Warning: There is rape references in the next few chapters!

If you cannot stomach it, then skip through it. Thank you and enjoy.

Chapter 8

Two Days Later…

Tenki finally awoke, still in pain. After getting out of bed, she searched for the prince. She found him in the bright infinite space, training. She ran out to him. He turned around and faced her.

"Its fine time you woke up."

She blushed in embarrassment.

"H-How long have I been asleep?"

"I believe two days. You must've been exhausted from the past few days."

He smirked. Tenki laughed nervously.

"I guess so." There was some silence. "Well now that I have been rested up…I am ready to train."

Vegeta nodded.

"Good." Tenki charged forward and uppercut him in the chin. While he was airborne, she grabbed him by the ankle and swung him around. Vegeta carefully aimed then shot a blast at her. It collided with her head. She let go. He appeared behind her then shot a bigger blast then from before. She simply back flipped over it. "Hm, it looks like you've toughened up a bit. But you are still in need of serious training," Vegeta told her. He started to power up. Tenki did the same. When Vegeta reached Super Saiyan level he spoke to her. "Prepare yourself! This will be the most rigorous training you have ever received!"

He ran at her with lightning speed. She jumped straight up with Vegeta pursuing. She glanced down, then shot multiple blasts towards him. He deflected every one. He then grabbed her arm and smashed her to the ground. When she got back up, he aimed the palm of his hand in her face.

"Take this Onna! BIG BANG ATTACK!"

He launched a powerful blast from his hand. Tenki crossed her arms over her face in defense. The energy pushed against her as she tried hard to push it away. As luck would have it, she couldn't budge it. The pressure of it drove her to her knees. Vegeta raised his hands in the air and showered her with millions of blasts, making it harder for her to concentrate. Tenki raised her chi some more.

'I will not…give up!'

She forced the blast back with her own. Vegeta's eyes widened in shock. But he quickly dodged it and landed next to her.

"You have gotten stronger, I can clearly see that. I think its fine time that you became a Super Saiyan."

Tenki's eyes widened.

"You think I can become one!"

Vegeta nodded.

"If Kakarrot can do it, so can you."

"But how can I? How?" she asked, standing up straight.

"First, clear your mind of all distracting thoughts. Then think about everything that has ever tormented you or angered you…maybe your mothers death for instance? Last, attack me with all of that fury…"

Tenki nodded and cleared her head.

'Mother, if I was stronger, I-I would've... You would still be alive. I'm sorry,' she thought while the memories of her mother sunk in. She closed her eyes to concentrate. 'Frieza, this is all your doing! And there is no way for me to avenge my mother now that you're dead.'

She gritted her teeth and clutched her fists.


Her energy began to rise. Over time, it was enough to shake the ground.

"Impressive Onna," Vegeta commented quietly.

The more these thought drifted in her mind, the stronger her chi rose. Her aura suddenly changed. Then, her hair flickered a golden tint. Just as suddenly as she started, she stopped. She fell to her knees, out of breath.

"Apparently you don't have the right kind of motivation," Vegeta stated. "Can you continue?"

Tenki nodded.

"Yes Vegeta-Sama."

She got up and charged at him. He caught her punch, pulled her close and kneed her in the stomach. She coughed up blood. He smirked at her before heaving her across the floor. She slid several feet. She rolled over and got back up. A brightly colored orb formed in her hand. She raised it in the air. It continuously got bigger and bigger. Vegeta, not wanting to wait for her to finish, ran and kicked her in the stomach. She lost control of the energy. Vegeta jumped above it and punched the orb. It broke into thousands of miniature blasts and cascaded down on her. Vegeta jumped away to a safe distance.

Once everything cleared up Vegeta went to investigate. He found her there, lying on the ground. He nudged her.

"Are you cognizant Onna?"

There was no response. He checked her pulse; there was still a steady beat. He picked her up and carried her back to he own bed.

Later That Night…

Tenki sat upright in shock. She looked around and sighed. She crept out of bed and again found herself face-to-face with Vegeta. He looked her up and down.

"So, you're finally awake. You're not terribly hurt are you?" he asked in a mocking tone. Tenki shook her head and blushed. "We have only one week until training is over. So... ready to continue?"

She nodded. He grabbed her by the wrist and took her over to the infinite space area.

"Vegeta-Sama? What are we going to do in our training today?"

He let go of her wrist.

"You need to continue trying to turn into a Super Saiyan."

He turned and swung a kick at her. She ducked and tripped him. Then she blasted him multiple times. He jumped out of it, rushed forward and punched her in the stomach. Her armor shattered and cracked off. She used his arm as leverage to pull herself up. Then she kicked him upside the head. He flew a good few feet.

He got back up and wiped the blood off of the corner of his mouth.

"Yes; now its very clear you have gotten stronger."

Tenki smirked.

"Only because of all the training I got from you."

Vegeta snickered.

"Must be." Then he suddenly disappeared. Tenki looked around, desperately trying to sense his chi. "Up here!" She looked up and saw his hands together, charging a blast. "FINAL FLASH!"

A huge entity of energy shot right at her.

'Damn! I can't possibly hope to dodge that! Oh jeez!'

