A/N Sam is alone in the house. Sam 14 and Danny is 15.

Sam Manson sat in her room late at night just trying ot get away from her feelings. Needless to say she was not doing a very good job.
SAM'S POV I wonder what he is doing right now? Probably off fighting ghosts. I want to tell him how I feel. That I love him. If I did that he would probably not feel the same way and never want to talk or have anything to do with me. I really don't want that to happen. He is one of the only friends I have. I don't know what I would do if I lost him. He means the world to me. And I will never be able to tell him. Guess I better get some sleep.
END POV Sam was just about to turn away from her window when she saw a familiar shadow on the ground. She looked up to see a very pissed Danny fighting a leopard like ghost. Sam cheered when she saw Danny suck the ghost into the Fenton Thermous. She nearly cried when she saw him take a heavy hit to the rib cage before the ghost was vanquished. Sam ran out of her bedroom, down the stairs and flung open the door to her front yard just in time to see Danny fall from the sky and leave a smoking crater where he had hit the ground. "Danny! Are you ok!" Sam shrieked. "About as ok as I can be considering the fact that I just fell from a few hundred feet in the air and left a boy sized crater in your yard." Danny replied. By then Sam was at his side and helping him to sit up. Danny stood and allowed Sam to help him into her house. Sam led him to her bedroom.
"Danny? I need you to change out of your ghost form for awhile." Sam said. "Why?" Danny inquired. "Well for one thing you being a ghost is making me cold. And for another reason I need to check you over for injuries." Sam ansered. Danny changed back to human mode. Sam walked up to him and gently lifted his shirt up and off. It was all she could do to keep her mouth closed. The sight of his slightly muscled body, cut as it was, was a very nice thing to see. Slowly she looked him up and down. No major injuries to report. "Ok Danny you can put your shirt back on now." Sam said. She could have sworn she felt a trickle of drool go down her chin. "Thanks Sam. I don't know what I would do without you. You're my world." Danny said unable to stop. "Sam the truth is... I love you. Nothing will ever change that. I will always love you and look out for you and protect you with my life. I know you may not share my feelings but can we still be friends?" Danny asked in a sorrowful voice. Sam threw herself into his arms and kissed him. "I love you too Danny. And I always will."