Disclaimer: I no own, you no sue. Read my story dammit.

Mikan's Naughty Dreams

Chapter 7: Resources pt 2

Sumire found herself walking down the hallway to her classroom. She'd looked everywhere for Natsume and still could not find him. She didn't feel like going back to her room, mostly because she didn't want to clean it. She pushed open the door of her classroom and there, right there, sitting in the back with a book covering his face, was Natsume.

Sumire fell over.

"Ugh, Natsume! I've been looking for you!" she exclaimed once she regained her composure.


"No? What do you mean no? You don't even know what I was going to say!"

"What are you going to say?"

"Can we talk about something?"


And Sumire has to remind herself that she likes him for his looks, not his personality.

"Well, ok. I'll talk, you listen."

"Do you want me to set you on fire?"


"I didn't think so."

A moment of silence happens.

Sumire watches a tumbleweed roll by.

"It's about the rumors. A whole new set has started." she said.

Oh yeah, THAT got his attention.

"Why didn't you say something?!"

"You threatened to set me on FIRE!"

"Oh, well. I take it back."



"Anyway. This new set of rumors is not about you or Mikan or Kokoroyomi." she started. She watched as Natsume raised an eyebrow and then nod at her, telling her to go on. "It's about Ruka and Hotaru. The rumor says that She broke up with Ruka because she is pregnant. But I doubt it because Hotaru is not the type to get intimate. Don't you agree?"

"Why are you telling me this? It has nothing to do with me."

"You are Ruka's best friend. You could help him out or something..."

"With what?"

"I don't know."




"Well, what do you think you could do?" Sumire finally asked.

"I don't know. What I am trying to do is find the person starting the rumors."

"Oh, well, you know Mimi and Momo might help. They are the ones who told me Ruka and Hotaru broke up. And that she's pregnant."


Hold up. REWIND!

"Mimi and Momo? Who are they?"

"Oh, two of my lackeys. They are kind of dumb and love to talk and really mess things up." Sumire said.


That's right Natsume. Put it all together so I can finally end this fic.

"You mean those to girls who told us Koko and Mikan were going out in the first place From that one day?" he asked. Sumire nodded.


Yes Sumire. Do the same thing as Natsume.

"Holy crap."

"Where are they Sumire?"

"Oh, well, I don't know. I saw them a little while ago."

"Which way were they headed?"

"Um...the direction of the Tea Pavilion."

Natsume jumped up, grabbed Sumire's arm and exited the room.


"We're going to have a little "chat" with your lackeys."


Tsubasa was walking down the hallway (boy do these people like to walk down hallways) when he turned a corner and bumped into Mimi and Momo.

"Oh sorry." Mimi said.

"Where are you two off in such a hurry?"

-commentary bubbles pop up with L.A.S inside them-

Ok, in case you were wondering how Tsubasa knows Momo and Mimi, it's because Mimi is the in same class type with him and Mikan. Her "Alice" is the ability to control sand...for..some reason...

-end of commentary-

"Oh, we're just gonna go tell everyone the news." Momo said.

"What news?" Tsubasa asked.

"About Hotaru and Ruka. We think she's pregnant."Mimi said.


"Well, because she broke up with Ruka because of the rumors that have been going around."Mimi said

"...Did he say she was pregnant?"

"No," Momo said, "But it's good enough right?"

"Good enough for what?"

Both girls bit their lips are realizing that they had said a few things they shouldn't have.

Well Gee, ya think?

"You two...have been starting the rumors haven't you?" Tsubasa concluded. They looked at each other and then took off in a run. Tsubasa stepped on their shadows before they could get to far.

"You two are in a lot of trouble." He said.

"No kidding," said a voice from behind him. Tsubasa looked over his should and Saw Natsume and Sumire walking towards them. He grinned.

"Fancy meeting you here." he said. Natsume nodded and looked at Mimi and Momo. He glared and they gulped.

"I've been looking for you two." he said.

"Uh, well, you know how it is..." Momo said, not really knowing what she was talking about. Sumire walked around to face them.

"Why did you start those rumors about Mikan and Koko?"

"Well, We saw them at the tree when we came to you and they were actually on top of each other." Mimi said.

"Yeah. But you know, their clothes were dirty and stuff so maybe they just fell."

"Probably. Polka-dots is as clumsy as clumsy gets."

"YOU JERK!" screamed mikan. Everyone's head turned to see her marching toward them with Koko right on her heels.

"I am NOT clumsy."

"Tell it to the judge." Natsume said. Mikan raised her hand to punch him, but he sidestepped just in time.

"Anyway, we found the people who have been starting the rumors. Stopped them before they could tell another one." Tsubasa said before mikan could lunge herself at Natsume. Mikan turned and stared at who they were talking about.

"Eh? Mimi? Why?" Mikan asked. She stood next to sumire facing the two girls.

"Well, we didn't really mean for it to get this bad..." Mimi said.

"Actually, we never wanted anything bad to happen in the first place. We just can't really keep our mouth's closed is all."

"..." went Mikan, and then...

"OW!" Screamed Momo as she fell backwards from being punched in the face by Mikan. Everyone stared at her, Stunned.

"Mikan..." Sumire said. Mikan cracked her knuckles.