She held the palms of her hands flat above her and caught the blast. Struggling to push it back, she powered up, then shot her own blast. It absorbed Vegeta's own, doubling in power. It countered back at Vegeta. His eyes widened in shock. He powered up his Final Flash, but the more power he put into it, the stronger Tenki's attack got. It soon overpowered him entirely.

"Wh-What the!"

Vegeta was directly hit by the overwhelming energy. He fell towards the ground and hit. He tilted his head upward to look at his opponent.

Tenki was breathing heavily. Her hair was pointed and golden and her eyes, a piercing emerald. She slowly lowered to the ground. She fell limply on one knee, fatigued. She reverted back to normal, unintentionally. Vegeta struggled, but got up.

They both looked up at each other at the same time. Then they flew at each other with full speed. He punched her across the face, the same time as Tenki punched him. They both flew backward and landed on their backs harshly.

'N-No! I can't move…' Tenki thought

'D-Dammit! why cant I move?' Vegeta thought.

They passed out at the same time.

Many Hours Later…

The two woke up at the same time and stood. Tenki coughed up some blood then laughed.

"It looks like we got each other pretty good, huh, Vegeta-Sama?"

Vegeta nodded.

"This is the fist time I have ever been reduced to a draw. Consider yourself lucky." He paused, watching her closely. "You do realize, Onna, that you turned into a Super Saiyan in the heat of battle?"

Her eyes widened.

"Really? I wasn't paying attention; I was too busy trying to survive to notice."

He smirked.

"Now try to do it again."

Tenki nodded.

"Yes Vegeta-Sama."

She powered up. The process was slower due to over-exhaustion. Eventually her hair began to flicker from brown to gold, then stopped at brown. She fell to her knees. Vegeta suddenly had a thought.

"I have a question for you Onna?" She looked up at him. "That attack you did earlier, what was it? Why was it able to absorb mine?"

Tenki shook her head.

"I have no idea. It just…happened as a…last resort sort of thing. So I am as much in the dark as you."

Vegeta observed her silently while she finished catching her breath.

"Hm... Well, in any case, do you think you can continue?"

Tenki stood back up.

"To be honest, I am tired. But I will train."

Vegeta nodded and reverted to Super Saiyan status.

"Bring it on!"

Meanwhile At Goku's House...

'Goku…Goku…GOKU! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!' King Kai yelled in Goku's head.

Goku jumped in shock.

'Ow King Kai, that hurt. What was that for?'

King Kai snorted.

'Well maybe if you'd spend more time paying attention than eating, this wouldn't happen.'

'Gosh King Kai I'm sorry. So, what's up?'

'Goku, listen carefully. I received a distress call from Namek. I think Frieza is reining terror again! You need to go there right away!'

Goku narrowed his eyes and stood up from the dinner table.

'Some people just never learn!'

"Dad are you okay?" Gohan asked after seeing his dad jump. "You suddenly looked serious."

Goku's face lit up.

"Of course I'm okay! I was mind-speaking with King Kai! Listen Gohan, tell your mother I'll be gone for a while. I have to go to Namek."

Gohan looked at his father with concern.

"But why?"

Goku patted his son's head.

"Don't worry I'll be back soon."

He then touched his forehead with two of his fingers and disappeared.

Back At The Hyperbolic Time Chamber…

In the heat of battle, Vegeta sent Tenki sliding across the floor. She jumped back up and ran at him. He readied himself, but to his surprise, she slid underneath him, jumped up and reverse heel kicked him in the ribs. His armor cracked. He coughed up blood. He grabbed her leg, pulled her forward and punched her in the stomach with all of his strength.


She smacked into the ground and coughed up blood. Vegeta jumped back and clutched his side as crimson fluid ran down his leg. Tenki rolled over onto her stomach while coughing up more blood. She pushed herself off the ground.

"I think, n-now would be a g-good time for resting. Don't y-you think, Vegeta-S-Sama?" she asked as she tried to keep her balance.

Vegeta growled.

"Fine," he said annoyed, though he too was just as tired as she was.

They both went back to the resting area. At the same time they collapsed into their own beds and went to sleep.

Final Day At The HTC…

"Okay Onna. You're finally able to turn Super Saiyan, but you're still unable to stay in form for very long. We need to train extra hard so you can increase the duration of your state," Vegeta said to Tenki.

She nodded.

"Yes, we might as well make it worthwhile, Vegeta-Sama."

Vegeta snickered.

"Now, come at me!"

Tenki went into her Super Saiyan state and charged at the Saiyan Prince. She kneed him in the stomach and uppercut his chin. He rose into the air and fired his Big Bang attack. She caught it with one hand, then hurled it back at him. He dodged it with ease and transformed into a Super Saiyan. He flew up to her and snatched her by the throat. She kicked him in the stomach before he could do anything. He lost his grip and jumped a few feet away. Then, with a flick of his hand, there was a roar of flames once again.

"This shouldn't be difficult since you're a Super Saiyan now."

'I didn't do so well the last time this happened,' she thought.

They began combat. About two minutes into the spar, she reverted back to normal.

"Change back into a Super Saiyan!" he demanded.

Tenki inhaled and sharply raised her chi, but she didn't transform.

"I can't…I don't have enough power," she said.

Vegeta narrowed his eyes.

"Try harder."

She tried even harder. Then finally, her hair spiked gold and her eyes were like piercing emeralds. Vegeta smirked.

