said, Kimiko it's obvious that you're lying, and that we don't believe you, but out of the kindness of our hearts, we'll ignore how crazy you just sounded.

"Alright, then, just making sure," was what Raimundo actually said out loud, following the noise. He gave her a weird look before the three boys walked off.

"What is the matter with Kimiko?" Kimiko heard Omi say once he thought that they were out of earshot. She sighed to herself and opened her laptop again. She then started typing her response to Keiko.


I think I just scared him. The three boys walked past my room just now and I told them that I was dandy. DANDY! It's like I was the chameleon-bot, except… really me!

Raimundo isn't doing anything. I'm getting tired of being a sitting duck.

I need some spice in my life, haha.


And finally after a few minutes, the reply:

Jeez, Kimiko. What took you so long to reply?

Oh, right. The boys passed by your room! HAHA!

Anyways, if you need some spice in your life, you're in luck. Shiro-kun has a cousin that knows a guy that knows a guy that wants to hook his friend up with someone, like on a blind date. I kind of mentioned you :P

Let me know if you're up for it!


"WHAT?" Kimiko exclaimed loudly then she quickly covered her mouth. She ran to the door and checked both sides of the hallway to see if anyone heard her. Seeing that nobody did, she ran back to her laptop and reread the message. A blind date?, she thought. Oh, Keiko, Keiko, Keiko, what were you thinking? No, I do not want to go on a blind date. But then again, it could be fun…

She shook her head then looked outside her window. She saw the three boys playing soccer, and she spotted Raimundo.

No. No, of course I don't want to go on a blind date…

A/N: I'm going at this fic differently from how I usually do… 'specially the XS fics. Usually there's a holiday, and usually it's a one-shot. BUT I've decided to try and make this a longer one. Goodie, right? Well, folks, be a doll and review after you read. Thankssss!