Disclaimer: I don't own the classic characters, or the places, or their words. But I do own this particular plot. And the new characters. And…Ginny's powers as a Fire Witch.
"Hagrid, you have a baby!"
"Aye that I do, Harry." The large man looked amused at Harry's expression. There was something softer in the half-giant's face as he glanced back at Olympe.
"Hagrid!" several voices called at once. Molly, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione came running at them.
"Hullo!" Hagrid called, welcoming them all into a friendly embrace.
"Would you like to hold him?" Madame Maxime asked Harry.
He just nodded, too numb to speak. She handed the large bundle, roughly the size and weight as a sack of potatoes, to the gaping adolescent. Ginny came to stand next to him and grinned down at the baby.
"Albus Harry," she mused. "It actually doesn't sound bad."
Harry looked up at her, a vacant look to his expression. "Hagrid has a baby."
Ginny laughed and patted his arm. "Yes, Harry. It's even a boy."
Harry grinned back. "It's a bit of a shock."
"So, is there a Mrs. Hagrid in the making?" Molly asked, peering over Harry's shoulder at the yawning baby.
Olympe let out a huge guffaw. "Not another one I hope!"
"Another?" Ron said. "What do you mean…"
Ron's question trailed off as Olympe Maxime held up her left hand and showed everyone that she was now Olympe Hagrid.
"Would you like us to call you Mrs. Hagrid?" Hermione asked politely.
Olympe shook her head. "I am tired of trying to use my extra size to force respect. I wish to have friends, as my dear Rubeus has. Please call me Olympe."
"We will be honored to," Ginny insisted. "Won't you come have some tea?"
They began to walk away, except Harry, who stood quite still with the baby.
"Um, help?" he called after a moment.
Ginny laughed, and ran back to take the baby from him as everyone else walked on. She carried little Albus into the house while Harry walked beside her.
"Don't you have to hold his head?" the young man asked anxiously.
Ginny frowned and sent him a mock glare. "Would you like to carry him?"
Harry shook his head vigorously.
"Then hush, and let me do it."
Harry beamed, and thought Ginny was doing quite well enough that he wouldn't ask her any more questions about the care of children.
Bill and Fleur apparated in separately; Bill being shooed away with Charlie, Arthur and the twins while Fleur remained in the house with Alera, Molly and the younger people. Fleur was very happy to see Olympe, and would hardly put Little Albus down. Fleur and Alera were arguing about decorations.
"The garden is enough, Alera," the half-veela insisted
"It's beautiful," Alera agreed. "But I think we need a focal point for pictures."
Ginny was standing away from the group, thinking about things. She looked up when she heard the argument, thinking about what she could do for a wedding present. If she went ahead with what she was thinking, she could use her Fire Witch capabilities, and be recharged by the next day, when the ceremony would take place.
Molly agreed with Alera.
"The garden is lovely, but in pictures, you need to be standing in front of something eye-catching, like a archway…"
"Or a fountain," Ginny interrupted.
"A fountain would be ideal, Ginny," Alera nodded. "Unfortunately, low budget and little time."
After the briefest hesitation, Ginny took a deep breath and said slowly, "I could make one for you."
Everyone stared at her for a moment, not comprehending, until it clicked in Fiera's head.
"You mean," she whispered, "you'd use…that?"
Ginny nodded. "I could do it, I'm sure. I just don't want anyone to see until I'm done."
It was a shocking suggestion. For a good five minutes, no one spoke as they each thought about what Ginny was suggesting. The family wasn't completely comfortable knowing that the three girls were Fire Witches, and they weren't sure what that meant they were capable of. Ginny's offer to create a fountain was causing no small amount of speculation about what else a Fire Witch was capable of doing.
Finally, Hermione broke the silence by asking; "You really think you can make a fountain out of thin air?"
Ginny shook her head. "Not completely, but we'll never know unless you all let me try."
Alera looked to Molly for permission before sighing and quickly hugging the younger witch. "Thank you, Ginny. I'll stay out here, in case you need help."
"Me too," Fiera added. "I'm not as good as Ginny, but if there's a way I can help, I will."
Ginny looked at her friend, wondering how Neville or anyone else could be so scared as to believe Fiera could ever be capable of evil.
"Thanks," she grinned.
Reluctantly, but at Ginny's insistence, everyone else went inside. Harry, Ron, and Hermione went and huddled next to Ron's window, which faced the backyard, under Harry's invisibility cloak so they could watch without being seen by Ginny.
Ginny started by taking a stick and drawing a circle around her feet. She stepped out of that circle and drew another out from that. She continued in that manner until she had drawn six circles. The largest of the circles was roughly four meters across.
"Now what is she planning to do with circles?" Ron asked.
"Shh!" Hermione silenced him. "I'm trying to study her actions! No one's ever been able to tell where an Elemental's power comes from. I could make a huge break-through!"
Harry said nothing. He was thinking about Ginny, and every facet of her personality. She was young and innocent, but she obviously had a grand power, even for a witch. She was sunny and cheerful, but could be dark and moody. She was helpful and good, yet there were times she appeared selfish and even tyrannical. He realized he wanted to get to know her, very well. His heart began pounding. How did he ever think that he could live without this vivacious person? And how would he keep her safe, when all he wanted was to keep her at his side?
Down below, Ginny was not thinking of the boy-who-lived, or her brother, or any other person. She was trying to probe the ground below her as she stood in the center of the circles she had drawn. She felt a primal sort of magic build within her. She knew that Alera and Fiera were nearby, ready to help should she falter, but they didn't know what huge things Ginny was about to attempt. She felt a few beads of perspiration as she found one of the materials she was looking for. She needed two kinds of a specific rock, and a water source. It didn't take long to find them, but she was reshaping the rock, and doing it without moving the surface, and trying to pull it toward the top. Just as Alera was about to approach her, Ginny opened her eyes and pointed at the outside circle.
