This Time Around
This Time Around

Sequel to Lily Evans

Chapter 1

By Dorthey Star

Yes, this story is the sequel to my story Lily Evans (it is stated above). You do not have to read Lily Evans before you read This Time Around, but some things (like Red Rosie) would make more sense if you did. If you want a summary of what happened in Lily Evans, you can e-mail me at [email protected] J

This Time Around is dedicated to all my lovely Lily Evans reviewers.

This chapter is dedicated to the late Douglas Adams



            Mum is taking me and my little sister Abbi to Diagon Alley on Friday. Can you meet me at Madame Malkin's at nine o'clock? I hope to see you then.

See you,


            Lily put down the letter.

            "Mum may I go? Please?" Lily begged her mother. The whole Evans' family (excluding Petunia who ran out of the room when the owl had flown through the window) was sitting at the breakfast table.

            "I guess." Mrs. Evans looked over at Mr. Evans who nodded in agreement.

            "Thank you!" Lily ran upstairs and wrote a letter to Maria saying that she could.

            Friday morning  Lily, Daisy, Mr. Evans, and Mrs. Evans all took the underground to London and walked to Diagon Alley.

            "G'morning!" said Tom the toothless innkeeper.

            "We need to go to Diagon Alley." Mr. Evans told Tom.

            "Right. Follow me." Tom took them to the back alley and showed them which brick to tap. It was five minutes after nine when they arrived at Madame Malkin's. Maria's parents whisked Mr. and Mrs. Evans off for a drink at the Leaky Cauldron leaving Lily, Daisy, Maria, and Abbi with money to shop with.

            "Lily, this is my sister Abbi. Abbi, this is Lily Evans." Maria said. Abbi had large brown eyes and brown hair.

            "This is my sister Daisy. Daisy, this is Maria Blankenship." Lily, Maria, and Abbi (who was starting Hogwarts that year) all stepped up to get fitted for Hogwarts robes.

            "Where's your other sister? Petunia, wasn't it?" Maria asked.

            "She didn't want to come." Lily grinned as she thought back to that morning. Mrs. Evans had asked Petunia if she wanted to come (being the polite woman that she is). Petunia had screamed "NO!" and ran out of the room.

            When they all had new robes (except for Daisy who, of course, wanted some but wasn't getting any) they went to Flourish and Blotts. They were bent over a display when Lily felt a pair of hands being clapped over her eyes.

            "Guess who?" an amused voice said into her ear.

            "Ummm…Queen Elizabeth?" Lily guessed.

            "Guess again."

            "Professor Dumbledore?"



            "Ugh! No!"


            "Yup!" the hands were taken away. Lily turned around to see James Potter and Sirius Black standing behind her with identical grins of their faces. She rolled her eyes.

            "Hi Red Rosie!" James said cheerfully.

            "How I had hoped that you would have forgotten about that." Lily muttered.

            "How were your summers, you two?" Sirius asked, slinging an arm across each other the girls' shoulders.

            "Horrible." They both said together and laughed. James was playing a game with Daisy. She was on his back, laughing, as he spun her around.

            "I dare say that you two know my sister Daisy." Lily giggled.

            "This is my sister Abbi. She's staring Hogwarts this year. Don't terrorize her too much. You'll corrupt her for life." Maria smiled, "Abbi, this is James Potter and Sirius Black."

            "Would we corrupt her?" Sirius asked innocently.

            "Wait, don't answer that one." James grinned.

            "So do you two have all your school supplies?" Lily asked and picked Daisy up.

            "Yup. Are you done shopping, too?" James asked.

            "No. we only have our books and robes. There's still the Apothecary to visit, and…shoot. Where else do we have to go Lily?" Maria asked her, looking at Lily.

            "Umm…I think that's it, right?" Lily looked at James and Sirius.

            "Don't ask us. Our parents did our shopping." Sirius shrugged.

            "Can you imagine my parents doing my shopping?" Lily laughed, trying to picture a pair of Muggles shopping for magic supplies. James and Sirius stayed with Lily and Maria as they finished their shopping. James decided to be nice and bought Daisy a pretty jewelry box that had a ballerina that danced inside and played music. Daisy decided that she liked him and that Lily should marry him.

            "I'll see you Sunday!" Lily called to her friends as she left with her family. Mrs. Evans saw that box that Daisy was holding.

            "Where did you get that from?" She asked Daisy and Lily.