"That's better."

She flew at him. He caught both of her punches and kicks then blasted her. She deflected it.

"Galik Gun!"

"Sonic absorption!"

She shot a green blast which absorbed the Galik gun and went at Vegeta. Once it had cleared up, Vegeta was no where to be seen.

"Where did he-?"

"Behind you!"

Before Tenki could turn around...


...His fist went through her back and out her stomach. She coughed.




Blood ran down her front. She smirked.

"Not going to get me that easily Vegeta-Sama."

She elbowed him in the face. He stumbled back a few steps. She continuously punched him right and left, forcing him to step back. Vegeta caught her last punch and tossed her aside. Tenki got back up to attack when...


...The Chambers bells rang.

"Dammit! Our time is up!" Vegeta snapped.

Both of them reverted back to their normal states and headed out. Mr. Popo waited for them outside. He greeted them.

"Hello Vegeta. You look…well. Would you like some Senzu beans? Korin dropped them off earlier."

Vegeta nodded.

"Of course."

Tenki raised an eyebrow.

'What are Senzu beans?' she asked in thought.

"How many would you like Vegeta?"

Vegeta rolled his eyes.

"How many do you think you big oaf!"

Mr. Popo gasped, startled at Vegeta's question.

"Oh my. Do forgive me Vegeta, here's two."

He handed him two of the green beans. Vegeta tossed one to Tenki, who caught it.

"What is it?"

"Just eat it."

She did what she was told. The restorative feeling rushed through her body.

"Wow…I feel great!"

"Here and take this too."

He handed her a capsule with a number on it.

"Um, what's this for?"

Vegeta looked at her.

"It has new armor in it. You looked tattered up."

Tenki blinked.

"O-Oh, um, thank you, Vegeta-Sama. I guess this is where we go our separate ways?"

Vegeta nodded. Tenki sighed in disappointment.

"Goodbye Vegeta-Sama." She walked to the edge of the lookout. "And thanks."

She jumping down, watching Vegeta fly away. She let her fall, feeling the breeze flow by her. Just before she hit the ground, she took of flying quickly.

"I bet my ship is molded up by now," she said to herself.

But was shocked to find her ship still unaged.

"Why is it still…oh yeah; I got a full years worth of training in one day."

She pulled out the capsule that Vegeta previously had given her. She gave the button a push, not knowing to throw it.


It exploded. Tenki jumped back in shock. Once the clouds cleared up, she saw a pack of Saiyan armor. Tenki blinked and picked it, sighing in relief.


"We're finally here Lord Frieza," Zarbon reported.

Frieza snickered.

"Good, now you and Dodoria go out and find Vegeta as well as any other Saiyan you can get your hands on. Bring them to me by force I hope. But I do want them alive! Is that clear?"

Zarbon bowed.

"Yes M'lord. It will be done!"

"Very good Zarbon, you are dismissed, and remember; do a good job this time and you will be forgiven for your previous mistakes."

Zarbon smirked.

"You are very merciful My Lord. It will be done."

"Indeed I am. Now go! Don't disappoint me!"

"Yes sir!"

Zarbon turned and left.

Dodoria met up with him halfway down the hall.

"So what are Frieza's orders?"

"He said for us to round up all of the Saiyan filth and bring them to him alive. Well we can have our fun with them, as long as they stay alive."

Dodoria snickered.

"I'm sure we'll have fun!"

Zarbon smirked.

"I know we will!"

They both laughed as they headed out.


Tenki removed her severely tattered armor.

"Well first a bath, then to put on the new one that Vegeta-Sama gave me."

She stepped into the water and washed herself.

'Why do I have this creepy feeling that I am being watched?' she thought and shuddered while she surveyed the area.

From a distance behind large boulders, Zarbon and Dodoria snickered.

"So, do ya think she's a Saiyan?" Dodoria asked.

Zarbon rolled his eyes.

"Of course she is you pink dolt! Look at her tail!"

Dodoria squinted.

"Hm, weird; she looks familiar. Say wouldn't you like to have her?"

Zarbon got a look of repulse.

"Goodness no! Look at her! She's Saiyan!"

Dodoria laughed.

"Is it because she isn't Vegeta?"

Zarbon shook his head.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Wouldn't you like me to know?"

Zarbon sighed in annoyance.

"Oh shut up! We have a job to do, remember?"

"Of course I do! What am I, an idiot?"

"If the scouter fits," Zarbon muttered under his breath.

Dodoria glared at Zarbon.

"What was that?"

"I said, not at all! Now lets go."


They jumped over the boulder just as Tenki finished getting dressed. Tenki glanced up and saw two familiar figures. Her eyes widened in fear when they stopped close to her.

"You Bastards are still living!"

Dodoria looked shocked.

"Hey! I remember you now. You're the little rat that I was sent by Frieza to exterminate!"

Tenki smirked.

"Looks like your cockiness made you slip up."

Dodoria shook his fist at her.

"Why you little…"

Zarbon interrupted him.

"Remember Dodoria, Frieza's orders were to keep these monkeys alive."

Dodoria glared at his companion.

"That may be Zarbon but that doesn't mean we can't kick them around a bit."

Tenki laughed at them.

