So sadly this is the end…I've had a lot of fun writing this story and I hope you all enjoyed reading it. You guys were great and if wasn't for you I wouldn't have updated ever. Hopefully you like this last chapter because I worked really hard to make it good since I didn't like the first ending. And I can't wait to read what you have to say. So enjoy and thanks for reading…come check out my other stories.

Disclaimer: I don't own Instant Star or the characters. And I did get some ideas for this chapter from the Instant Star commercials/promos on The N.

Walking out of his office Tommy sees Kwest and Sadie standing in a loving embrace and he knows that that is was he wants for him and Jude. To be content with just holding the person you love. Even through all the problems you can have that one person to turn to. That's what he and Jude have always been to each other anyways. But he wants to be able to hold her in his arms and not worry what people with think or how they'de react.

Walking to Studio C's door Tommy sees Jude sitting at the soundboard with her head in her hands. Stopping himself he worries. He doesn't care about what everyone else thinks, but what about Jude. She obviously doesn't trust him or she wouldn't keep secrets from him. Maybe she doesn't want what he wants. Maybe she isn't ready for what he wants. Shaking his head Tommy grabs the handle. He needs to stop analyzing everything and go for what he wants. Before he loses it.

Hearing the door close Jude looks around expecting to see Kwest or Sadie, but is surprised to see to instead Tommy standing in the doorway. Standing up Jude starts wiping her eyes not wanting Tommy to see that she had been crying.

"Hey. Umm. I was just…" Jude says looking everywhere but at Tommy.

"Jude. Don't" Tommy says holding up his hand.

"Don't what?" Jude asks getting defensive and just a little bit worried.

"Don't try and make excuses. You've been crying."

"Yeah. So. Why do you care?" Jude says crossing her arms over her chest, building up her defenses for another fight.

"I want to know why." Tommy says stepping closer.

"Are you sure?" Jude says softening a little. "You aren't just going to walk away again? You seem to be really good at that."

"Jude. I left you because I had no choice. My family needed me and I had to help them."

"Besides that. You've wallked away many times before."

"You didn't need me." Tommy says look down at his shoes.

"Tommy." Jude says drawing his attention back up to her. Looking deep into his eyes Jude lets out a sigh. "I've always needed you."

"You don't act like it." Tommy says running his hands through his hair in frustration. "You've always had this wild independent streak. I don't know whether to hold my arms out to catch you or if I should just let you free fall." Stopping to look at Jude he just wants to hold her and forget everything, but that won't slve anything and would just make things worse in the end. "Like after you came back. You wouldn't even talk to me. You ignored me and were pissed at me. And when you finally did talk to me, you lied."

"I didn't lie Tommy!" Jude shouts.

"Fine. You withheld information. You didn't trust me enough obviously." Tommy says trying to keep the hurt out of his voice.

"It's not that I didn't trust you Tommy. It's just… I…" Jude says trying to think of what she wants to say.

"You just what Jude? Don't think I can handle it? Won't understand? Won't care?"

"No! It's nothing like that."

"Then what Jude." Tommy asks desperate for her to open up.

Looking down at the ground Jude closes her eyes and inhales a deep breath. Looking back up she gets drawn to Tommy and his deep blue eyes. There is so much emotion in those eyes. Letting out the breath she had taken Jude decides to take a leap and hope that this is one of those times Tommy will be there to catch her. "I was raped." Jude says quietly and looking down at her shoes.

"What?" Tommy asks hearing her, but hoping he heard her wrong.

"Looking up at Tommy Jude doesn't even blink. "I was raped." Jude says turning and sitting back down. "Corwin did more that take a couple of pictures and blackmail me. He raped me." Jude says looking up to see Tommy walking towards her.

"Jude." Tommy says pulling her into a hug and quickly pulling away to look her over. "Are you ok?"

"Yes I'm fine." Jude says quietly.

For awhile Tommy looks at Jude for awhile, taking in everything from the last couple of days. "Why Jude?" Tommy finally asks, which earns him a confused look from Jude. "Why wouldn't you tell me?"

Looking down at the ground Jude considers the question. "Because I was ashamed. And I didn't know how you would react after you fund out. I was worried you would look at me the same." Jude says wiping the tears falling down her cheeks.