            "A boy gave him to me." Daisy said, smiling very largely (does that make sense?).

            "Daisy, how many times have I told you not to take gifts from strangers?" Mrs. Evans said angrily, "especially magic ones!"

            "But mum-"

            "And Lily!" Mrs. Evans exclaimed, "how could you let her take it from that person?" Mrs. Evans had her hands on her hips and looked like she was about to explode.

            "MUM!" Lily and Daisy yelled together as their mother was taking in a breath to yell again.

            "The boy that bought her the box is a friend of mine from school." Lily said.

            "Oh, well why didn't you say so?" Mrs. Evans looked more relaxed.

            "Because you wouldn't listen."

            Lily woke up early on September 1st. She couldn't wait to go back to Hogwarts.

            "Bye mum, bye Daisy!" Lily called as she crossed over the barrier. Maria came through right behind her.

            "Lily! I tried to get your attention, but I couldn't. Let's get on the train. I can't wait to get away from Abbi." Maria and Lily climbed onto the train. They were joined moments later by James, Remus, Sirius, and (to Lily and Maria's dismay) Peter.

            "Hey James, that box you gave Daisy almost got us into real trouble." Lily put on a high false voice, imitating her mother. "How many times have I told you not to takes gifts from strangers?" they all cracked up laughing…all except Peter. He obviously didn't understand the joke, nor did he know who Daisy was.

            "Did you get yourself a six-year-old girlfriend, James?" Remus laughed.

            "No, but Lily's sister, Daisy does insists that Lily and I marry. Of course, we have no plans of listening to her…well, I don't, and by the repulsed look on Red Rosie's face, I think that she doesn't either." James smiled in a carefree way. The door opened and Abbi came in. Maria groaned loudly.

            "Maria…can I sit with you?" Abbi asked. Maria looked to her friends for help. Sirius, of course offered to help.

            "Sure you can. Right here next to Maria." Sirius led Abbi to the empty seat by Maria (who stuck her tongue out at Sirius). The rest of the ride was enjoyable to most of the people. Maria wasn't having fun, and Lily seemed sad.

            When they arrived at Hogwarts, Maria grabbed Lily's wrist and started to run (no doubt to get a carriage without Abbi).

            "Hey, Maria, you did know that first years go across the lake…Abbi couldn't ride with us…" Lily said in an attempt to get Maria to stop running. It worked.

            "Right…urm…" Maria was speechless. They walked the rest of the way to the carriages.

            After the feast, Lily collapsed in a chair in the Commonroom.

            "Lily?" Sirius said quietly when no one was around.

            "Hmmmm?" she murmured sleepily while trying to decide if it was worth the effort to climb the stairs to her dorm or just fall asleep where she was.

            "Can I talk to you out in the, um, hall for a minute?" Sirius sounded more nervous than Lily had ever heard him. However, this did not register in her mind as she was half asleep.

            "Tomorrow, Si…" Lily murmured. She drifted off into peaceful dreams full of broomsticks and flowers.

Disclaimer: in this chapter Maria and Abbi (I love that spelling!) are mine! Everything else is JKR's. except the nickname Si for Sirius…that's rave's I think…er…its somebody's I dunno.

Author's Note: you thought you were rid of me for the month of June, eh? Well I just missed all my lovely reviewers so much **cough cough** yeah right **cough cough** erm…anyways. 40 thousand point to whoever can guess what Sirius wants to ask Lily (come on! Somebody should be able to guess it….i might not post the next chapter until someone guesses it J). Yes, I know that this wasn't very long, but, well, I thought that it was a good part to end it. So :P to all you who complain. Look at it this way: I should get the next part out soon….well I hope to. I hope to get chapter two and maybe chapter three (depending on how much time I get on the computer and how well my ideas roll) up before Saturday June 9th which is when I leave for vacation and won't be back until Saturday June 16th. doesn't sound like long to you, but believe me, it might be heaven for me J.

Also, I'm er having a bit of trouble with this, so if there's a bunch of junk (writing) at the top, ignore it.

Love always,

Dorthey Star

Oh yes, I'm looking for a beta reader. Probably not for this fic (I'll email you about that Amanda) but for Moonstruck or any other fic that I decide to write. I might have two beta readers. Preferably someone that has very good English skills and can receive attachments in emails. If you are interested, email me at [email protected] Thanks! J also, I'll beta read for anyone as long as I'm familiar with the subject of the fic (or originals).