This Time Around

Chapter Seven: Going Home

Lily looked around at the dorm. Posters were taken off the wall, various hair care items were packed away, and there were no clothes strewn about the floor.

            "I'm gonna miss this place," she said, sighing heavily and sitting on her packed truck.

            "We're only going home for the summer, Lily!" Maria laughed, joining Lily on the trunk. "You sound like we're Seventh Years and we won't be coming back."

            "I know, but life with the Muggles is so boring!" she whined. Maria laughed again and got off the trunk.

            "Maybe you can come stay with me for a little bit," she said and closed her trunk. Natalie and Jessica hurried over to Maria and Lily. They all exchanged hugs.

            "I'm going to miss you girls!" Natalie said.

            "My goodness!" Maria exclaimed. "We'll see each other in September. It's not like it's going to be years before we see each other!" Lily laughed.

            "C'mon. If we don't go down to breakfast now Sirius and James will have eaten all the food," Lily said. She linked arms with Maria and the two of them skipped down to the Great Hall. When they entered, they found Sirius and James, with full plates, sitting next to Remus and Peter. Lily and Maria sat down across from them.

            "Are you going to miss me, Jamie boy?" Lily asked slyly.

            "Oh, of course, Red Rosie…I won't have anyone to pick on with you gone," James replied and smiled sweetly.

            "You have Sirius. Play some pranks on him. You know, I've never seen you prank each other," she said and put some toast and sausage on her plate.

            "That's because if one pranks the other, the other will get them back worse, therefore we've made a truce," Sirius said.

            "Too bad. It would have been fun to see how bad you would have gotten each other," Maria said. After breakfast, Lily and Maria went back to their dorms one last time to see if they had gotten everything. Before they knew it, they were on the Hogwarts Express and on their way home.

            "Oi! Potter! Black! Lupin! Pettigrew! Wanna play some Exploding Snap?" Lily called out to the Marauders, who were sitting in the next compartment over.

            "Sure!" the boys called and came over to join them. Time sure flies when you don't want to go home, Lily sighed as she got off the Hogwarts Express.

            "LILY! LILY! LILY! LILY! LILY!" a little girl screamed. Lily turned towards the voice and saw Daisy running towards her.

            "I missed you Daisy," Lily said as she caught her sister in a hug and picked her up.

            "I missed you too. Guess what! Petunia's friend set her up with her brother and Tunia's been going on about him all week. He's so boring. I'm glad you're back. Will you change my hair purple? Please?" Daisy said, all in one breath. Lily laughed.

            "I'm sorry, honey. I can't use magic over the summer," she said.

            "Oh," Daisy said, sounding disappointed. Lily gave Maria one last hug and waved at the Marauders one last time before heading with her parents and sister to their car.

            "How was school, Lily?" Mrs. Evans asked.

            "Oh, it was, you know, pretty good," Lily said a little sadly.

            "What's wrong, honey?" Mrs. Evans asked.

            "Nothing. I'm just going to miss my friends, that's all. So who's this new guy of Petunia's?" Lily asked.

            "Vernon Dursley. You remember her  friend Marge, right? Well, he's her brother," Mrs. Evans said.

            "Oh. I think I remember Marge. She was the one that loved breeding dogs, right?" Lily asked.

            "Right. Oh, and she's going to be staying with us for a while this summer," Mrs. Evans said. Great, Lily thought, this is going to be one long summer.

Disclaimer: everything belongs to JKR except Maria, Natalie, and Jessica.

Author's note: Ok, so after a year and half, here's the last part. Sometime in the near future, I will be posting a sequel to this, which will take place in fifth year. Thank you soooo much for your help (er- I don't have your name by me, but you know who you are!). Thank you to everyone who has reviewed in the past. It really means a lot to me.

Dorthey Star