"The only kicking that's going to happen is by me, you morons," she mocked.

Dodoria was fuming now.

"That's the last straw!" Dodoria yelled

He looked at Zarbon for approval.

"Be my guest. But remember, don't kill her."

Dodoria grinned at Zarbon's answer then charged at her. Tenki readied herself. Dodoria started off with a gigantic blast. She easily deflected it.

"For one as cocky as you, your blasts as weak. I guess maybe its because of all the training I did with Prince Vegeta."

Dodoria glared at her.

"You little snot! You think training with that weakling would make you stronger them me? "Prince" Vegeta isn't even worth Lord Frieza's time! I don't see why we can't kill him."

Zarbon's eyes widened.

"You fool! Don't reveal lord Frieza's plans! Just finish the job!"

Tenki narrowed her eyes.

"What do you plan on doing to Prince Vegeta? Answer me!"

Dodoria laughed.

"That is none of your business!"

He flew at her. She dodged his flurry of punches and kicks with ease.

"I've seen molasses faster than you!"

"You want to see speed?" a voice from behind her asked. Before she could react, Zarbon grabbed her by the waist, threw her up into the air, caught her by the ankles, and spun her around while Dodoria charged up a blast. He spun her faster and faster. "Is this fast enough for you?" Zarbon threw her up into the air. He appeared behind her and kicked her in the side. Then he did a series of kicking and punching her at light speed. "What a miserable little monkey you are," Zarbon mocked.

He doubled his fists and smacked her downward. She spiraled down. Dodoria shot his giant blast at her just before she hit the ground. Tenki's cries echoed for miles.


Vegeta stepped into the gravity room, ready for heavy training when the earth shook.

"What the hell? Whose power level is that?" Vegeta paid close attention. Once he caught the power level perfectly, fear grew inside of him. "N-No it can't be…Zarbon and Dodoria! That must mean Frieza's here too. Damn it all!" He turned around and ran. "I could inform Kakarrot. No! I need to settle this once and for all! But first..."

He jumped and flew towards Kami's lookout.


Tenki pulled herself out of the hole in the ground, covered in blood and bruises. Her hair flowed loosely.

"You Bastards…"

Both Zarbon and Dodoria laughed.

"Not only are you a girl, you're also a pathetic monkey! Which makes you the lowest rank of a fighter," Zarbon scorned.

Tenki spit out blood.

"Don't think for an instant that I am done!"

Zarbon laughed some more.

"Don't kid yourself girl. You stand no chance against us."

Tenki sneered.

"Wanna bet?"

She proceeded to power up.

"Oh no you don't!"

Zarbon rushed up and punched her in the stomach hard enough for her armor to crack. She fell limp and lost all consciousness.

Zarbon scoffed.

"Too easy. Let's take her to Lord Frieza right away. He'll get a kick out of her."

He swung the unconsciousness Saiyan over his shoulder. They both flew away.


Vegeta arrived ten minutes later to find a Saiyan space pod left open, traces of blood in places and Tenki's old beat-up armor.

'What the hell happened here?' he thought.

The Saiyan Prince glanced down and saw her blue ribbon, drenched in blood. He picked it up and tucked it into his armor. He glanced around.

"Now where to go?" He detected high power levels. "There!" he shouted.

He flew off in the direction of the energies.

Back In Frieza's Ship…

Zarbon and Dodoria stepped into Frieza's chamber. Zarbon announced their arrival.

"Lord Frieza, we have returned with a captured Saiyan-girl. I hope you are pleased with us."

Frieza turned around.

"Very good you two. Now leave her with me, and you go and collect Vegeta."

Both Zarbon and Dodoria bowed and spoke in unison.

"Yes sir!"

They left in an orderly fashion.


"Dammit girl! How could you let yourself be caught by two weak, bumbling morons!" Vegeta yelled in anger.

He flew even faster. Minutes later he saw Frieza's ship at a distance. He touched down onto the ground and ran from there.

'Last thing I need is Frieza's scouters detecting me,' he thought as he lowered his chi.

He slid to a halt when Zarbon and Dodoria blocked his path.

"Well well Vegeta; looks like you saved us the trouble of hunting you down."

Vegeta scoffed.

"Without your scouters, you couldn't find an insect."

Zarbon snickered at him.

"We don't need scouters anymore."

Vegeta's eyes narrowed.

"And why is that?"

"Because we learned how to sense power levels."

Vegeta laughed at them.

"Just because you've learned to sense chi, doesn't mean you're any less of a weakling."

Zarbon chuckled.

"Cocky as usual Vegeta?"

"Not as cocky as you Zarbon."

"That girl said something similar to that."

Vegeta shook his head.

"I take it you imbeciles sunk low enough to gang up on her. Pitiful."

Dodoria pointed at Vegeta.

"Looks like you'll be coming with us Vegeta!"

Vegeta snickered.

"Not likely." Dodoria hastily charged at Vegeta. He jumped and landed a kick that went right through Dodoria. "Now Dodoria, it seems as though you're in a hurry to die!"

He ripped his foot out of Dodoria then fired his Big Bang attack at him.

"Vegeta you asshole!" Dodoria yelled as he deteriorated.

Vegeta smirked.

"One down, two to go."

Zarbon took a few steps back.

'I must report this to Lord Frieza!' Zarbon thought and fled.

"Get back here coward!" Vegeta shouted. But Zarbon was gone. "Dammit he's gone," Vegeta said to himself.

Back At Frieza's Chamber…

Tenki's eyes slowly opened. She turned and pulled herself off of the cold metal floor, groaning in pain.

"You finally woke up. My, my, I am impressed. Normally Zarbon and Dodoria would've overdone it," an eerie voice said from the darker part of the room.

Tenki glanced around but didn't see anyone.

"Where are you?"

"Behind you," the voice said.

Tenki jolted around and saw the face of Frieza

"How can you still be alive?" she asked.

Frieza snickered.

"All will be explained when Zarbon and Dodoria bring Vegeta here."

Tenki stepped back.

"But why? What do you plan on doing with him?"

Frieza stepped closer.

"Right now, you should be more concerned with yourself than Vegeta."

A door suddenly slid open and Zarbon stepped in.

"L-Lord Frieza, sorry for the intrusion but, Vegeta is on his way as we speak!"

Frieza frowned.

"Where is Dodoria?"

"Vegeta killed him again sir!"

"Then get ready for him!"

"Yes sir!"

Zarbon left. Frieza faced Tenki.

"Now, where were we?" Tenki leaped forward and punched him in the jaw. Frieza was forced a few steps back. "Why you little…"

Tenki blasted a hole through the ceiling and jumped through it. Frieza followed. When she got to the top of the ship, she looked around.

"Where the hell am I?"

Frieza came up from behind her, balled his fists together and hit her. She was sent through a mountain. She quickly recovered and flew back.

"I was planning on eradicating you later, but thanks to your stupidity, you just shortened your lifespan. You Saiyans are so ungrateful."

Tenki glared at him.

"Why the hell should I, or any Saiyan, be grateful to you! You slaughtered our race, destroyed our home planet and killed my mother! And you expect me to be grateful to you!" she yelled, outraged.

Frieza leered at her.

"I've done more then just merely destroy your home planet."

Tenki looked at him, confused.

"What are you talking about?"

Frieza snickered.

"Well to put it vaguely, I've had my share of fun with Vegeta."

Tenki thought about that for a moment. Her body suddenly fell limp when the realization hit.

"Y-You didn't?" Tenki gaped at him. "How could you do that to him!"

Frieza swaggered a finger at her.

"Now now, don't give me all of the credit. Zarbon deserves his fair now doesn't he?"

Tenki shivered, repulsed. When she regained her composure, she stared angrily at him.

"The only thing you Bastards deserve is your rightful place in Hell! Burning and writhing for a way to make the pain stop!"

Frieza glared at her.

"Your death will be slow and painful!"

Back With Vegeta…

Vegeta approached Frieza's massive ship. He blasted a hole right through the wall, then stepped in. Zarbon approached him.

"Zarbon! Out of my way! Or do you want to share the same fate as Dodoria?"

"Oh but Vegeta, I won't share the same fate as him. I'll kill you right here and now!"

Zarbon transformed into his monstrous form.

"Do you actually think you can beat me? Even in that state, you're still weak," Vegeta ridiculed him.

"I've gotten stronger since the last time we fought Vegeta."

"So have I."

Vegeta powered up to his Super Saiyan form. Zarbon cringed in fear.

"What's wrong Zarbon? Are you afraid of me? How ironic…"

Memories of the past abruptly clouded Vegeta's mind. He clutched his head, trying to make them go away. They slowly waved into his head…


On a far away planet, everything was ruined. Three Saiyans emerged from the rubble. The tallest spoke.

"Bwuahahaha! That was enjoyable!"

The second tallest with long, bushy hair looked at the tallest.

"Yeah and that took no time at all!"

Vegeta scoffed.

"Nappa! Raditz! Lets head back, you know how impatient Frieza is."

Raditz sighed.

"Yeah we had better get going."

"Aw, I wanted to destroy some more…" Nappa moaned.

"Oh stop your bickering Nappa. If we destroy it anymore, its resale value will be worthless!" Vegeta snapped at him.

"Alright lets go," Nappa said disappointedly.

The three went back to their Saiyan pods and left.

An Hour Later…

Vegeta, Raditz and Nappa arrived at Frieza's ship. When they got to Frieza, Vegeta sat on one knee.

"Lord Frieza, we have taken over planet Sotóna in 24 hours. It is ready for your use now," Vegeta said, gritting his teeth.

Frieza smirked.

"Very good you three. I am somewhat impressed. But I have to ask; Zarbon, how long would it have taken you?"

Zarbon laughed.

"A planet like that? I'd say at least half the time!"

'Not this again…' Vegeta thought.

Nappa growled and charged at Zarbon.

"Why you cocky son of a-"

Vegeta stood up.


Nappa stopped dead in his tracks, then turned around.

"But Vegeta…they," he protested.

Vegeta interrupted him.

"Never mind that, lets go. Its not worth it."

Frieza smirked.

"Not worth it eh?" Frieza asked, pointing his finger at Vegeta.

A beam shot out and went all the way through his arm. He fell on his knees and clutched it. Blood ran down and dripped onto the floor.

"Vegeta!" Raditz and Nappa called in unison.

Vegeta grunted and got back up.

"Never you mind me. Let's just go."