"Jude." Tommy says pulling her into a hug. "I would never hold something like that against you." He says as he starts to rub her back. "I love you Jude." Tommy whisers into her hair. As soon as he says it he mentally slaps himself. He can feel Jude stiffening and her starting to pull back.

"What?" Jude says as she pulls away to look at Tommy.

"Nothing." Tommy says standing up and pacing.

"No Tommy. You said something." Jude says standing up to stop his pacing.

"No I didn't Jude." Tommy says turning to look at her, but turning to look away again. "Just forget it."

"No Tommy. We were just talking about trust. So now it's your turn. Trust me!"

Tommy stops pacing and looks off into the sound booth. Turning around he sees Jude standing with her hands on her hips, daring Tommy to lie. Laughing he shakes his head. Because Jude is full of contradictions. One second she's crying, ready to crumble and the next she looks like she's ready to fight. "I said." Tommy says stepping closer to her. "That I love you."

Jude gives Tommy a surprised look and then she starts laughing. "Tommy I'm serious! What did you say?" Jude says lightly pushing his shoulder.

"Jude. I love you." Tommy says.

"You're just saying that because of everything that's happened." Jude says shaking her head and turning to pick up her notebook. "And thanks for the thought, but you don't mean it."

Letting out a little growl Tommy grabs Jude's arm and turns her around. "I'm not telling you I love you because of everything that's happened. I'm not telling you I love you to make you feel better. And I'm sure as hell not telling you I love you because I feel like it. I'm telling you I love you because. I. Love. You."

Jude just sits there a little speechless. She doesn't know what to say. For over two years she has waited for Tommy to come to his senses. And now, he finally does. "Tommy…" Jude says a little afraid.

Tommy lets out the breath he didn't know he had been holding and he feels his heart deflate a little bit. Because Jude isn't saying I love you too. "Jude. It's ok. I understand." Tommy says pushing his chair in and turning to leave. "I'm just going to go and I'll be back in a little bit to start recording." Tommy says holding up his hand to stop her form speaking. "It's fine Jude. I understand."

"Understand what Tommy?" Jude asks grabbing his arm to stop him, but it doesn't do anything. He just keeps going. Watching him walk away Jude thinks about every other time this has happened. And she's always given up and let him go. She has always been afraid that if she told him his feeling that he would run. Well he's running now and she hasn't told him her feelings. And before she knows what she's doing she's closing her eyes and shouting. "I love you too!" Opening her eyes Jude sees that Tommy has stopped walking, but hasn't turned around.

"Jude. Thanks, but you don't have to." Tommy says slowly turning to look at her.

"I know I don't have to. I want to. Because I do. I have for a long time. I've just been to afraid to tell you." Jude says taking a step closer. "Because I didn't know how you felt about me."

Tommy just lightly laughs. "Well I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to scare you away." Then he takes a step closer.

Jude takes one last step and puts her arms around Tommy's neck. "So we both love each other and have for awhile, but neither of us wanted to tell the other because we were afraid?" Jude asks.

Smiling Tommy nods his head. Putting his arms around her waist.

"We're quite a pair." Jude says smiling.

Then leaning forward Tommy meets her half way as they kiss. At first it's light and tentative. But soon it's full of passion and love that they've been missing for a long time. Pulling back Tommy looks into Jude's eyes and sees that they're sparkling and light. Smiling he leans in for another kiss and isn't disappointed when she kissed him back.

Kwest walks into Studio C wondering what's going on and is surprised to see Tommy and Jude standing in the middle of the studio kissing. Quietly shutting the door Kwest has a big smile on his face walking back into the lobby. Walking up to Sadie's desk he waits till she gets off the phone.

When she gets off the phone Sadie can't help but smile seeing Kwest with a smile on his face. "So either they've killed each other or…"

"Lets just say we're going to have to keep our eyes on those two while in the studio from now on." Kwest says trying not to laugh.Ok.

So I've finally finished!! Again! LoL…I hope you all enjoyed the story and all the twist and turns I've written. Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me and kept reading my story. And a very special thanks to those who reviewed. There are so many of you I don't know where to start and I don't want to miss anyone so I'm just going to say thank you to everyone who reviewed!!! You guys are the best and your rock! If it wasn't for you this story would be nothing. SO thanks and again I hope you guys enjoyed reading and this last chapter wasn't disappointing!

Peace and Love:
