Chapter 1- Inner turmoil

"Barbossa? But Jack shot you!" Will exclaimed, confused, ignoring the older man's question.

"Aye, that he did, Will Turner." Barbossa replied.

"Then how is it that you are still alive?" I asked, incredulously.

"Ah…Elizabeth…a pleasure to be seeing ye again." Barbossa replied with a smile quite akin to a sneer taking my hand and kissing it.

I dragged it away with a disgusted look. "It's Miss Swann and you didn't answer my question." I snapped.

"It turns out, it vill take more tan a bullet, to take 'ol Barbossa out." Tia Dalma replied with a knowing grin, ignoring me.

"Yes well, I wouldn't have lived if ye hadn't helped me. I gather ye need me to help find Jack Sparrow eh?" Barbossa asked, turning to Will.

"Captain! Captain Jack Sparrow." Will and I said at the same time. I glanced at him. He wouldn't look at me.

The rest of the crew stood silently watching this exchange with interest.

"What's in it for me?" Barbossa questioned.

"The Black Pearl will be yours, if you help us find Jack." Will said.

I'm surprised Will would even want to bring him back. From the way he looks at me, I know he saw that kiss and sadly, I can't bring myself to explain it because, deep down, I know I wanted that kiss, more than anything. Like Jack said, I wanted to know what it's like, curiosity. How could I be so cruel as to make him go down with his ship by playing with his feelings for me? What is wrong with me? Do I still love Will? I'm not so sure.

"Then, we have an accord, but it was already mine to begin with." Barbossa replied, extending his hand to Will who took it rather stiffly.

"How are we supposed to go about this rescue mission, cap'n?" Gibbs asked, stepping forward.

Barbossa grimaced at him. "We need to make way to Tortuga tomorrow and then set out for the ends of the Earth where we will rescue me ship and yer Sparrow." He replied.

"Ah…" Gibbs replied.

"Very well. We will set out tomorrow for Tortuga to commandeer ourselves a ship. Let's get some sleep." Will announced, as if he were captain, and almost sounding like the former pompous Commodore Norrington. Barbossa was not pleased with this, but didn't say anything. This is going to be a long journey, especially with a captain that can't bloody well be trusted, I thought with a sad sigh.

All of us tramped outside and slept amongst the trees. I never got any sleep and refused to go to Will. I need time to think things through.

Will is the man of my dreams. He's even the same age. He's handsome, smart, kind, loving, and skilled in fighting, everything I could ever want and he's madly in love with me.

Then, there's Jack. He's the man I've always wanted to meet. He's quite handsome, extremely sexy, smart, disgustingly annoying, drunk, skilled in fighting, and he's a pirate to boot. He seems to have feelings for me; I mean he actually had the gall to propose to me in a twisted sort of way. He's older and more experienced, and a bloody good kisser, even better than Will. I would go to the ends of the Earth to bring him back, would I do the same for Will?

Both after me, but who am I after? The compass proved I wanted Jack more than anything else in the world, but is that true? Do I love the man I used to hate? Did I ever really hate him? Do I still love Will?

How could I just throw Jack's life away from him? It wasn't right. It just wasn't.

I curled up into a ball and fell asleep, not solving a thing, but dreaming of the taste of his lips and the hint of rum.

The next morning came a bit too soon for my liking. I sighed and got up, dusting myself off and stretching. I tried to rub the crick out of my neck, but failed miserably. Much of the crew was up pilfering around as pirates do. I looked around for Will and spotted him chatting with Tia Dalma.

I quickly walked over.

"Good morning to ye, Miss Elizabeth." Tia Dalma replied, nodding to me as I approached.

"Good morning, Miss Dalma, Will." I replied, smiling weakly.

Will turned away and started walking off.

"That is no way to treat yer bonnie lass, Mr. Turner." Tia replied, glancing at me.

"Well…she shouldn't kiss other men if she wants to be treated right." He bit back, making me cringe and stare at my feet.

She studied me with a cold, piercing gaze. "I didn't take ye fer a cheating pirate, Miss Elizabeth. Who is it tat be the man ye've kissed?" Somehow I think she already knew the answer.

"Jack." I replied in a whisper.

"Ah…Jack Sparrow…he's a heartbreaker tat one, but 'tis a good man for a pirate."

"Yes well…I'm beginning to believe maybe he isn't such a good man by teasing me into wanting him."

"Tat be yer own doing, not Jack's. Perhaps, ye were already attracted to him from te day ye met him."

I smiled as I thought back to the time Jack rescued and then threatened me. Was I attracted to him then? Maybe.

"Ye'd best be decidin' which man is fer ye before ye lose both" She replied walking off towards Barbossa.

I sighed. This is going to be one of the hardest decisions I have ever made.