Disclaimer: Standard disclaimers apply.

I do not own Dragonball Z, Akira Toriyama does. Oh yes when you read this fan-fic of mine take note that I purposely made it a little inaccurate. Because I can! Hell if I wanted to I could have Future Trunks have a twenty foot beard on his ass if I wanted to cause I have the power to! Enjoy my fan-fic (please give good reviews) also this fan-fic is meant for Mature Audiences. It has foul language, explicit content, nudity, and sexual situations.

A/N: Edited chapters by Rocky-White Wolf of Curses

One morning at Capsule Corp...

"VEGETA! WAKE UP ALREADY!" Bulma yelled on the screen that appeared in Vegeta's room.

Vegeta groaned.

"What now woman?" he mumbled as he turned over onto his stomach.

Bulma's lower eyelid twitched. She angrily sighed, turned off the screen then ran into Vegeta's room. Bulma walked over to his bed and ripped off his covers.

"VEGETA! GET UP NOW!" she yelled.

Her yelling caused Vegeta to fall out of his bed from the shock. His tail severely bristled.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR WOMAN! Can't The Prince Of All Saiyans get any sleep around here?"

Bulma glared at him.

"I don't care what you're the Prince of! You could be the Prince Of Moldy Cheese for all I care. It's almost one in the afternoon! It's not my fault that you were up all night training in the Gravity Chamber."

Vegeta glared right back.

"Well it's not my fault that I had to work with crappy equipment crafted by a low rank mechanic!" Vegeta said in his defense.

Bulma paused for a moment then glared at the Saiyan Prince.

"Well if I am such a low rank mechanic and make such crappy equipment, that means you get crappy training so you have low rank strength!"

She stormed out of the room.

Vegeta blinked, yawned and got up off of the floor

'What's that woman's problem? Must be that time of the month or something,' he thought.

Vegeta walked over into the bathroom. Still in shorts, and half asleep, he accidentally picked up Bulma's new and unused electric toothbrush. He put toothpaste on it and started to brush his teeth His finger ran down the side of the toothbrush until he pressed the on button without meaning to, and the toothbrush sprang to life!

"WHAT IN THE HELL IS THIS?" Vegeta yelled and threw the toothbrush across the room.

Bulma rushed into the room.

"What's with all of the ruckus? What happened?" she asked Vegeta pointed accusingly at the toothbrush.

"This damn accursed thing attacked me when I was using it, that stupid demonic toothbrush!" Bulma blinked and picked up the toothbrush and examined it. After a short period of time, she started laughing, she fell slightly limp and dropped the toothbrush and laughed some more. "What exactly, do you find so humorous woman?"

Bulma wiped a tear from her eye.

"Aw, come on chill out will ya? For one thing it's just an electric toothbrush. It cleans your teeth a lot better than a normal toothbrush, and another thing…that's my toothbrush. It's all right though I haven't used it yet. You can have it if you want it," she said.

She winked then left.

Vegeta's eyes widened.

'Stupid earthling woman, she always finds a way to annoy me, and why in the living hell was her toothbrush in my bathroom?' he thought as he put his saiyan armor on. He then walked over to the window, opened it, jumped out, and headed for the Gravity room.

Meanwhile in space…

A small saiyan space pod heads towards earth, within it held a young girl.

"I'm almost there, I can't wait…Prince Vegeta," she said to herself.

She then yawned and leaned back, then fell fast asleep.

A/N Well here is the re-edited ch. 1. Thanks for reading. Also special thanks to Rocky-White Wolf of Curses for helping me with the re-editing of my fic. :3 enjoy.