"Do you have any idea what you two have put me through? I've been called every bad name in the book and you were going to start ANOTHER RUMOR!?"

"It wasn't going to be about you." Mimi said. Mikan eyed her.

"Who then?"

"Hotaru and Ruka." Mimi replied.

"..." went mikan and then...

"GAAAH!" screamed Mimi as Mikan punched her in the stomach. Mimi bent forward and fell to her knees. Mikan stood over her, glaring down through narrowed eyes, cracking her knuckles once more.

"Hotaru is my best friend." she said. "You will die now."

"NOOOOOO!" screamed the twins as mikan–

Sorry kiddies, it get's really graphic right now. Terribly violent. Too much so to actually write because 1) I have no idea what to put down and B) let's move on with the story, hm?


After Mikan finished whaling on the Twins (who had by then learned their lesson and vowed to never start another rumor in which mikan nodded and went bak to beating them up while everyone just watched until Tsubasa thought it was a good idea that the two didn't die) the group set out to find Ruka. That wasn't hard.

"HOTARU PLEASE! OPEN UP!" Ruka cried, banging on her lab door. Everyone sweatdropped as the watched the pathetic boy gravel outside the big metal door.

"I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT'S WRONG!" he exclaimed. Koko walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"We do. Hotaru, if you would be so courteous as to open up, we'll explain everything." he said. A couple of moments went by before they heard the loud ka-chink ka-chink, skreeeeee, of the door being unlocked from the other side, and then it was pulled open and out stepped Hotaru.

"You have two minutes." she said, eyeing everyone.

"Ok. First off, hy did you break up with me?" Ruka asked. Hotaru stared at him.

"I can't believe you are asking."

"I really don't know! Why?!" Ruka cried. Seeing that he might not actually know, Hotaru sighed.

"You told everyone that Mikan was pregnant. You and I were the only one's who knew beside Mikan and Koko." She said. Ruka blinked.

"WHAAAAAT!?" he yelled.

"Hotaru," Koko said, "He didn't say anything. Someone else was starting the rumors the whole time."

"..." goes Hotaru. For once in her life, feeling stupid.

"Yeah, and we stopped them from starting a rumor about you and Ruka." Mikan said.

"You did?" asked both Hotaru and Ruka. She nodded.

"They were going to say that Hotaru was pregnant."

"They were?" asked Ruka. He looked at Hotaru who in turn glared back.

"Yes. We stopped them. They are sorry." Tsubasa said.

"Though, there is one thing that is still a mystery..." Koko said. He looked at Ruka.

"Why would you think Mikan was pregnant?"

"Ah, well, um...Hotaru?"

"We were spying on you one day using one of my inventions. We were out of range, so everything was a bit staticky. All I could make out was "Pregnancy" and "no telling" and such." Hotaru shrugged.

"Oh." Said Mikan. "Well, now that you know the truth, you can Take Ruka back, right?"

Hotaru looked at Ruka and Ruka looked back, hopeful.

"Sure. I need some new pictures anyway."

"O.O;" goes Ruka.

And so, with everything worked out, we can end our story...

One more thing though...

Later on, after everything was done and settled with, Mikan was alone in the cafeteria eating a late dinner. Because she had missed out of a few chores, the bot made her wash the dishes while everyone was eating, thus causing her to work late.

Mikan took a bite out of her meat and smiled. It was delicious. She took another bite, and another...

"I knew you were clumsy, but I didn't know you were such a cow." Natsume said. Mikan's eyes looked up and sure enough, Natsume was standing behind the chair across from her. Mikan's eyes narrowed.

"I would yell at you but everyone should be asleep by now. Go away." she said and sipped her juice. Natsume sat down instead.

"Ugh! Why are you here?!" Mikan demanded. "I don't want to be around you while I'm eating. Go away."

"If you don't want to be around me, then why were you having dreams that made desire nothing but me?" he countered. At the mentioning of her steamy dreams, a blushed filled her face and Mikan looked away.

"I...I don't know. But they've stopped now, so I don't have to worry about it." she said. When Natsume didn't say anything, she looked up, only to find Crimson eyes one inch away from her own.

"..." she went. And then his lips were on hers. The realization didn't set in at first, but then it hit her soon enough.

Natsume was kissing her.

She panicked. What was she supposed to do? But, oh hey, it was kind of nice...

Mikan found herself calming down and closing her eyes, enjoying the kiss.

"It was kind of nice to know I was in your dreams."

"..." went mikan, silenced, and a bit tipsy from the kiss. Her cheeks were red. Natsume smirked.

"Well, that should enough to fuel your fire once again." he said, and got up to walk away. It took Mikan a moment to realize what he meant.

"NATSUME, YOU PERVERT!!" she screeched.

"HEY! SHUT UP DOWN THERE! I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!!!" A random person shouted from somewhere.


"You are the same as always, Mikan." Natsume said, walking away.

"You are to Natsume." Mikan said smiling, watching his retreating figure. She looked down at her plate and finished her meal. Then she went upstairs and went to bed. And as luck would have it, Natsume was right.

Mikan dreamt about fire all...night...long...

The End.

WOOOOOT! I FINISHED IT! ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok. Time to finish my other stories cos I have a new idea for a G.A. story right now. O.o LATER PPLS!