Frieza looked at Zarbon.

"Zarbon, why don't you escort Vegeta to his dorm. Raditz, Nappa; you leave."

Vegeta shook his head.

"I can escort myself. I know my way."

Frieza frowned.

"Would you like me to injure your other arm to match?"

Vegeta glanced away.


Frieza furrowed his brow.


Vegeta clenched his fists.

"No Sir, Lord Frieza."

Frieza smiled eerily.

"That's better. Now Zarbon, go accompany Vegeta."

Zarbon nodded.

"Yes my Lord."

Raditz gave Vegeta a look.

'Be careful,' it seemed to say.

Vegeta glared at him.

'I don't need your dammed sentiment,' it expressed.

Raditz sighed.

"Come on Nappa lets go."

The two left hesitantly. Leaving Vegeta alone with Zarbon and Frieza. Zarbon grabbed him by his injured arm and walked, forcing Vegeta to go with him.

Near Vegeta's dorm minutes later, Vegeta tried to pull his arm away, but Zarbon kept a tight grip.

"I can walk you know." Zarbon narrowed his eyes, pulled on his arm and slammed him against the wall. "Let go of me you freak!"

Zarbon glared at the Saiyan prince then dug his finger into Vegeta's open wound. He cried out in pain.

"Hare dare you speak to me like that Vegeta!" Zarbon snarled.

"Get off of me you low ranking vile Bastard!"

Zarbon dug his finger deeper into the wound. Vegeta gritted his teeth.

"I'm low ranking Vegeta? Look at yourself, you're a monkey toy to us."

Vegeta grabbed his arm.

"I belong to no one!"

He pulled Zarbon's arm away from his injured one and punched him in the face. Zarbon staggered back.

"You'll regret doing that Vegeta!"

Vegeta scoffed.

"I regret not doing that sooner."

Zarbon sprang forward. He clutched Vegeta's impaired arm tensely. He forced four of his fingers into the wound, then forced him into the wall face first.

"Vegeta you cocky fool. I will break you from your rebellion." He pinned Vegeta's free arm to the wall. "Now you cant escape!"

'N-No! Not again!' he thought.

"All of your efforts to escape me were in vain, Vegeta."

Zarbon leaned forward and licked the back of his neck. Vegeta tensed up. The pit of his stomach churned.

"D-Damn you Bastard! Next chance I get, you are as good as dead. When I am done with you, you'll be begging for mercy!"

Zarbon pulled Vegeta's good arm out of its socket. The pain caused Vegeta to cry out some more.

"Now, now, Vegeta; empty threats won't do you justice."

'D-Dammit…' he thought.

Tears flowed down his face. Zarbon ran his hand down his front, slit a hole in the fabric just above his pelvis and slid his hand in. Stomach bile began to build up in Vegeta's throat in sheer repulsion. Vegeta's eyesight went blurry from fearful tears and sweat. Zarbon grabbed hold of Vegeta's most sacred place, other than his tail.

"You're all mine, Vegeta. There's nothing you can do about it. Live with it."

"I-I'll see you dead yet!" Vegeta snarled back.

"This is coming from someone who's crumbling under my mercy?" Vegeta bit down onto the corner of his lip. "It'll all be over soon Vegeta, relax."

A warm stream of blood ran down Vegeta's chin. Zarbon pumped him at a steady pace at first. Vegeta's body reacted to it. Even though he wanted to turn and kill his oppressor, he dug his fingers into the wall until they bled instead.

'I no longer have faith in life. My only reason to live from now on is to kill those Bastards!' Vegeta thought.


"Hey Raditz, was it really a good idea to leave Vegeta with Zarbon?" Nappa asked Raditz.

He sighed.

"Not really Nappa. I think I'll check on him."

Nappa looked away.

"Careful not to anger Zarbon. Remember, he is Frieza's right hand man."

"That's probably the best advice you have ever given," Raditz mocked before leaving.

Raditz walked down the hall towards Vegeta's room. (of dooooooooooooom! JK! XD)

'I hope nothing's happening…' he thought.

A minute later he witnessed Vegeta dropping to the floor with Zarbon behind him, laughing. Raditz noticed a pool of blood and Vegeta's tail was severely bristled and twitching.

"What the hell is going on here?" Raditz demanded.

Vegeta looked up at him with empty eyes and shock.

"Oh, I was just having a little fun," Zarbon said nonchalantly.

"You say that likes it's nothing!" Raditz snapped at Zarbon.

"But nothing is wrong, right Vegeta?" Zarbon asked the fallen prince.

Vegeta's reply was a menacing growl.

"That just tells me that everything's wrong Bastard!" Raditz lunged at Zarbon and kicked him in the middle.

Zarbon grabbed his leg and smashed him into the metal wall. Raditz pushed himself off and blasted Zarbon in the face. Zarbon staggered back.

"My beautiful face! You'll pay for this!" Zarbon grabbed Raditz by the neck and sent him crashing into the floor, stomping his foot into his chest. Zarbon stepped back. Raditz jumped back up and punched Zarbon through the wall. The henchman stepped out of the hole and wiped the blood off his chin. "You Saiyans aren't worth the time."

