A/N-Post maternity leave, Kate finds Henry Gale and recognises him, but from where? There willbe a sequel after this story is complete. Contains violence probably and I will do my best to make it as Jatey as possible but the sequel will be very Jatey :-)

DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN LOST AND NEVER WILL- though I do very much wish that I did :-(

Him- Chapter 1

Kate and Claire had just got back from the medical hatch and were now on the beach, Aaron looked a lot better, luckily.

"Kate, could you go get Jack, I need him to check on Aaron" The blonde Australian asked.

"Um…sure" Kate hesitantly replied, Jack still wasn't talking to her.

"Thank you, Kate" Claire answered, cradling Aaron in her arms.

"Don't mention it" Said Kate, as she headed off towards the hatch.

Later on Kate arrived at the Hatch, she wasn't sure if Jack was down here but it was worth a try. She slowly opened the door and walked down the gloomy tunnel, she could here voices.

"I need to use the bath room" Said the mysterious voice. Who was it? Kate thought.

"Again?" Kate recognized this voice to be Jacks, she decided to make her appearance. As she turned the corner of the corridor, her eyes fell upon a worn out man in an orange, torn top.

"Kate!" Jack exclaimed, looking from the worn man to her.

A tear came to Kate's eye as she looked closely at the man standing in front of her, she had seen him before, but where?

"Kate" Jack said again, he saw the look on her face and looked worried.

Kate's eyes were fixated on the man in the orange top, she wasn't paying any attention to Jack.

"Who is he?" Kate asked, not aimed at anyone in particular.

"Kate?" Jack repeated, he walked over to her.

"WHO IS HE?" She yelled, pushed Jack against the wall.

"Kate, just calm down a minute" Jack stated calmly, releasing himself from Kate's grip, "He says that his name is Henry Gale, his hot air balloon crashed here!"

"He's lying" Kate said, giving Henry a dirty look, Henry looked back at Kate and flashed his eyes. Then it dawned on her, where she had seen him before. Before Jack could stop her, she launched herself at Henry and pushed him to the ground.

"What's your name?" Asked Kate.

"What are you doing, you know my name, it's Henry, Henry Gale!" Replied Henry, looking for Jacks support.

"Kate" Jack said, as he tried to lift her off Henry but failed.

"Get off me Jack" She stressed, slapping his hand away, "He's not who he says he is!"

"Kate, what are you talking about?" A concerned Jack asked, he finally managed to get Kate off Henry.

"I've seen him before, you have to believe me!" She said, almost pleadingly.

"Kate, that's impossible" Jack replied, looking really worried, "Maybe you should get some rest"

"DON'T tell me what to do Jack, I know that it seems impossible for me to have seen him but I have, I swear, something is not right about this" Kate said, calming down a little bit.


Kate was walking along the road, What have I done, she thought to herself. She had just killed her best friend, he had a family, a little son and a wife, and she had destroyed their life! Kate played the whole event in her head, Her mum scared of her, Cops chasing her, Tom, the car, gun shots fired, a strange man…Kate had found that quiet odd how that man was just standing there at the side of the road when she was escaping the hospital, It was as if he was waiting for her to come down that road. That's ridiculous, Kate thought, How could he have known what was going to happen?

Kate carried on walking down the road, where would she go now? She now knew that nobody in the world cared about her.


Tell me what you think!