Disclaimer: Well... The dream I had the other night said that I owned Naruto... but you know, since we're in the real world now... I don't own it. And that's a sad fate.
Merely friends or?
Chapter 1
Sasuke glared at the sunny sky of July, thinking that it was not fair the weather was fair while he who was in the middle of some sort of an extreme training, was then disrupted and chased around by thousands of love infested squealing girls, screaming 'Sasuke, take my chocolate!' or 'No, take me instead!' or whatsoever in the assortment.
He thought that it might be safe for him to hide in the forest near his mansion but he was proven wrong. The fangirls still chased onto him but a little lot less faster after seeing their beloved speeding off by reason of concentrating his chakra to his feet. He coolly (as the fangirls thought) sprinted to a lush forest in the outskirts of Konohagakure.
Panting breathlessly, Sasuke leant against the dead bulky bark with a lame thump then was startled when he heard a deep (SEXY XD!) voice saying his name.
Thankfully, he knew who it was. "Hyuuga."
"Running away from fangirls, are we? This is my area of physical enhancement and meditation. So shoo." Hyuuga Neji had a playful smile on his face, looking at Sasuke's current weak being, knowing fully well that he wouldn't fall into a state of inertia just by running away from mindless girls.
A sneeze was his response. The coffee-haired ANBU thought whether his eternity rival, Uchiha Sasuke was catching a cold. As if Sasuke could read his mind, he told Neji with a glare, "I'm fine." But the Hyuuga did an equivalent action towards the younger ANBU, confident that he will win the 'competition'. He took a small step forward and closer to the flinched Uchiha who glared at him with even more venom. But then, the serious moment was totally ruined when he sneezed.
"They say that people are talking bad things about you when you sneeze." Neji told, with the glare gone and a look of worry and concern replaced it. He heard the sick man mumbled something along the lines of 'Must be the fangirls' or 'Damn those squirrels' but he took the former since it was typically Sasuke.
"Let me... stay here for a while." Sasuke took the opportunity to slowly slide down the bark he used to lean on and hid his face behind his too long bangs from Neji seeing him with a sudden dizziness that overwhelmed him and his vision. He was seeing bubbles of grey, black and white everywhere. He knew that he should have eaten breakfast that morning since all the intense training and fleeing from the deafening squeals of the girls was taking up a lot of his energy.
"But it's going to rain."
"How did-? Oh... right." He corrected himself in the nick of time when he sneaked a peek to the Hyuuga genius who activated his Byakuugan. Sasuke reluctantly and again slowly stood up only with the support of the dead bark but then the monochrome bubbles deteriorated and obscured his vision entirely. However he was conscious enough to know that his body tumbled frontward and felt a pair of strong arms around his waist, caught his falling being and his face collided with something warm, hard and odorous. Then he was entirely blacked out.
He was woken up by a warm, palatable liquid invading his mouth. Not thinking of the possibility of it being poisoned, he gulped it in. Even though he felt that his eyes were heavy, Sasuke managed to open them with repeated blinks to focus his vision more and distinguished a coffee-coloured blur against the contrast of the white ceiling behind the brown blur. He couldn't make out who it was for his mind was still in a haze. Conversely he caught a whiff which he was in familiar terms with, and he blinked more. "Hyuuga. Of all places, why the hospital?"
Well, that was unexpected. "Taking you to Haruno's is not possible as it's inevitable that she's not available as she, being the best Medic-nin in Konoha and maybe known to other states. If I took you back to your mansion, who knows how well booby trapped it'll be. And if I take you to mine, I have no experience of any medical skills."
"Why didn't you just leave me there?"
"I'm not that inhuman as you might think I am. And I'm not completely heartless either." The older of the two smirked before taking a seat beside the bed.
Sasuke swung his legs over the side of the hospital bed and tried to stand. However Neji caught him from falling just in time when his feet gave way, and gently helped the younger man to lie back down the bed before tucking him in with the sterile hospital blanket just like how a mother would do to her child.
The pearl-eyed genius glanced at the clock hanging on the wall and decided to head home before he felt his wrist being tugged. Glancing back to the exhausted man who pleaded with his onyx eyes, he didn't pull back his wrist, instead he said, "Sasuke, you need your rest. You were lucky that you found me in the woods." The long-haired ANBU slowly knelt down till his face was inches apart from Sasuke's and inwardly smirked at Sasuke's now hued-pink cheeks. "You could've died and I'd be disappointed if you died from a simple lethargy." His voice had traces of concern and his eyes still showed intensity yet it was soft. With that, he kissed Sasuke's forehead which caused the latter to fluster even worse.
"But please..." he pleaded with a slight squeeze to Neji's wrist that he never let go. "Please don't leave. I... don't want to be alone." Right then if he could... Right then Sasuke wished he could've slit his throat for sounding so cheesy. But he was surprised that Neji obeyed, seeing that he took a chair to sit beside him. Sasuke finally closed his eyes before mouthing a 'thank you'.
That night he woke up again to find Neji absent beside him. He looked to his side and saw him leaning on an open window. Sasuke could've sworn that he would get first prize in a photo taking contest if he had a camera right then. The Hyuuga prodigy was staring out the window and beyond the horizon, lost to his own muse. The light of the crescent somehow made a frame for Neji's fine jaw line and the muscles hidden under his garment. His eyes were ghostly beautiful if it weren't for the loose strands of his soft hair blown by the nocturnal wind.
He was caught off guard when Neji articulated, "Staring is rude, if you didn't know."
"What made you think that I was staring at you?" He concealed his alarm with a quick renowned brooding expression however that was in failure when Neji showed him with activated Byakuugan. He mentally cursed himself for falling for the same trick but eventually brushed it off and got off the bed to stand beside Neji, feeling the wind soothingly crashing to his delicate face.
"You know that almost all of your clothes are gone?"
Sasuke answered with a baffled face.
"When I was getting you to the hospital, your fangirls caught a sight of you and chased after me and shredded most part of your clothes in the process, showing their deepest concern." He stood there to be answered but was met with silence thus dropped the question. But...
"So I was nearly nude... in public?" Neji nodded a positive answer. Surprisingly Sasuke laughed and it raised questions in Neji's mind. "Wow... that must've been awkward of you to carry a semi-nude me across the whole village." Again he was answered with a nod and a smile. And Sasuke noticed of the rare smile.
"You should smile a lot. It looks good on you." Sasuke said successfully without a crack traced in his voice, looking straight at Neji's face which he just noticed that the window wasn't much of space so his body was adjacent to the Hyuuga prodigy neither do their faces.
Neji finally broke his gaze beyond the horizon and averted them to Sasuke. "Look who's talking. You should too. You look ravishing with a smile... A sincere one at that." He again successfully made an attempt to make the younger man blush by brushing away Sasuke's lengthy bangs from covering his eyes. Now it was Neji's queue to laugh. "Who would've thought the last descendant of the Uchiha clan and the best rookie could be so bashful?" He couldn't care less of how much noise the two men were causing and the half-hearted glare he was receiving from Sasuke. Still Sasuke dropped the glare and gave a toothy grin to his new pal, Hyuuga Neji. Wow, a new pal...
Neji's laugh was intermittent when he blushed, seeing Sasuke's infrequent smile.
A/N: I'm taking this opportunity to greet a happy birthday to my #2 favourite bishounen! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAREST CHICKEN HAIRED SASUKE! I know it's late but who cares. And this story has a chapter two, people! I am SO in a NejiSasu-holic phase! insert cool slash maniacal cackle