"And that, my boys, is when I swooped in and let my charms take over to comfort the young damsel. After which she fell madly in love with me. Well more so than she already secretly was, and we lived happily ever after." Boromir finished extravagantly. He hadn't expected much a response, but he expected more than he got. Looking down at the two boys on the bed he was met with a skepticism and confusion.
"Father, are you sure that's true?" One asked, clutching a large brown bear to his small chest. He was tucked in under the blankets, sitting against the headboard. The other sat on the end of the bed and the younger one's feet, his legs dangling off the edge.
"Of course, you think I'm lying?" Boromir asked.
The two young boys looked at each other. The bigger of the two shrugged. "I don't know." He said slowly. "Something seems off."
Boromir sighed and stood from his stool. "I have told you everything as if it occurred yesterday."
The younger's lower lip jutted out in uncertainty. He looked over his father's shoulder. "Mother, is it really true?"
Boromir turned, surprised to see Ariana standing in the doorway. Her hands were rested on the large bulge of her stomach and she looked amused, but she frowned at them.
"Arahad, Orodreth why are you still awake? And Arahad, should you not be in your own room?"
"Father was telling us the story of how you met and became married." Arahad explained quickly, jumping from his seat on the bed.
Orodreth nodded enthusiastically. "Yes!"
Ariana's eyes slid to Boromir and she raised an eyebrow. He smiled sheepishly. "Well then, now that his tale is complete Arahad can return to his room and you two can go to bed."
Orodreth sunk further under the covers and Arahad nodded. He shot a quick look at his brother. "I knew it wasn't true." He whispered, but his parents could still hear. Ariana hid a smiled and Boromir sighed.
"Goodnight father." Arahad said, bowing.
Boromir ruffled his hair. "Goodnight."
Arahad stepped to his mother and bowed again. Ariana smiled and leaned down to kiss his head. "I will see you in the morning, and maybe I'll tell you what really happened."
He smiled and shot his father a look. "Yes mother." He left, Ariana's hand trailing over his shoulder.
She moved to Orodreth's bedside and kissed his forehead, pulling the blankets closer to him. "Goodnight, my dear."
"Night mother." He whispered, his eyes drooping.
Ariana blew out the candles on the bedside table. She turned quietly and stepped toward Boromir, tucking her hand in his arm as he offered. They walked down the hall to their own chambers. Nothing was said, only the sound of their footsteps echoing through the corridor to be heard. Once in their chambers Ariana broke from Boromir and sat at her vanity table, pulling the pins from her hair. Boromir began to relax and sat on his bed to remove his boots, believing his story telling subject had been dropped.
"So, husband, explain to me this time of charms and me falling madly in love with you." She said sarcastically.
Boromir let an easy grin form. "You know how important a happy ending is my dear."
She turned to look at him. "I think things turned out happy enough that you don't need to lie."
He stood and placed his hands on her arms as she leaned back into him. His hand moved to her cheek and he ran his thumb over her jaw as his other hand moved to rest on her stomach. She smiled contently up at him as he leaned down. "Yes, but the story wouldn't be as interesting if I told them how it really happened."
She placed her hand over the one on her stomach. "What, you following me around Gondor for months in my time of heartbreak determinedly until I agreed to give you a chance?"
He pursed his lips. "And you cannot understand why I have to change the story for my sons?"
She pulled his face closer to hers and kissed him softly. "Well, next time you can tell them how sweet you were and how you made me realize how nice it was to be loved by such a sweet man."
He embraced her, resting his chin on her shoulder. She ran her fingers through his hair. "That's not as impressive or manly as what I told them." He said quietly.
He jumped back as she hit him and he laughed. Ariana rolled her eyes and went back to taking her hair down. "Well then you can figure out the manliest accurate way of telling when our daughter is old enough." She said, placing a hand on her stomach briefly as she went back to her hair. Once done she stood and pulled her nightgown from her wardrobe and proceeded to change into it. Boromir watched her from the bed, having already changed into his night clothes as she had finished with her hair. The white cloth draped over her frame and she flipped her hair gracefully from her collar. He smiled.
"For her, I will make sure to keep to the facts."
Her hands went to her hips and she frowned. "So for your sons you'll lie, but for your daughter you'll tell the truth?"
"My sons should see me as courageous and strong, but my daughter can see me as sweet. Do not give me that look." He laid back and patted her side of the bed. "Now come to bed."
She huffed, but after a moment her lips twitched. She couldn't stay mad at him as he was giving her such a cute pleading look and she did what he asked. As she passed the lantern she blew it out and slid in under the blankets. Immediately Boromir reached out and pulled her to him. She smiled and snuggled closer to him. He was warm and comfortable. She could feel the roughness of his beard as he rested his chin on her shoulder.
"I want you to know that I really have been very happy with you Boromir." She said softly, taking his hand and linking their fingers. "I love you."
He kissed her shoulder, his arms tightening around her. "I know."
She smiled and closed her eyes; letting herself fall asleep in the arms of the man she loved and knew loved her back.