-Welcome to the Fair-

At a prairie in England, David and the gang volunteers to be characters in a Renaissance Fair, David played as a knight calling himself Sir David, Leo played as a wizard, Annie as a maiden, June as a princess, Quincy as a court jester (A renaissance clown) and Rocket as a good dragon with wings and a tail as the gang was amazed by all the scenery and booths all over the fair. The gang sees knaves, a lute player and a King and Queen at the royal castle as David gives Leo an anti-gravity belt to make him levitate as the kids we're enjoying the renaissance fair when all the sudden Big Jet pops up dressed in a dragon-like outfit with wings and a tail, along with his gadget: a fire thrower a gadget that shoots fire like a dragon as Big Jet calls itself the Big Jet Dragon. Big Jet shoots his fire as it hits a bunch of stands, the crowd tries to run away from the flames until Rocket uses a water soaker to put out the fires, David uses his shield to block the fires that Rocket missed and protected a few people as he learns that his armor is fireproof by running through the fires in the stands to create a way out for the crowd. June tells David "Are you crazy, David? You could've gotten burn." as he tells June that his armor is made of a fireproof metal not plastic as June sighs in relief as some castle guards from the castle summoned the gang at once to the King and Queen to explain about the Big Jet Dragon and his fiery fury all over the renaissance fair. How will the gang stop Big Jet?