He sneered and left. Raditz walked over to the Saiyan prince. Vegeta looked up at him. Raditz sighed and picked him up. Vegeta grunted in pain as he was being lifted off the cold floor. He glared at Raditz defiantly.

"I can move on my own."

Raditz rolled his eyes.

"With two busted arms? I doubt it."

"J-Just shut up!" Vegeta snapped.

Raditz opened the door to Vegeta's room and stepped in. He carefully set down the broken prince on his bed.

"I will check on you later Vegeta."

Vegeta gave him no reply. Raditz left the room. Vegeta adjusted himself onto his side, facing the wall.

'The lot of them will suffer for this I swear it!'

He fell asleep with that thought in his mind.

End Flashback...

Vegeta growled in pain and shook his head about. Zarbon laughed at him.

"Vegeta, don't tell me you're having second thoughts on killing me now?"

Vegeta suddenly regained his focus.

"I think not!"

He shot a powerful blast that instantly incinerated Zarbon.

"Rot in Hell Zarbon…"

Suddenly, the next thing her heard from outside was, "Your death will be slow and painful!"

Vegeta ran outside right away to investigate. He witnessed Frieza throwing Tenki into a nearby body of water and showering her with millions of giant blasts. Vegeta zoomed up to Frieza and punched him, square in the jaw. This distracted him, stopping the blasts. Frieza regained his balance. He looked up at Vegeta and smirked.

"Its about time you got here Vegeta. Late as always I see."

Tenki sank lower and lower into the water. The sea water went into her open wounds. She screamed out in agony, bubbles erupting from her mouth.

'Curse the salt water!' she thought. She swam back up to the surface as fast as possible. 'What am I to do? Frieza is too strong…'

She sensed Vegeta up above, which motivated her to get out faster. She flew into the scene as soon as she got out, waterlogged. Frieza glanced at her.

"Well, well, well, looks like you lived after all, you worthless monkey."

Tenki glared at him, then shouted, "Shut up you cocky Bastard!"

She transformed into her Super Saiyan state. Frieza's eyes instantly widened in fear.

"You're both Super Saiyans!"

Vegeta smirked then laughed.

"That's right Frieza! Say your prayers! You're about to stare death in the face once again!"

'Exactly how many times has Frieza died?' Tenki wondered.

Vegeta fired off his Galik Gun. Frieza easily dodged it. He appeared behind Vegeta and grabbed him by the hair, smashing him into a solid wall of rock. Frieza leaned in close.

"My, my, Vegeta, you sure have grown since the last time, in more ways than one. Oh how I missed you…"

Tenki gritted her teeth.


She rushed up to him and swiftly kicked Frieza upside the head. He let go of Vegeta and flew back several feet. Vegeta pulled himself out of the wall.

"Do you two think you can actually beat me?" Frieza asked, mildly raising his voice.

Vegeta scoffed.

"I don't think Frieza, I know."

Frieza launched forward, kicked Vegeta, grabbed Tenki and smashed her into him. He caught her and they both flew into the ground.

"Feh, pathetic filth."

Vegeta was the first back up.

"How did you get so strong, Frieza?" Vegeta asked. "Enlighten me."

Frieza put a hand to his mouth and snickered.

"Do you honestly think I did nothing in Hell? I was training this entire time and I discovered a new form, just as my brother did."

Vegeta's eyes widened.

"Vegeta-sama, what is he talking about?" Tenki asked, confused.

Frieza crossed his arms over his face.

"Get ready for…ULTIMATE POWER!"

Frieza charged up his chi, gradually changing his form, increasing in overall size. Vegeta broke into a cold sweat while Tenki trembled in fear. Protruding horns grew out of his head. A mask like appearance came to his face.

"Prepare to die Saiyans!" Frieza yelled in a deep growling voice.

He raised his hand, palm facing up. An ominous red orb formed. He shot it at Vegetawith lightning speed. He caught it, but it forced him backwards from its power.


Tenki started to fly towards him to help when.

"Oh no you don't Saiyan!"

Frieza grabbedTenki by the ankle. Heflew and smashed her into a mountain. Still having a grip on her ankle, he smashed her into another mountain while Vegeta was still being forced back, feet dragging into the ground, his feet digging in. He forced the orb upwards and blasted it, obliterating it. Vegeta looked around and saw Frieza smashing Tenki into every mountain in sight. Vegeta sped up and punched him in the face. Frieza lost the grip he had on Tenki. She fumbled back.

Frieza fired off his death beam at Vegeta. He smacked it away.

"Do you actually think the same thing will wok on me twice? You're a bigger fool then I thought!" Vegeta scorned.

Frieza smirked and curled his finger, the beam rushing through Vegeta's shoulder. Blood ran down it.

"D-Dammit not again!"

"Vegeta-sama are you ok?" Tenki questioned.

A huge scythe of purple energy sliced her.

"You should worry more about yourself than him, then maybe you'll live longer, though not by much," Frieza lectured.

Tenki managed to push it away but at a cost; her hands and stomach were bloodied and sliced up. She lowered herself to the ground. She fell to her knees, grasped her stomach and gagged up blood. She raised her head to see Frieza's hand in front of her, glowing a bright color. He launched a blast of cosmic proportions. She flinched and closed her eyes. Then she felt the sensation of being scooped up and carried away. When she opened her eyes, she saw an arm tightly wrapped around her with care. She looked up and saw Vegeta, looking around cautiously.