"Rise," she commanded in a voice not her own. Her voice throbbed with intensity and echoed slightly in the crackling air.
The three hidden at the window jumped at her command, and those on the ground gasped in surprise.
"Was that Ginny?" Ron asked, staring at his sister in a kind of horrified awe.
"It was; though when working with ordinary magic, that most certainly never happens," Hermione confirmed.
In spite of everything, Harry was silent. He wasn't afraid of this change in the girl, he was impressed. He watched with intensifying feelings as Ginny's coppery hair began to blow around her, despite the fact that there was no wind on that day.
The first ring rose as a wall, and the rings inside rose levelly across. When it was about knee level, Ginny pointed at the next ring. "Rise."
She continued this process until she stood on the top of the fountain, nearly four meters in the air. It was only ten minutes past, but the girls outside felt as though they had been standing there watching for hours. Ginny climbed down quickly, and spoke to Alera.
"Call everyone out," she said, laughing. "This part I want them to see."
Once everyone was standing in front of what seemed to be a round pyramid of earth, Ginny looked at everyone, the brides especially.
"Well?" she asked.
"Awesome," Nona and Jessie said, actually meaning it.
"Just wait," the young red-haired girl replied cryptically.
"How much help did you give her?" Molly asked Alera quietly. "This is amazing."
Alera turned to her soon-to-be mother-in-law, eyes wide. "Um, we haven't given her any help, yet. And she isn't even winded!"
"Is that normal for a new Fire Witch?" Molly queried.
The brunette shook her head. "As far as I know, it isn't normal for any Fire Witch. From all my studies, there was only one who could do it. And she passed away nearly a millennia ago.
Ginny stepped toward the fountain, determination creasing er forehead. The air around them began to crackle again, and the young witch's tresses began tossing.
"Water," she directed in the same power-filled voice.
Immediately, water spurted from the top and ran gracefully down to the ground. As the water ran, it carried with it bits of dirt, slowly revealing the rock underneath.
"Quartz!" cried Olympe. "Bravo, Miss Ginny."
The bottom two layers were solid pink quartz, while the top section was as clear as glass. It looked like an ice sculpture. Ginny wasn't quite finished with it, though.
As the water abated from the bottom two layers, she instructed, "Wind."
Small, contained whirlwinds began dancing merrily in the bottom level. Nona and Jessie approached the fountain curiously, but couldn't feel a trace of wind from the outside.
"That's amazing, Aunt Ginny!" Jessie cheered.
"Thank you girls, but step back," Ginny urged before pointing once more at her creation. "Fire."
The layer between the wind and water burst into a ring of fire. She released the magic and sat on the ground, looking tired, but inexplicably happy.
"Now I'm done!" she crowed, her voice back to normal.
They stood in awe of the quartz tower as it was burning, blowing, and flowing all at the same time.
"We're going to have the most talked about wedding ever!" Fleur giggled.
"Don't tell anyone I did it," Ginny laughed. "I'm not planning on a business in wedding decorations in the future."
She completely missed the tenderness in Harry's eyes as he helped her to her feet.
"…Do you, Alera Cranbourn, take this man…?"
The wedding was certainly a hit. Alera and Fleure were beautiful in clinging robes of gossamer silk, and the eldest Weasley sons were brilliant in dress robes of deep royal blue. The girls both wore purple, Nona in dark violet with light accents, Jessie just the opposite. They contrasted beautifully with the fountain. The guests all complimented Mrs. Weasley on her garden, and her cooking. Ginny caught the bouquet, and sat looking at it dumbly until Harry caught the garter. Of course, then they had to have a picture together.
They were standing innocently beside one another, when Fred bumped Ginny, and George bumped Harry. The picture, of course, then turned out with Harry and Ginny wrapped in each other's arms, staring at each other in surprise. Everyone found it to be hilarious.
Then came dancing to the songs of Dragon's Breath, a local band just getting started in their careers. They were good, and people enjoyed the time under the fairy lights to forget about the evils in the world. Ginny surprised everyone by kicking off her shoes and singing a song with the band. Fiera pointed out her bare feet to Harry.
When the guests left, nearly every person thanked the newly wed couples for allowing them one night of normal living again. Before they left, Charlie and Alera signed the adoption papers, making Nona and Jessie official Weasleys before term began.
Harry waited until everyone but Ginny was inside.
"Um, Ginny?"
She turned to him.
"When this madness is all over with, I'd like to get to know you better," he told her, rather nervously.
"Harry, you already know me," she smiled.
Harry flushed and realized he shouldn't have drunk the actual alcohol the twins had offered him.
"I meant as more than friends."
Ginny stared at Harry for a moment. She had waited years to hear those words! Even when they were dating, he'd never been so unsure around her. Unfortunately, some pretty strange things had happened recently, and she had seen him drinking.
"I'm sorry, Harry," she said helplessly. "I just can't think about us like that right now. After last year, and this summer…I don't even know who I am. I'm not even sure it isn't the alcohol talking and you'll try to forget I exist in the morning, again. I can't take that risk, I won't. I'd like to be your friend, your close friend, but anything else is beyond me! You've left me hurt and confused on more than one occasion, please don't do it again."
She deliberately walked slowly into the house and straight to bed. Thankfully, everyone else was already going in that direction.
Harry stood outside and whispered to the moon, "I will prove to you that I'm not playing games. I'm going to show everyone."
A/N: Yeah!!! This is my favorite chapter so far! I hope everyone else likes it!!!