'Vegeta...saved me?' she thought.

Vegeta made eye-contact wit her.

"Are you okay, Tenki?"

Eyes widening in shock, she blushed.

'H-He called me by my name?'

She nodded.

"But Vegeta-sama, what of your arm?"

"It'll be fine. Here, take this, you look like you need it, we wouldn't want you to be a liability." He reached into his armor and pulled out a senzu bean, handing it to her. "This is why I didn't intervene earlier, I went out and got these beans."

Tenki smiled.

"Thanks Vegeta-sama." They both ate a bean. Then Tenki got up. "So what should we do?"

Vegeta stood up as well.

"We'll attack at the same time." Tenki nodded. They both jumped out from behind a rock and dashed at Frieza, while turning Super Saiyan. Frieza caught Vegeta's punch and Tenki's kick. His tail whipped around and smashed against the both of them. They recovered quickly. Frieza stayed there and started to laugh. His laughter echoed throughout the land. "What is so funny Frieza?" Vegeta commanded.

Frieza stopped.

"Your pathetic attempts to kill me!"

Vegeta twitched.

"I'LL SHOW YOU PATHETIC!" Vegeta yelled

He attacked.

"Vegeta-sama wait!" Before he could get close enough, Frieza punched him into the mountains, The summits crashed down onto him as Frieza sent a Death Ball after him. An explosion occurred in monstrous magnitudes. Tenki's eyes filled with fear. "Vegeta-sama!" she shouted.

Nothing happened. She couldn't sense his chi. Frieza laughed.

"Looks like your precious Saiyan Prince has met his end." Tenki looked down, slightly shaking. Tears brimmed in her eyes. "Aw, did I make you cry?" Frieza asked mockingly.

Tenki turned towards him.

"Shut up you lizard scaled freak!" She charged at him, then, in a single punch, her whole arm ran right on through his stomach, energy coursing throughout her arm. Frieza gasped in pain. Tenki ripped her arm out then kicked him. He fell and knocked into the ground. Frieza laid there, seemingly dead. "Is he dead?" Tenki landed on the soil and warily walked up to the body.She kicked the body onto its side. Nothing happened. "Time to finish the job."

She held out her hand and charged up. A blast shot out and totally annihilated the area. Tenki sighed in relief.

'Now to find Vegeta-sama. I just hope he's okay.'

Just as she was turning, a hand reached out, grabbed her by the neck, pulled and forced her againsta rock-solid wall. Tenki struggled as she stared into the ominous face of Frieza.

"H-How c-can you be a-alive?"

"Stupid little monkey, did you actually think I would die that easily? I'm going to pay you back ten-fold!" She felt something slither up and wrapped around her upper leg. Seeing Frieza's tail, she shuddered. Frieza tightened his grip on her throat, causing her to choke for air. Using his free hand, he shot it right through her upper stomach. Tenki closed her eyes in pain and retch up blood. With her free leg she kicked the lizard sharply in the side. He flinched but didn't give up his grasp on her neck. "You know Saiyan, you remind me of how pathetic Vegeta was." He ran his fingers by her thigh. "I remember how fun it was to watch him struggle within my grasp. Just as you are now."

Shivers ran down Tenki's spine. She shook her head.

"N-No, you repugnant Bastard! You're the pathetic one. Taking advantage of a Saiyan who worked for you? You scum."

Frieza glowered at her.

"You Saiyan wench!" He lifted her up away from the wall and hit her in the face. He threw her by his tail. She rolled a few feet. Tenki managed to pull herself to her feet. Frieza pointed at her and chuckled. "Die."

A strong death beam shot out at Tenki. Time seemed to stop. Just before it reached her a familiar blast knocked it away. Vegeta stepped in front of Tenki, his back to her. His armor was horridly dilapidated.

"Take it." He threw the last senzu bean to her, but before it got to her, Frieza blasted it, destroying the very thing that would've helped. Vegeta gritted his teeth. "YOU BASTARD!"

He ran at him and both of them commenced to battle. Tenki laid there helplessly, watching them fight, wanting to help so badly. Battle continued in the air. She pulled herself up while clutching her middle, blood running down her body. Glancing up she saw Vegeta readying his Final Flash.

"I've got to help s-some how," she murmured and managed to fly up towards the heat of battle.

Vegeta put his hands together.

"Die Frieza! FINAL FLASH!" A vast mass of energy erupted out from his hands. Frieza dodged upward at the last second making the blastmiss. "Dammit!" Vegeta cursed. It soared toward Tenki. "Tenki move!" Vegeta yelled.

Tenki put both of her hands out.

"SONIC ABSORBTION!" she yelled.

Her energy absorbed the Final Flash, doubled in power and speed, and sped toward Frieza. Frieza turned around and saw it approach.

"What the-!"

It hit him. Frieza yelled in pain as he morphed and disintegrated until he was gone. Once everything cleared up, Frieza was nowhere to be seen. Vegeta flew up to Tenki.

"Well, Onna, I'm impressed, to say the least."

Tenki smiled.

"That's great…"

Her eyesight blurred as she choked up blood. Everything went darkwhile she fell. She crashed into the ground and lost consciousness.

End of Chapter 8